Sunday, September 26, 2010


Saturday, September 12, 2009

In 2007, ABC News revealed that a Pakistani group called the Jundullah has been "encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005."

ABC News's sources were people from U.S. and Pakistani intelligence. (ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran - The Blotter)

Former Pakistan Army Chief General Mirza Aslam Baig has said that the United States is providing training facilities to the people of Jundallah, in Balochistan so that these people could create unrest in the area and affect Iran-Pakistan relations. (U.S. backs Jundullah to destabilize Iran)

Devlin Buckley, at The American Monitor, on 25 April 2007, pointed out that Jundullah is linked to the Liquid Bomb Plot

Both U.S. and British officials have claimed that the boss of the Jundullah is Matiur Rehman.

Rehman is reportedly a member of Al Qaeda.

Rehman was reportedly involved in the liquid bomb plot. (Winter Parking: Daily Mail : Bomb plot traced back to Al Qaeda)

Several of those arrested in the Liquid Bomb Plot had reportedly received training in Jundullah camps in Pakistan. (

According to the Daily Mail, the Liquid Bomb plot suspects were bugged by MI5 teams.

"The covert raids on homes of key terror suspects were... used (by British authorities) to plant bugs and gather hours of crucial evidence against them," The Daily Mail reported.

According to Bahukutumbi Raman, writing for the South Asia Analysis Group, the Jundullah trainees, before returning to London in 2005, met Omar Sheikh at his jail in Sindh. Top al Qaeda Man In Pakistan Nabbed

Omar Sheikh has been linked to Pakistani, British, and U.S. intelligence agencies.

It was Omar Sheikh who reportedly wired at least $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, prior to the 2001 attacks.

Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire stated Omar Saeed Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations.

He is currently being held in Pakistan for the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

The UK made no attempt to extradite Rauf from Pakistan.

The Transatlantic Liquid Bomb Plot looks like part of the effort to discredit Moslems and advance the agenda of the CIA and MI6.

Rashid Rauf is reported to be key to many plots, from Bombay to London.

British officials believe that Rauf was the Liquid Bomb plotters link with al-Qaeda, which many people assume is run by the CIA and its friends.

Rauf was supposed to have been involved in the London Tube bombings, which many people assume was the work of the security services.

Rauf was arrested in 2005 by British authorities in connection with the London 7/7 bombings, but quickly released. (Liquid Bomb Plot Central Figure was Twice Released by UK ...)

Rauf also has links to Muktar Ibrahim, the leader of the failed 21 July London bombings. (Airline plot: Al-Qaeda connection)

Some people suspect that Rashid Rauf works for Britain's MI6 and Pakistan Intelligence.

Rashid Rauf was 'allowed' to escape from custody.

Rauf is linked to the recent Bombay attacks.

"There has been speculation that a British Al Qaeda suspect (Rashid Rauf) ... may have helped plot the (Bombay) attacks...

"British-born Pakistanis were among the Mumbai terrorists, Indian government sources claimed...

"As many as seven of the terrorists may have British connections and some could be from Leeds and Bradford where London's July 7 bombers lived, one source said.

"Two Britons were among eight gunmen being held, according to Mumbai's chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh." (Massacre in Mumbai: BRITISH gunmen seized in commando raids.)

"Rashid Rauf was aware of the training of some of the perpetrators of the Mumbai blasts of July, 2006." - (THE CURIOUS CASE OF RASHID RAUF.)

The CIA has long been linked to Moslem militias in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Rashid Rauf is reportedly involved with the Lashkar-e-Toiba group which reportedly is linked to the Pakistan secret service ISI which reportedly works with the CIA and British intelligence. (aangirfan: Rashid Rauf works for MI6?)

Rauf 'escaped from custody' (The mysterious disappearance of an alleged terror mastermind UK ...)

Lieutenant-Colonel (ret.) Nigel Wylde, a former senior British Army Intelligence Officer with decades of anti-terror and explosives experience, declared the Transatlantic Liquid Bomb Plot to be 'fiction'.

He said the explosives in question could not possibly have been produced on the plane.

He suggested that the plot was an invention of the UK security services in order to justify wide-ranging new security measures that threaten to permanently curtail civil liberties and to suspend sections of the United Kingdom's Human Rights Act of 1998.(The Raw Story: August terror plot is a 'fiction ...)

Reportedly the alleged terrorist cell that planned to blow up ten planes included at least one person working for the British security services. (Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles)

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray slammed the so-called foiled plot story as "propaganda"

"None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time," said Murray.

What about the evidence against the Liquid Bomb plotters?

Craig Murray ("Rashid Rauf - Mastermind".) points out that:

"'Evidence' that the police announced they had found consisted of wills (with the implication they were made by suicide bombers) and a map of Afghanistan.

"It turns out that the wills were made in the early 90s by volunteers going off to fight the Serbs in Bosnia - they had been left with the now deceased uncle of one of those arrested.

"The map of Afghanistan had been copied out by an eleven year old boy...

"Despite naming him as the 'mastermind' behind somethng 'bigger than 9/11', the British government made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on charges of terrorism."

Ali, who may have been tricked by government agents.

The supposed ringleader of the Liquid Bomb plot appears to have been protected by people in government?

In 2005, the UK security services were carrying out surveillance of Abdulla Ahmed Ali, said to be the ringleader of the 2006 Liquid Bomb transatlantic aircraft plot in the United Kingdom.

In 2006, Ali bought a flat in Walthamstow, in London.

A secret bug was used by the security services to spy on him. (Ahmed Abdullah Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

London's Haringey Council placed a foster child with Ali's family.

Ali lived with relatives who had been approved as foster carers by Haringey Council.

The child was living with Ali's family when Ali was arrested in August 2006.

Haringey Council was at the centre of the 2007 Baby P scandal.

Baby Peter Connelly was born to Tracey Connelly on 1 March 2006. Tracey Connelly's boyfriend, Steven Barker, moved in with her.

Baby Peter died in August 2007. He had suffered more than 50 injuries over an eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by social services.

The police were also aware of the case at an early stage.

(Revealed: Baby P council sent foster child to live with ringleader of Liquid Bomb Plot.)

In the house where Ali lived, extremist literature was found hidden inside a baby's cot, according to the London Evening Standard.

The council may have "supplied Ali with an element of camouflage for the plot."

(Revealed: Baby P council sent foster child to live with ringleader of Liquid Bomb Plot.)

Ali's family was approved for fostering, despite Ali having a poor employment record.

Ali was also under police surveillance.

He reportedly had a record of fundamentalist Islamic views.

Eileen Fairweather, in the Mail on Sunday, has linked Haringey to Islington and Jersey ('I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning journalist.)

Baby P. from Labour-run Haringey in London, was tortured to death by a satanist.

On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday tells us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring.

This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.

Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.

(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)

Watch the above and ask if this is this bad acting in an unconvincing video?

Ali's defence team said the plot had been a stunt intended to direct attention to a documentary intended to change opinion on foreign policy.

The videos he and his fellow accused Tanvir Hussain had made were to be combined with footage for a documentary that they would post on Youtube, he said.


aangirfan: The classic false flag operation.

aangirfan: Classic Double Agents in False Flag Operations

Rashid Rauf, Jamal al-Badawi, Omar al-Faruq, Haroon Rashid Aswat - all working for the security services?
Posted by Anon at 4:08 PM
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Labels: Jundullah, Liquid Bomb Plot

mondo said...

To further prove your hypothesis, it was revealed in Times Online this week that Dick Cheney tried to foil the Liquid Bomber Plot arrests. Check it out...
6:15 AM

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