Friday, September 10, 2010
9/11 Liar of the Day: Barack Obama
On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, what does the president do to reinforce the lies? He has a press conference to repeat the lies ad nauseam.
This is not really news. It is what Obama always says and just documents the continuing cover up and evidence of treason from the highest office in the land. Anyone who lies about 9/11 also must be assumed to be lying about everything else.
From the 9/10/10 press conference Q & A:
Anne Kornblut.
Q Thank you, Mr. President. Nine years after the September 11th attacks, why do you think it is that we are now seeing such an increase in suspicion and outright resentment of Islam, especially given that it has been one of your priorities to increase — to improve relations with the Muslim world?
One of the things that I most admired about President Bush was after 9/11, him being crystal-clear about the fact that we were not at war with Islam. We were at war with terrorists and murderers who had perverted Islam, had stolen its banner to carry out their outrageous acts.
Helene Cooper.
Q Thank you, Mr. President. Two questions. One on Afghanistan. How can you lecture Hamid Karzai about corruption when so many of these corrupt people are on the U.S. payroll?
THE PRESIDENT: Okay. On Afghanistan, we are in the midst of a very difficult but very important project. I just want to remind people why we’re there — the day before September 11th. We’re there because that was the place where al Qaeda launched an attack that killed 3,000 Americans. And we want to make sure that we dismantle al Qaeda, and that Afghanistan is never again used as a base for attacks against Americans and the American homeland.
Ed Henry.
Q Mr. President, you were talking about some of the al Qaeda leaders that you have captured. One that you have not is Osama bin Laden. Tomorrow is going to be nine years since he was the mastermind of 3,000 Americans being killed. And what you said — obviously, the last administration had seven years and couldn’t do it. But what you said as President-elect to CBS is, “I think capturing or killing bin Laden is a critical aspect of stamping out al Qaeda. He is not just a symbol. He is also the operational leader of an organization planning attacks against the U.S.”
Do you still believe it’s a critical part of your policy to capture or kill him? And do you think — isn’t it a failure of your administration that here it’s almost two years in — you campaigned saying you were going to run a smarter war on terror than the Bush administration. You haven’t captured him and you don’t seem to know where he is.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Ed, I think capturing or killing bin Laden and Zawahiri would be extremely important to our national security. It doesn’t solve all our problems, but it remains a high priority of this administration.
One of the things that we’ve been successful at over the last two years is to ramp up the pressure on al Qaeda and their key leaders. And as a consequence, they have been holed up in ways that have made it harder for them to operate. And part of what’s happened is bin Laden has gone deep underground. Even Zawahiri, who is more often out there, has been much more cautious.
But we have the best minds, the best intelligence officers, the best special forces, who are thinking about this day and night. And they will continue to think about it day and night as long as I’m President.
The entire transcript is here from the Wall Street Journal.
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 3:32 PM 9 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The BBC and Zionist talking points on the evening of 9/11/01
On the evening of 9/11 the wheels of war were beginning to turn. The talking points were ready, the media was in on the game and the 'official ' story was beginning to take shape.
The BBC was told who to interview. Those who were the architects of the event in some way or another were prepared to step into the propaganda matrix.
A couple of PNAC members, Richard Perle and Frank Gaffney and perhaps one of the leading planners, Israel's own Ehud Barak, were tasked to mold pubic perception. It was all lies.
Here's some of what they had to say.
The full Barak interview.
Notice at 8:03, Barak almost slips up and says " explosions ."
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 7:15 PM 3 comments Links to this post
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Zapruder Film of 9/11
This video, narrated by Daniel Sunjata , compares the potential of Building 7's footage with the effect the Zapruder Film had on the American society.
from reopen911
Compiled Footage of Building 7's Collapse
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 6:34 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fresh Kills - The Dust of the Dead
Photo of the Fresh Kills Landfill taken by Cryptome on January 25, 2002
The pre-planned removal of the debris from the WTC demolitions to the Fresh Kills landfill served the cover up with destruction of evidence in a crime scene.
Officials' handling of the evidence of the September 11th attack has followed a clear pattern. The physical evidence most important to forensic analysis of the crime was destroyed or removed from the crime scene never to be seen again. Types of evidence not under the direct control of those officials were suppressed through a variety of means. These include photographs, video footage, and various once-public documents.{more}
The Destruction of Evidence from Ground Zero at the World Trade Center following the events of September 11, 2001, occurred, even though the criminal code requires that crime scene evidence be kept for forensic analysis. FEMA had steel recovered from the building rubble destroyed or shipped overseas before a serious investigation could take place. {more]
Ground Zero was the site of one of the largest evidence destruction operations in history. It was the scene of the mass murder of nearly 3000 people. Believing the official myth that Osama bin Laden's cells of hijackersTwin Towers does little to diminish the importance of the remains of the towers and Building 7 as evidence, since the collapse of these three skyscrapers contradicts the entire history of engineered steel structures. Yet the remains of these buildings were systematically removed and destroyed, and their examination was rendered impossible.{more}
Part of the 'official' story is told below:
On September 11, 2001, Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, with approval from Governor George Pataki, made the decision to reopen the Fresh Kills facility to accept the wreckage of the World Trade Center. The facility was the ideal location for this operation because it could be reached by land and water.
The Fresh Kills facility, which had closed in March 2001 after more than 50 years of operation, still had room to expand. However, the city wanted to return it to a wildlife refuge, and a park that offered high grassy hills, beautiful vistas and a clear view of the skyline of Manhattan. The World Trade Center was once at the center of the view toward the city. Of its 3,000 acres, 175 were secured on September 11, 2001, to receive the remains of the World Trade Center. Those acres became a New York Police Department crime scene while the other fields were left to return to a natural state.
The operation at Fresh Kills had three objectives: to find human remains, personal effects, and any evidence of the terrorist attack such as a highjacker’s box cutter, cell phones from the planes, and the black boxes.
For almost a year, the recovery team at the Fresh Kills facility sifted, sorted, and searched through 1.8 million tons of World Trade Center material. The staff never recovered a black box from the jets, a box cutter, or anything relating to the hijackers.
* Recovered 4,257 pieces of human remains
* 54,000 personal effects—95% belonging to survivors, including 610 pieces of jewelry
* $76,318.47 found loose in the fields
* 6 kilograms of narcotics
* 4,000 photos—found and delivered to Kodak Laboratories and NFL Films to be decontaminated and restored
* 1,358 destroyed vehicles processed: 102 pieces of fire apparatus, 61 police department vehicles, and 1,195 personal automobiles
* Hundreds of airplane fragments
* Several pieces of Auguste Rodin sculptures from the offices of the investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald
* Thousands of rounds of unexploded ammunition
More - New York State Museum
Videos from WTCdemolitions
Sifting Through the WTC Rubble
Fresh Kills Park Project
9/11 remains fill potholes, worker claims
WTC Families for a Proper Burial
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 11:27 PM 11 comments Links to this post
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Friday, September 3, 2010
Phone Call to a Demolition Company: "WTC 7 Imploded"
I decided to call a demolition company out of Texas and ask them about 9/11.
Needless to say some interesting words were exchanged.
As of today he never called back :) From RP4409
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 10:24 AM 10 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Thursday, September 2, 2010
BuildingWhat? Just how did Muslims bring down WTC7?
Just lucky I guess.
And we should thank those 19 Muslim daredevils and Bin Laden for suspending the laws of physics and bringing down WTC 1 & 2 so neatly straight down in a pile and for turning much of the mass into dust so that there wasn't as much debris to pick up.
Had the 110-story Twin Towers fallen over sideways, they would have caused massive destruction in lower Manhattan, destroying dozens of other buildings and killing tens of thousands of people.
Those guys had it out for Larry Silverstein. They destroyed all of his properties on the morning of 9/11 except one, building 7, but finally got it to collapse around 5:20 that afternoon.
Bin Laden had to have been cussing and fussing most of the day about Flight 93 getting shot down. You know, the plane that was supposed to have hit building 7, the Grand Finale, the trifecta.
But just as luck would have it, all it really took was a few fires, no plane needed, and building 7 just fell into its footprint and at near free fall speed. I can hear Bin Laden as he watched the event on his big screen TV in his cave saying; "Whew ... about time."
I like this new video (below) from BuildingWhat. They've taken out the sound so there's no distraction from the visuals and you can focus on the collapse.
But I'm still confused. Every television news and talk radio show these days says "the Muslims did 9/11" and "remember the twin towers" but they never mention building 7. You would think that in these Islamophobia times they would be screaming about this also. We should send this video to every talking head in the country and demand that they cover this little known travesty as yet another warning.
Why, if the Muslims can cause this unbelievable occurrence there's no telling what else they can pull off ... or "pull it" as Lucky Larry would say.
BuildingWhat apparently 'pulled' the above video and replaced it with this one.
the land of narratives
The other day I lamented that the sources are never good enough for people who don't want to see the truth. If someone wants to believe that the economy will recover and cave-dwelling Muslims did 911 and the judicial system works and all soldiers are boy scouts, their minds will remain impervious to the truth. These Americans believe the onus lies on those who question, not on those who accept. We are all innocent until proven guilty, right? Not exactly. But just so, in the land of narratives, the happy narratives must be true until proven otherwise. And if you suggest that anyone might be guilty of something, other than the Muslims of course, they want proof. Iron clad proof. Like whip some classified documents out of your pocketbook or something. Otherwise shut up. Whack job.
Citing source data is the "scientific method," but does not seem to apply to "Conspiracy Theories." A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the "skeptics," the "realists."
~ William Blase, from The Council on Foreign Relations and The New World Order
And if you provide proof they will not read it. That's a lot of work you know. Or if they do, they will say you can find anything on the internet, so therefore the links are tainted and not to be trusted. The internet is full of garbage. A rebuttal always lies close at hand. At the same time, the internet is great because that internet taint only affects the conspiracy theorists who make disparaging remarks about sacred truths. And if Osama issues another warning from the grave, you can take it to the bank and deposit it with your worthless inflated dollars that the fed created out of thin air, and lay your untroubled head on your pillow knowing that our soldiers are out there fighting for our freedom to have illegal drugs. Sweet dreams in the insane land of narratives.
from A. Peasant
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 6:19 PM 10 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Israelis Still Celebrating 9/11 After All These Years
It's time to put an end to their 9 year uninterrupted celebration of death and destruction. Especially since we've been footing the bill.
"September 11th attacks good for Israel" - Israeli PM Netanyahu
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 12:01 AM 8 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Real Story - Pre 9/11 History
Because it's 11 days before the 9 year anniversary of the "False Flag" attack known as 9/11 here is some Pre-9/11 History for those who still believe the official lie. The Real Story
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 12:35 PM 9 comments Links to this post
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IC9/11Studies Secures Release of Thousands of Photos and Videos from NIST
The International Center for 9/11 Studies has secured the release of hundreds of hours of video footage and tens of thousands of photographs used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. This material is being released to the Center under the Freedom of Information Act, in response to a lawsuit the Center filed against NIST.
The Center filed a FOIA Request with NIST on January 26, 2009, seeking production of “all of the photographs and videos collected, reviewed, cited or in any other way used by NIST during its investigation of the World Trade Center building collapses.” Following several unsuccessful attempts to get NIST to even acknowledge receipt of the Request, the Center was forced to file a lawsuit on May 28, 2009. Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, the Request was assigned a reference number, and NIST began periodically releasing batches of responsive records. To date, the Center has received over 300 DVDs and several external hard disk drives that contain responsive records - more than 3 terabytes of data so far – and NIST has indicated that additional records will be released in the future. {more}
IC911STUDIES youtube channel
The International Center for 9/11 Studies website
Did NIST or someone else edit incriminating evidence from some of the videos? Between 0:34 and 0:35, the collapse of the east penthouse has been cut from this footage.
h/t Facts Not Fairies
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 11:13 AM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Building What? New York TV Ad
This is an interesting concept to try and wake up more New Yorkers to the false flag of 9/11. My question is whether the controlled media will actually repeatedly air this ad if can come up enough money to pay for them.
Statement from BuildingWhat ...
Dear Friends,
We are pleased and tremendously excited to share this groundbreaking TV ad with you for the first time. We hope, with your help, to be able to show it to one million New Yorkers one month from now. Please go to to watch the ad and please donate generously. Every $750 we raise is enough for another spot to reach another 10,000 people. Your donation will be fully tax-deductible. 5% of it will go to the WTC Rescuers Foundation. And 5% of it will be matched by another generous donor.
Our strategy for buying spots is guided by two principles. Firstly, showing it to audiences who will respond productively and influence the public discussion, such as young people, academics, journalists and the political class. And secondly, repetition!
We will be sending off the ad two weeks from now. Between now and then we welcome your comments. We're all in this together! {more}
"Building what?" - Judge Edward Lehner upon hearing the words "Building 7" in a NYC courtroom
9/11: WTC Building 7 "Collapse" video compilation
WTC7, about to blow up, CNN
BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 4:42 PM 17 comments Links to this post
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The very first 9-11 skeptics' post to hit the Internet, written as events transpired and posted on September 12, 2001
As we head into the 9th anniversary of 9/11, let's flashback to what Dave McGowan posted on 9/12/01. As he states, it may have been the first skeptics' article on the 'tubes' to question the beginnings of the official story but it certainly didn't end there.
excerpts ..."Welcome to the New and Improved Police State"
Excuse my cynicism here, but have we Americans completely lost our ability to think? Are we now so thoroughly brain-dead that we are completely reliant on our media outlets, with their endless supply of 'experts,' to make sense of events in the world? Are we really that stupid -- or do our leaders just think that we are?
The actions taken on the morning of September 11 were crimes – horrendous crimes against humanity, to be sure, but in the final analysis not so very different from any other crimes.
The first step in solving any crime is to look at who had a motive and who had the means and opportunity to commit the crime.
As for motive, we are being asked to believe that a band of Islamic terrorists are the most likely suspects. But is that the case? Was it a state-sponsored terrorist group that had the most to gain by launching such an assault? Or was it our own political, corporate and military leaders?
Perhaps the most obvious question raised by the attacks, and one that officials have feebly attempted to answer, is how the planning for such an operation could have escaped the attention of the country's intelligence services. Whenever such an event occurs, the intelligence agencies rather predictably hang their heads, slump their shoulders and sheepishly grin as they explain their powerlessness to predict such things: "We did the best we could," they explain, "but our resources are limited, our adversaries formidable, and our sources not infallible."
That's a real nice story, but the reality is that the CIA - along with the FBI, ONI, DIA, NSC, NSA, DEA, and virtually every other three-letter acronym you could think of - constitutes the largest and most insidious intelligence network the world has ever seen.
Perhaps the most disturbing question raised by the attacks is what exactly caused the twin towers of the WTC to collapse. The impact of the planes affected only the upper floors of the towers; their foundations were unaffected.
What was it then that created the secondary explosions that appear to have occurred? These secondary blasts were acknowledged early in the day by an NBC newsman. The correspondent stated on the air that he had just talked with the fire department's public safety commissioner who verified that large secondary explosions precipitated the collapse of the towers.
A radio broadcaster on WLS in Chicago (according to a correspondent), whose former colleague* is a CBS journalist who was on the scene at the towers, said on the air that this colleague had witnessed an enormous fireball emanating from beneath one of the towers immediately before it came crashing down. What are we to make of these scattered reports, none of which received any follow-up coverage amidst the non-stop blizzard of media attention?
Perhaps the most important question to be asked is: who stands to gain the most in the bleak aftermath? It is certainly not the American people, or any resistance movement within these borders. It's definitely not the still-to-be identified target(s) of the nation's wrath (which will likely include Iraq). That would seem to limit the remaining choices. {Read the rest here}
Dave's initial thoughts were very close and have been expanded upon and reinforced by countless others.
Today we see the same media and government push to yet more war but this time a much greater number of informed folks are not buying the lies. The question is whether we can do any more to stop it now than we did in the aftermath of 9/11.
Playing the Never Again Card, Again
The phony intelligence used to induce our March 2003 invasion of Iraq has been dusted off. This time it’s being deployed to take us into Iran.
Same scam. Same storyline. Same fraud—even featuring some of the same players.
Except that this time around their deception lacks the broader context required to gain traction for their phony content. That key difference makes today’s perpetrators far more transparent—for those willing to look.
Those foisting on us this latest fraud also face another challenge: Americans now realize it was Israel and its advocates who fixed that false intelligence around a Zionist agenda.
That realization adds combustibility to the facts now fueling Israel’s fast-fading legitimacy.
Each week brings new insights that undermine generally accepted truths about 911 and our response to that mass murder on U.S. soil. As the costs continue to rise in both blood and treasure, the credibility of those who sold us this “Clash” continues its steady decline.
One key player in this long-running fraud remains unfazed: mainstream media.
{more - Jeff Gates}
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 2:11 PM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The fix was in on the 9/11 Responders Bill
The toxic dust, fumes and air from the demolitions of WTC 1,2 and 7 were said by the EPA and repeatedly by Mayor Giuliani to be safe. They lied.
Why should we even expect the traitors in Congress to help those who gave their hearts and bodies and for many their lives to clean up the WTC mess? That's not to mention those who lived and worked in the area and were told to go to work, "everything is OK." Wall Street had to get back to 'normal.'
No, we can't take care of our own. Any money spent on the American public in need might take away from the killing and stealing for bankers, war profiteers and Israel.
H.R. 847 - the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 was rigged not to pass. Congress can't put together a bill that's straight and simple. They have to fill them with 'amendments,' shovel a big chunk of the bills 'budget' to lawyers, bureaucrats, etc. and use their sorry 'procedures' so the two parties can put on a show and point at each other and say "it's your fault."
Facts Not Fairies covers the story ...
Republicans to 9/11 Responders: Die, and Die Quickly
Playing Politics with 9/11
Republicans Block Passage of the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
Weiner goes epic on 9-11 health bill
The zionist 9/11 cover up agent Kenneth Feinberg predicted the demise of the legislation. Being a 9/11 judicial insider, along with Alvin K. Hellerstein, he was tasked with keeping the truth of 9/11 hidden and the costs down. He had information that it wouldn't pass.
"Ladies and gentlemen, you can wait and wait and wait for that legislation ... It's not passing," Kenneth Feinberg, the former special master of the federal 9/11 victim compensation fund, told an audience of ground zero responders Monday {7-26-10} in a meeting on Staten Island.
When it comes to anything 9/11, it's always insult to injury.
Cui bono ...
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 9:16 PM 3 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, congress, criminal government
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Julian Assange of Wikileaks is a 9/11 conspiracy denier?
"I believe in facts about conspiracies," he {Julian Assage of Wikileaks} says, choosing his words slowly. "Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It's important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there's enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news." What about 9/11? "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." {more}
So what's really going on here with Julian? You might think having the scoop of the century about the secrets of 9/11 would be the ultimate Wikileaks goal. Or is there something deeper and possibly sinister in store for whistleblowers who could be ready to talk or release verifiable information? Is Wikileaks a limited hangout or even worse, a trap? Or is Assange just trying to keep himself safe by calling 9/11 a 'false conspiracy?'
He never stays in one place more than two nights. Is that because the CIA wants to kill him? "Is it in the CIA's interest to assassinate me? Maybe. But who would do it?" Isn't he brave to appear in public? "Courage is an intellectual mastery of fear," he says. "It's not that you don't have fear, you just manage your risks intelligently."
h/t Facts Not Fairies
Wikileaks calls for more leakers to step into its spider's web
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 7:29 AM 14 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, whistleblower, wikileaks
Sunday, July 11, 2010
FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero - The Photos
Kurt Sonnenfeld
Photos by Kurt Sonnenfeld
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 1:03 PM 1 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC?
With evidence destroyed and no real investigation of 9/11, the idea of unconventional explosives being used for the demolitions of WTC 1 & 2 seems a valid avenue of debate. The use of 'micro nukes' is a taboo subject in the mainstream truth movement where the nano-thermite thesis is not often questioned. The points below should also be questioned but not dismissed just because some of the 9/11 truth 'leaders' think they have the answer market cornered. You decide.
From Facts Not Fairies
1) heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)
2) inability to quench ground zero heat with water
3) red hot/molten steel at ground zero
4) missing core columns from ground zero (vaporized during destruction)
5) spreading of sand at ground zero consistent with attempts to limit radiation
6) washing of steel recovered from pile consistent with radiation decontamination
7) extreme security for ground zero steel shipments consistent with limiting access to radioactive steel
8) extreme security at ground zero, limiting exposure, view of devastation
9) extreme pulverization of WTC concrete into very fine particles
10) disappearance of over one thousand human bodies from WTC debris
11) disappearance of furniture, phones, filing cabinets and computers from WTC debris
12) disappearance of elevator doors, office doors, office cubicle walls, toilets and sinks from WTC debris
13) several floor fragments fused together in meteorite object
14) bone fragments sprayed into Bankers Trust upper floor during destruction
15) multiple blast waves during destruction of tower
16) large fireballs during initiation of WTC1 destruction
17) small backpack-sized fission nukes exist
18) fission-nuke technology well-established
19) low efficiency of fission nukes ensures leftover radioactive fragments and China syndrome
20) EMP formation during tower destruction (exploding cars, partial burning)
21) Heat in WTC blast cloud
22) Extensive cover-up of ground zero air by EPA
23) High rate of cancers, including thyroid cancer typically associated with radiation exposure, in ground zero responders
24) Melted, hanging skin in WTC survivor Felipe David in absence of fire
25) Vaporized press and crumpled steel door in WTC basement reported by Pecoraro
26) Steel beam bent in U, without cracking, evidence of extreme high temps
27) Steel beam bent in U has layer of molten metal on surface
28) Extreme overall devastation of two massive towers and blasted out Ground Zero aftermath
29) Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical DEW theory by likely govt agents-- uses evidence of nukes (EMP, extreme pulverization of tower into dust) but denies nukes at all costs
30) Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical thermite (super nano-thermite) theory by likely govt agents-- uses evidence of nukes (molten steel, china syndrome) but denies nukes at all costs
31) Small iron microspheres found by Jones et al in WTC dust— evidence of steel vaporization by high temps of nukes
32) Pyroclastic debris cloud during WTC destruction
33) Upwards jutting debris trails reminiscent of debris trails formed during underground nuke test
34) Small bright flashes during destruction of both towers
35) Extremely compacted ground zero debris
The Rothschild's Mormon's Thermite Distraction
9/11 Truth Red Herring: Neoliberal BYU Has Financed, Staffed, and Peer-Reviewed Prof. Jones’ Flawed Thermite Distraction Since Day One
How and why WTC had to be nuked
9/11 Burnt Vehicles - photos
WTC Relics - photos
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 10:18 AM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Zionist Kenneth Feinberg, 9/11 Cover Up Agent, to Administer BP's $20 Billion Claim Fund
Kenneth Feinberg, cover up artist par excellence for 'events' whose true nature must be kept hidden is handed the job of administering BP's $20 billion fund
for damage claims to economic victims of the Gulf oil spill.
Some background on Feinberg from Chris Bollyn...
Kenneth Feinberg was the Special Master of the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund. He alone was responsible for distributing some $7 billion of taxpayer money to the families of the victims of 9-11. In this he was supported by some 30 lawyers from his law firm and his wife, Diane "Dede" Shaff Feinberg. Diane is also an executive member of the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She also happens to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency - the parent organization of the Mossad.
The non-investigation of 9-11 was controlled by Michael Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent and an orthodox rabbi. Chertoff oversaw the destruction of the thousands of tons of steel from the World Trade Center - crucial evidence that was shipped to Asian smelters and melted down. While Chertoff supervised the confiscation and destruction of the critical evidence, government appointed doctors "medicated" the grieving relatives with mood-altering Prozac, and Kenneth Feinberg began his war of attrition on the families of the victims of 9-11.
As the sole person responsible for distributing the money from the Victims Compensation Fund, Feinberg paid out nearly $7 billion to families in compensation - if they would sign the agreement not to sue the airlines or the Israeli airport security firm involved in 9-11 (Huntleigh USA/ICTS). More than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the Feinberg-managed fund. The amounts of the payments and the amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the 30 lawyers are not known. The American people deserve to know how the funds were used and who got paid.
Feinberg's actions were crucial to removing more than 98 percent of the families from the litigation process. Kenneth Feinberg and Alvin Hellerstein have waged a war of attrition against the 9-11 relatives. Of the thousands of families that could have used the courts to find justice and legal discovery for what happened on 9-11, Feinberg was successful in removing 98 percent. Of the 96 families that chose to go to court, all but one or two cases have settled out of court after enduring years of obstruction in the court of Alvin K. Hellerstein. Thanks to Feinberg and Hellerstein there may never be a trial for a single victim of 9-11.
Kenneth Feinberg is known for wearing expensive Brioni suits, smoking Cuban cigars, and driving his black Jaguar to his home in Bethesda, Maryland, where he has avoided paying taxes thanks to a few legal loopholes he knows about. Kenneth Feinberg was the co-chair (along with his wife) of a recent Zionist event in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, two prime suspects in the Israeli terrorism of 9-11, participated. Feinberg's role in covering up the truth about 9-11 is connected to his relationship to the state of Israel. Kenneth Feinberg wasn't working pro bono on the 9-11 victims fund out of compassion for the victims of 9-11, or for America. He was doing it to serve Israel and the murderous Mossad. {more}
Besides 9/11, other compensation 'events' that Feinberg resided over were the shootings at Virginia Tech, Hurricane Katrina, the original Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination, the Holocaust slave labor litigation, Agent Orange litigation, human radiation experiments, catastrophic nuclear accidents and was the 'Special Master' for TARP executive compensation.
It's increasingly becoming apparent that the BP 'spill' is more than an accident. Feinberg's task will be to see that there are no compensation cases brought to court that could expose any of the deep secrets of the disaster and to protect those at the top of the money pyramid.
Feinberg has a track record of success but even the best of criminal enterprises reach the limits of what they can pull off. This may be one of those times.
h/t Facts Not Fairies
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 11:02 PM 25 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, cover up, criminal government
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Slip of the Tongue
Liars sometimes have a hard time keeping their stories straight.
Sliding322 — June 11, 2010 — This morning on BBC news as David Cameron gave a speech to the troops in Afghanistan he said "In/on 9-11 when the twin towers were Blown up'' ...
Not long after this the feed was cut and as far as i saw it was never repeated, It is on BBC website but that part is not there (as far as I've seen)...
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 8:15 AM 2 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Jack Abramoff released from prison early ... for his part in the 9/11 cover up?
Abramoff was released Tuesday {6-8-10} from a minimum-security federal prison in western Maryland to a halfway house and could be allowed to spend the last few weeks of his sentence in home confinement before his scheduled release date of Dec. 4.
There are tens of thousands of people sentenced to longer terms for doing less than Abramoff did. Of course there was the deal that included 'cooperation' with the FBI.
Why such a sweet deal when a deep investigation into his activities could possibly have seen him and others doing hard time for the rest of their lives?
As an ardent zionist with many ties to Israel and jewish organizations and with a casino operation tailor made for laundering money, could Abramoff have been a source of funds for some of the '19 hijackers/patsies' of 9/11 infamy.
Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats.
SunCruz Casinos turns over documents in terrorist probe
TAMPA, Fla. - SunCruz Casinos has turned over photographs and other documents to FBI investigators after employees said they recognized some of the men suspected in the terrorist attacks as customers.
Michael Hlavsa, chairman of the gambling cruise company, said Wednesday two or three men linked to the Sept. 11 hijackings may have been customers on a ship that sailed from Madeira Beach on Florida's gulf coast.
9/26/01 By Vickie Chachere Associated Press Writer and Florida Times-Union
You can take it with a grain of salt but Daniel Hopsicker in The Secret World of Jack Abramoff moves the story further.
What no one seems able to answer is this:
What possible thrill could gambling offer men getting ready to die in less than a week? To this date, their Sept 5 visit to a gambling vessel overrun with retirees remains unexplained.
The gambling motif in the terrorist’s timeline doesn’t end there. The hijackers had no apparent reason to visit Las Vegas... so why did they?
On June 28 at Boston’s Logan Airport, Mohamed Atta boarded a United Airlines flight and flew first class nonstop to San Francisco. He bypassed the bohemian North Beach district, and didn’t take the cruise to Alcatraz…
Atta headed for Vegas.
On Aug. 10, Hani Hanjour and Nawaf Alhazmi used first-class tickets for a United flight from Dulles Airport near Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles International Airport, then on to Las Vegas. The story of the terrorists Las Vegas connection may never be known, admitted the Las Vegas FBI.
Within a month of the 9.11 attack—British Prime Minister Tony Blair had presented the case against Bin Laden. He sketched out the Cliff Notes version of the evidence. It wasn’t much, but it was the only explanation we ever received.
“Al Qaeda is a terrorist organization with ties to a global network,” Blair said.
In truth, the idea that Mohamed Atta and his henchmen needed help from an outside organization while they were in the U.S. was easy to understand... Logistical support is difficult to arrange from caves.
Still, the FBI stepped in and quickly put a kibosh on that kind of talk… “Government sources now say that the investigation so far suggests the 19 had ‘no major help’ in the United States," said a story in the Washington Post which came out soon after Blair’s alarming faux pas.
"The 19 hijackers who carried out the worst act of terror ever to occur on U.S. soil worked with little outside help as a single, integrated group,” the Post reported.
PBS’s Frontline documentary on 9.11 supported this ‘lone cadre theory.’ Correspondent Hedrick Smith, to his everlasting discredit, opened the show with this lie: “19 hijackers slipped through Europe and America unnoticed.”
Like lone gunmen, lone cadres are easier to explain.{more}
Justin Raimondo reported in 2006 on Abramoff and the Israeli Connection.
The snakepit of corruption that is Washington, D.C., is writhing and roiling these days with the news that super-lobbyist and Republican fundraiser Jack Abramoff has pleaded guilty to bribery, fraud, and other charges that could embroil Capitol Hill in the biggest corruption scandal in recent memory. As many as 60 members of Congress may be implicated in the massive network of payoffs, phony nonprofit foundations, and other criminal activities up to and including murder. None of this is especially surprising, and certainly libertarians, such as myself, are hardly shocked at the sight of public officials and private deal-makers enmeshed in a Dionysian orgy of brazen greed. There is one aspect of all this, however, that is especially interesting to foreign policy aficionados, and that is Abramoff’s connections to the far right wing of Israel’s Likud Party, the “settler” movement, and, here in America, Israel’s amen corner in the conservative movement.
According to a report by Michael Isikoff in Newsweek, Abramoff was soliciting funds on behalf of a shady organization known as the Capital Athletic Foundation (CAF), which was supposed to be funding sports programs and imparting “leadership skills” to inner-city youth. Instead, CAF funneled millions scarfed up from Indian tribes not only into Abramoff’s own pockets and the pockets of his cronies, but also to ultra-right-wing Israeli “settlers.” Isikoff reports:
“More than $140,000 of foundation funds were actually sent to the Israeli West Bank where they were used by a Jewish settler to mobilize against the Palestinian uprising. Among the expenditures: purchases of camouflage suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager, and other material described in foundation records as ’security’ equipment. The FBI, sources tell Newsweek, is now examining these payments as part of a larger investigation to determine if Abramoff defrauded his Indian tribe clients.”
The fraudulently obtained money funded a paramilitary outfit based in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Beitar Illit, a large community annexed after the ‘67 war and the site of renewed building in open violation of the American-sponsored “road map.” The conduit for the money was one Schmuel Ben-Zvi, an old buddy of Abramoff’s who, like so many Americans, was recruited into the rabidly expansionist Israeli “settler” movement.
In any case, the Israeli connection to the Abramoff scandal is potentially much more extensive than related here. By way of deception thou shalt make war – the slogan of Israel’s Mossad is worth recalling, in this context, as key to understanding the neocons’ modus operandi. {more}
One of the more intriguing aspects of the federal investigation into the activities of Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff is his Israeli connections. His large $2.2 million bail is reported to be due to fears that he would flee to Israel, as some of his business associates have already done, to avoid prosecution.
Connections got Abramoff a light sentence. His plea bargain and 'cooperation' only brought down a few. What he might have told about his 9/11 connections could have brought down the entire government.
For his silence, soon Jack will be a free man.
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 4:39 PM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11
Saturday, May 29, 2010
State Crimes Against Democracy " Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight"
David Ray Griffin presents a concise analysis of the Sept. 11, 2001 WTC Building 7 collapse phenomena. A must read for those wanting to hone their talking points on what perhaps can be the best introduction for those unaware or previously unwilling to consider the issue of the 'false flag' of 9/11.
A symposium in the February 2010 issue of American Behavioral Scientist, one of our leading social science journals, argues that social scientists need to develop a scientific approach to studying an increasingly important type of criminality: State Crimes Against Democracy, abbreviated SCADs, understood as “concerted actions . . . by government insiders intended to manipulate democratic processes and undermine popular sovereignty.” Having the “potential to subvert political institutions and entire governments . . . [SCADs] are high crimes that attack democracy itself.”
The truth about the collapse of WTC 7 has been effectively hidden, even though it has existed in plain sight all these years. Even the bare fact of the collapse itself has been so effectively hidden that in 2006 over 40 percent of the American public did not know about it, and in 2009 a judge in New York City, upon hearing a reference to Building 7, asked: “Building what?”
I offer this essay as a case study in the power of the forces behind SCADs or deep events to hide things that exist in plain sight, because if they can hide the straight-down free-fall collapse of a 47-story building captured on video in broad daylight, they can hide almost anything.
I say this, however, not to instill despair, but to point to the seriousness of the problem, and also to pave the way for making a proposal. Recognizing the high correlation between those who know about the collapse of WTC 7 and those who believe that a new – or rather real – 9/11 investigation is needed, I propose that the international 9/11 Truth Movement initiate, starting this September, a world-wide, year-long “Building What?” campaign. Through this campaign, we would seek to make the fact of its collapse so widely known that the mention of Building 7 would never again evoke the question: “Building What?”
much more at Information Clearinghouse
Posted by kenny's sideshow at 10:42 AM 5 comments Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, wtc
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