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Muslims vs. Muslims – Who’s right?
Posted in About Islam, Islamic World, Muslim Character on Jan 26, 2008
Being a Muslim, have you ever been labeled as a Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Sufi, or something else?
What about being accused of being a liberal, hijabi, sellout, or a hardliner?
Many of us may take it as an insult to be labeled as one but the reality is that it is how we are labeled by others – unfortunately sometimes unbeknownst to us – and that is how at times we pick our social circles.
Who is right?
Contrary to the happenings of today, the teachings of Islam lay down the foundations of a social system that purports to unite humanity in one social fabric irrespective of race, national or tribal origin and color. We know that this social system includes in itself all the checks and balances to serve the needs of the society at large and makes humans more civilized. Through endless examples, we Muslims believe that a deviation from this course results in a social disorder at all levels thus disintegrating families and communities and results in an Ummah at odds with itself.
Unfortunately, the situation today is just that…a Muslim Ummah at odds with itself at all levels…
The deviation from and poor execution of the social code of Islam demonstrates nothing but a lack of proper “understanding” of that system by Muslims themselves. That, coupled with the many religious interpretations has divided Muslims in groups of hardliners, liberals, Sunnis, Shias, Hijabis, Tablighis, and hundreds of other groups. Allah revealed and the Prophet propagated ONE Islam and ONE set of teachings. Yet, though all these groups claim to be Muslims and desire to be called as “one”, a large chasm separates all these groups.
Islam is not about extremism, fundamentalism, liberalism, or any other –ism that lurks in the media circles out there – rather it’s about being on the “straight path” as defined by Quran and the Prophet, the deviation from which puts us on “separate” paths. As we traverse the minefields of the present day societies, we see ourselves engaged in endless and senseless debates of trying to make haram as halal and halal as haram. We are pulled in discussions that benefit the general media more than enlightening us to return to and stay the course. Today’s society that feeds on the craze of fashion, figure, and fun is driving us to build fancy houses more than better homes and families. Our priorities obviously have become lopsided.
So, why not follow the “straight” path when it holds so much promise? The reasons are many and have been debated for centuries. One small post clearly can not do justice to the topic, but starting the process will bring us closer to addressing these issues.
One of the reasons is failure to mature in our understanding of the religion. When we fail in such a pursuit, we operate at reduced levels of wisdom and as a result we disintegrate in divided families, communities and nations. This “understanding” can not and should not be mixed with “knowledge”. The truth is that while many of us may have the “knowledge” but we do not really “understand” our religion. The message simply doesn’t “click”. It is only when we start connecting the dots after getting the knowledge that we can begin to see the “light”. Understanding therefore is a process that takes time and requires energy. A teenager may “know” that smoking is bad for health while a chain smoker who just lost a lung to lung cancer may fully “understand” that smoking is bad for health. “Understanding therefore is the awareness of the connectedness of this information. It is understanding which allows knowledge to be put to use. Understanding represents a higher level than simple knowledge.”
……… And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding. (Quran: Aal-e-Imran:7) [(Tafsir At-Tabaree)]
The reality is that we can not achieve higher levels of understanding, when we rely on half-baked knowledge. By prematurely indoctrinating ourselves with Islamic philosophies based on insufficient and inaccurate knowledge, we run the risk of devoiding ourselves from higher levels of “understanding” that in turn can provide us with the wisdom to follow Islam the way our Creator wants it to be followed. We therefore need to be cognizant of the dangers of this half-baked knowledge. Just as we wouldn’t trust our health with doctors who possess little knowledge and our life with airplane pilots who have scarce knowledge of flying, why would we seek to build our destinies by having half-baked knowledge of our religion?
When we take Quranic verses out of context, we deny our sisters the education they need. When we confuse crooked cultural norms with Islamic teachings we start mistreating our families and when we overvalue the worldly rewards, we yearn for more power and money – all symptoms of the problem of lack of understanding.
We must therefore strive to increase our levels of knowledge to a point where we can begin to truly “understand”. But that does require freeing up time as well as space in our minds by pushing out what keeps us preoccupied with the craze of fashion, figure, and fun.
We can not begin to achieve mature levels of religious understanding unless we take our religion seriously – It amazes us to see that many who philosophize others about Islam are usually the ones who do not take religion seriously. A little soul searching can tell us how seriously we take our religion. For example, does the promise of earning “Hasanat” (points for being on the right path) truly excites us to the core and encourages us to do more of good deeds or do we simply feel indifferent? Do those feelings in anyway para
llel those of potential worldly rewards such as earning real money in this world? Does the prospect of getting a million Hasanat excite us more than earning a million dollars? Do the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for engaging ourselves in certain behaviors indeed make our hearts fearful the way Allah wants us to fear?
Once we start truly valuing the rewards mentioned in our religious teachings more than the worldly rewards and start fearing the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Ahadeeth, we can begin to take our religion seriously. Deeper reflection and more time will bring us closer to being serious.
Allah says in the Quran: "O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam." (Quran, 3:102)
Differences in Religious Interpretations – Although there is almost no disagreement on the authenticity of Quran, it is clear that differing interpretations of Quran in general remain one of the primary dividers of Muslims in general. As hadith is one of the sources of such interpretations, we need to exercise extra due diligence in understanding the true source of hadith. Although the purpose of this post is not to get in the art and science of hadith, a general explanation will help understand the issue.
Scholars strive to establish whether a hadeeth is Sahih (sound or authentic), Hasan (good), Da`if (weak) or Maudu` (fabricated, forged). In general, for a hadith to be saheeh (authentic) it has to meet conditions such as that it has to be from a continuous chain of narrators, the narrators have to be of outstanding character and possess outstanding memory and the hadith must be absent from subtle and obvious defects. There are many other conditions that require an indepth study of Hadith and its sciences. More details can be found in a separate post on this site.
The necessity of narrating and following correct hadith therefore can not be overemphasized, lest we base our religion on fabricated information. Obviously, Muslims who base their religion on fabricated Ahadith are going to form differing opinions than those who take the extra effort to identify such and not use it to base their religion.
To conclude, it is clear that as Muslims, we need to start at the grass root levels within our homes and our communities. More knowledge will help us raise the levels of our understanding. Taking religious teachings more seriously will enable us to get closer to where we agree more and disagree less. Even when we disagree, we will do it in a more civilized way without compromising our fundamentals. When we unite within our families and communities, the positive peaceful vibrations will spread outward and have more of a global impact.
And finally, when we reach that stage, we will have less to complain about unity and everyone else.
==> What do you think? What else is dividing us and what can unite us better? Your thoughtful ideas are always welcome !
— IqraSense.com Blogger
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55 Responses to “ Muslims vs. Muslims – Who’s right? ”
1. # 1 Bello Bashir Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 9:19 am
May Allah continue to bless this writer for contributing meaningfully to islam.
2. # 2 Masud Iqbal Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 10:12 am
This devisions and differences in opinion among muslims are the chief cause for bringing trouble to us today!! If we are muslims and true followers of Prophet (SM), there should exist only one school of thought before all of us. Up until our second caliph Hazrat Umar (R), there were no divisions or differences whatsoever with regard to Islam as a whole. From second half of Hazrat Usman(R), things started changing giving way to enemies of Islam to infiltrate and shake our unity as single muslim ummah. we all know from the history, how enemies of Islam played clandestine roles during the regime of Hazrat Ali (R) bringing him and Hazrat Ayesha(R) face to face in the warfront fighting against each other!
If we carry out indepth study of these ironic incidents from the neutral point of view that took place during the last two caliphs and so on, it becomes amply clear as to how the enemies of Islam were out to disunite us from the very outset of Islamic age!
It is time that we really try to understand our religion properly. Other than Quran, Sahih Hadith and some fundamental writings by great scholars of Islam, we should abstain from reading writings of others specially new comers who tries to teach us Islam newly from the original. To learn our religion, we should try to concentrate on the life of our Prophet (SM), four caliphs and sahabas only. Well, the life and works of other muslim scholars could help us learning religion more easily but these should in no way supersede any of the fundament aspect of Islam. Shias, Wahabis, Tablighis…….and so on, all these ideologies evolved much much later. So, in my opinion the follower of these people should reassess their position a fresh.
Best regards.
Masud Iqbal
3. # 3 Skander Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 11:04 am
It is true that there are some divergent opinions among muslims, but the real problem of the umma is not about difference of opinions it is about the lack of enlightened and charismatic leadership. The division among muslims today, is fueled by tribal, ethnic, and nationalistic paradigms that can only narrow the vision of a greater sense of brotherhood. Allah knows best.
4. # 4 Dr ibrahim salieu kamara Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 11:07 am
Thanks for your noble and stimulating inspirations.For Muslims to unite,for their progress and the peace of mankind,they have to go back to Allah`s perception on unity.Firstly the existence of differences is not the problem but the problem starts when an individual,group,or community want to forcefully impose it views,doctrines on others.It for the friction that is bound to occur that made Allah to prohibit compusion of faith or religion on others but to give ample opportunity for time and gradation to acceptance.Differences in color,gender,language and culture,is according to the Qur`an ,a manifestation of the great Knowledge,wisdom,and might.It has been acknowleged that no two people are the same throughout history. So no one is allowed in islam to look down upon an other however that person may differ from him.An objective closer look at that individual,society,culture,one would discover `the meeting point’ for unity.Hence the reason for the call of the Muslim to co-operate with the non-Muslim on ‘kalimatsawah’ or the conflux of unity. It is like the challenges of a polygamous family.The childree may may have come from differnt others but the point of unity and strenth here their constant reflectin that that have a common father and his blood runs through their veins.To my opinion,this also true with all human realations and nation states.To argue over differences is not the problem but the bahaviour one puts up in the process of argument,and his after attitude is the problem.Has the Qur`an not ask the muslim to refrain from unnessary questions and arguments?And if they are to engage in any arguments it should be ‘ahsan’ most noble of attitude?The prophets in the Qur`an dissagree with the perception of their people ,to whom they were sent to reform,in many ways,but they were not insulting to them.They put up noblest `ethics of disagreement’ worth pondering over especially in this complex and constantly changing global village.May Allah guide us in the right path of Islam and forgive our sentiments that unnnessarily cause harm to others and islam.amin
January 26th, 2008 at 11:17 am
The basic problem with some of us is lack of knowledge, and proper understanding of the religion of Islam, as taught by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For one to be able to understand what the religion is all about, he has to learn the basic aspect of Islam is all about, know what the religion is all about, and how to worship Allah, because without this, it might be difficult for one to worship.
The absence of this would make those half baked teachers to mislead one, and end up being among the 72 groups which the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned.
It is equally imperative for one to ensure that his kids undergoes the neccessary teaching, in order to understand the religion at tender age, and grow with it.
May Allah help us all, Ameen.
6. # 6 Sulayman Aliyu Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
The problem with us is that we are not ready to follow the basics of this great religion. Until we do this, we’ll continue going the way we are today.
May Allahu Ta’alaa guide us all to the truth. Aameen.
7. # 7 Jerome Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 1:18 pm
Dear brothers, follow the guidance of our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it’s the only way. Only Allah knows what is in our hearts, He guides whom he wills and fall astray whom he wills. Only the righteous were guided to the straight path, where do you stand now? Follow your heart, it is where Allah put his guidance.
8. # 8 syed kaleemullah Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 2:58 pm
As-salaamalaikum, after going through the very informative and very knowledgeable text here i want to bring that Ayah from the Holy Quran, in which Allah(SWT] says : WATASIMU BIHABLILLAHI JAMIAOU WALA TAFARRAQU that means “strongly hold the rope of Allah and donot get split or divide among yourselves, so if we take only this Ayah we can unite under one banner that is Islam and strongly holding the sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)..May Allah guide us all in a right path that can make Him happy….Wasalaam.
9. # 9 bahati Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 3:34 pm
asalam aleykum,thanks for always being on the fore front and enlightening us on issues that are affecting the muslim ummah!its very confusing when you are listening to the radio and you ask a question to the muslim scholars on air and then they give you different answers and talk about what imam maliq and hanmbal said and one is left wondering which is the right path to follow.its an issue that needs to be discussed in depth lest the enemies of islam find the crack to divide us even more.
basicaklly i think the divisions apart from lack of really understanding the islamic teaching and the teachings of our beloved prophet(P.B.U.H) western ideologies and modernazition has also influenced the way most of our muslim brothers and sisters think across the world.at this juncture i think we all need to go back to the Q’uran and the teachings of the holy prophet.may ALLAH guide his ummah in the correct path.AMEEN.
10. # 10 Abdullah Ricardo Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 4:03 pm
Asalamu Alaykum,
Everytime I write my comments I always emphasize my being a New Muslim. This is because to give advance info to the reader that I’m not that knowledgeable yet in Islam.
This schim inside the ummah I think is happening to show to the world that even though we are not united, we are still strong religion. That means, once we are united, then no other religion in this world will be able to stop the succes of spreading Islam to all.
I asked this already one time to an elderly Sunnih why muslims are not united. His answer is the hadith about the Three Prayers of the Prophet (saw) where only two is granted, the third which is the unity of his ummah was denied. I don’t know how authentic that hadith was.
But for me, Inshaalla, I will preach Islam to the Philippines and Inshaalla i will try unite the divided muslims there.
11. # 11 Abu Bakr Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 4:06 pm
Dear Brothers and Sisters….. Reading some of these peoples responses I hardly feel qualified to make much comment. However, this much I do know. This is the enemies of Islam’s number one ally. These very divisions in the deen both on an individual and collective level -but primarily the incompetence of some of leaders – allow them to have unlimited traction against us. For many years I had trouble believing they even existed until very recently. I know I am slightly moving away from the subject and many friends council me to leave the enemies of Islam for Allah to deal with. For myself this subject comes under the first part of the saying “Tie up your camel and trust in Allah”. It seems to me that the Jews, Buddhists, Christians, etc are doing what they are supposed to be doing. the only group that isn’t is the Muslims, which brings us back to the subject. It is the divisions and lack of leadership that are our main weakness. So what causes this ? Is it the modern life which leaves us little time to study and thus learn about our way of life and live it as it’s meant to be lived? Is it the constant distractions, be it the ‘idiot box’, music (tutt, tutt) or as one brother above suggests a general lack of available scholars ?The truth probably lie’s in a little bit of everything. Which begs the question ‘How do we correct this ?’ I believe the answer is not that far away. Effort effort and more effort. Or as another idiot might say “education, education, education.”
Switch OFF your T.V set (I threw mine out of the window (literally) years ago). You will not believe how many hours this will give back to you.
Try hard to find somebody to guide you that has the qualifications TO teach. By that I mean NOT somebody who gets his/her Fiqu/Fatwa online. You will hopefully know them when you see them. Ask around.
Kind Regards
Abu Bakr
12. # 12 Anwar Mohammad Says:
January 26th, 2008 at 4:40 pm
Dear All
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah
I always get amazed by hearing that the fastest spreading Religion today in the world is Islam!
Blessed are those people who read Holy Quran and read the Sunna of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam without looking into the affairs of existing Ummah and embraced Islam Mashallah.
As an English Scholar once said: “Best Religion is Islam and the Worst People are Muslims!!!” So True even today.
Let me remind myself and the Ummah. Once A sahabi raziallahu anh asked Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam; What is Deen?
Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam answered the question in One Word. He said “Mu’amila” means Dealings.
If we ask a Muslim today what is Islam? You will be told Shahada, Five Pillars of Islam, Holy Book Quran and we may have to study thousands of pages to know all about it.
Let my life be sacrificed for Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam upon his answer to the question in one word Muamila. What Is Muamila?
Our Dealings with Allahu Jalla Shanahoo in fulfulling His Rights. Our Dealings by fulfilling the rights of our parents, our kith and kin, our relatives, our neighbors, humanity and even animals and nature.
The Problem of Ummah today is lack of fullfillment of the above obligations, which made us the Worst People before the whole World!!!
If We set an example in our dealings most of the world shall embrace Islam. It is we who are responsible for degrading Islam and Muslims.
Again the whole of Ummah was integrated for 1400 years with the minimum of Sects prevailing right from the times of Sahaba rizwanallahum alaihim ajmaeen. All the further divisions in Ummah emerged since 150 years of time. New Translations of Holy Quran. Questioning authenticity of Ahaadeeth making them Dhaeef and not practiceable are all the latest inventions Bida’ by itself, whch was not prevailing for 1400 years. So all the present Divisions of Ummah, which is even in one’s own family is due to this reason. Who Are responsible for it?
It was the conspiracy of the enemies of Islamm to disintegrate the Ummah into many new religions and many sects by shouldering on the interpretation of Quranic Aayaats and substracting Ahaadeeth by our own so called Muslim Religious Scholars in the name of Bida’ and Shirk.
Does it mean that Ummah was committing Shirk and Bida’ for 1400 years? even the Tabieen and Tab e Tabieen who were among the next best of Ummah as declared by Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam?
Does we have today such eminent Scholars who compiled Ahaadeeth and Framed the Sharia Laws by taking into consideration of Holy Quran and Sunnah? Does we possess all of those Ahaadeeth which were available to them in that period?
With the little available and filtered religious knowkedge the Ummah was disintegrated into so many sects and every one thinks that the sect and the Scholar he is following is only right. They even alegate that the Tabieen and Tabe taabieen are responsible for misguiding Ummah Naoozubillah and they are guiding the Ummah today towards the Right Path. Subhanallah.
What is the Result of all of it? What are the services of the many in the Muslim World? Are they fullfilling the Objectives and Goals of Islam and Muslims?.
In the last I shall say even I am responsible for this downfall of Muslims but this responsibility is proportional to the status every Muslim is holding. As per a Hadeeth of Rasoolullah sallallahu Alaihi wasallam. Muslim Religious Scholars are the one who will become servants of the Rulers and ruin the Ummah in the later period. Sadaqta Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
May Allah Guide all of us towards the straight path and make us true Muslims Aameen.
Well Wisher of Ummah
Mohammad Anwar
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