Monday, February 18, 2013

The Fraud that Begets all Others

by Henry Makow Ph.D. – Jan 28, 2013

In 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh said: “When the President signs this bill; the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized…The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill…The day of reckoning is only a few years removed.”
Prophetic words.
The establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 set off a chain of baneful events that blighted the 20th century and darkens our prospects for the 21st. It began with World War One and the Great Depression, and continues with the WTC and the war on Afghanistan and Iraq.
In 1913, America’s leaders were bribed and bamboozled by mostly foreign bankers and their US agents. Our leaders committed treason by giving these bankers the power to create money out of thin air backed only by the credit, i.e. taxes, of the American people.
The U.S. government now borrows its own money from international bankers and pays them interest to the tune of $360 billion per annum for the privilege.
If you hoodwinked the United States in this fashion, what would you do?
You would either give the magical power back to its rightful owner, the US government.
Or, you would use it to take over the world, to own everything and to control everyone.
Guess which choice the bankers made?
Modern history displays a long-term plan by dynastic banking families and their allies to create an Orwellian World dictatorship (“New World Order”) in which wealth will be further concentrated, and human life will be further degraded.
Wars and depressions, modern art and culture, new age religion, sexual “liberation” and feminism, are all part of this design. The role of historians and the mass media is to obscure this plan and to beguile the masses into thinking they are free and their leaders represent their interests.


Continues …
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