Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Osama bin CIA Agent

01/20/2006 On this page you will find evidence that something is not kosher with Osama, or come to think of it maybe something is. Osama met with the CIA early in 2001, Clinton passed up opportunities to capture or kill him, congress leaked info to the media that US intelligence was able to listen in on Osama's satellite phone conversations, money trail leads to Midland, Texas, and on and on it goes. If you read this page, and follow the links you will at the very least become suspicious, if not totally convinced, and the links are to verifiable public record. Osama denied having anything to do with 9/11 in several interviews, then just before the 2004 election he says "Let him [Mr. Bush] tell us why we did not attack Sweden, for example." Source
So Osama lied, no question about it, the question is, which one is the lie, and who is we, is we the CIA or al Qaeda, or both? Seems to me that the video tape released just before the election, helped Bush get reelected, played right into his hand.
Now this, Osama creates a pretext for another US false flag operation?
New audio tape of 01/19/2006. Osama Bin Laden Promises More Attacks on U.S. Learn More Osama offers a truce says, "We have no objection to a long-term truce with you based on fair conditions that we would fulfill," the voice on the tape said. "We are a nation prohibited by God from deceit and lying. During this truce, the two sides will enjoy security and stability, and so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which were destroyed by the war." He says he is not a liar, but we know better, he is a liar, and so is Bush, Cheney, et al.

Which Bin Laden Confessed to 9/11?

The man on the right is Osama Bin Laden. The man on the left from the confession video is obviously not. What could this mean? The Fake bin Laden Video Tape Learn More

The Central Intelligence Agency did not target Al Qaeda chief Osama bin laden once as he had the royal family of the United Arab Emirates with him in Afghanistan, the agency's director, George Tenet, told the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States on Thursday. Learn More

Why were 160 Saudis, including 40 Bin Laden family members, evacuated in the days after 9/11 when all planes were grounded?
— Source: Journalist Craig Unger in “House of Bush, House of Saud”

Why was Osama visited by a CIA agent while in a hospital in Dubai for surgery in July, 2001, even though he was on the “Most Wanted List”?
— Source: Le Figaro, Oct. 11, 2001 (a leading French newspaper)

Why did the FBI invoke privacy rights protections on behalf of Osama Bin Laden?
— Source: Sept. 24th, 2003 FOIA Request by Judicial Watch

Why were investigators monitoring activities of Bin Laden family members and Saudi royals told to “back off” after the 2000 elections?
— Source: Greg Palast, The Guardian (London), November 7, 2001

Why did George Bush say “I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.”?
— Source: White House Press Conference, March 13, 2002

And you thought we’ve been told
the truth about 9/11? Is Osama the real threat?

Honor the victims. Learn the facts. Get active.

When the truth is just as strange as ficiton, you hear stories like this: "The joint CIA-Saudi initiative resulted in a proliferation of madrasas, regardless of the genuine need for maulvis. Thanks to the CIA’s 51 million US dollar grant to the University of Nebraska to produce pictorial textbooks glorifying jihad, killing, maiming and bombing other human beings was made sufficiently entertaining. Learn More

Osama Quotes Bill Blum in his alleged 1/19 audio statement:
As noted by Wayne Madsen, it is very peculiar that Osama bin Laden finds it necessary to quote author William Blum in his latest communiqué. "Bin Laden quotes from the introduction of a book written by long-time Washington, DC progressive author and journalist and a friend of mine, Bill Blum," writes Madsen. "Bill was once an editor and contributor to Covert Action Quarterly, a magazine devoted to exposing CIA operations like the arming, funding, and training of Bin Laden and his mujaheddin guerrillas during the Afghan-Soviet war." As Blum essentially defends the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and Osama was ostensibly against the Soviet intervention, it makes absolutely no sense for the dead Wahhabi fanatic to quote Blum—in fact, it is completely irrational and entirely unbelievable. Learn More

From 'Le Figaro' [1 November 2001]
Translated by Tiphaine Dickson

By Alexandra Richard
(Page 2, Le FigaroOctober 31st, 2001)

Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the United Arab
Emirates, North-East of Abi-Dhabi. This city, population 350,000, was the
backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA
agent in July. A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in
Dubai claims that public enemy number one stayed at this hospital between
the 4th and 14th of July.

Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was
transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport. He was
accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be
Ayman al-Zawahari--but on this sources are not entirely certain--, four
bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American
Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and
Al-Maktoum bridges.

Each floor of the hospital has two "VIP" suites and fifteen rooms. The Saudi
billionnaire was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by
Teerry Callaway, gallstone and infertility specialist. Dr Callaway declined to
respond to our questions despite several phone calls.

As early as March, 2000, 'Asia Week,' published in Hong Kong, expressed
concern for bin Laden's health, describing a serious medical problem that could
put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to
the liver and requires specialized treatment". According to authorized sources,
bin Laden had mobile dialysis equipment shipped to his hideout in Kandahar in
the first part of 2000. According to our sources, bin Laden's "travels for health
reasons" have taken place before. Between 1996 and 1998, bin Laden made
several trips to Dubai on business.

On September 27th, 15 days after the World Trade Center attacks, at the
request of the United States, the Central Bank of the Arab Emirates announced
an order to freeze assts and investments of 26 people or organisations suspected
of mainting contact with bin Laden's organization, and in particular at the Dubai Islamic Bank.

"Relations between the Emirate and Saudi Arabia have always been very
close," according to sources, "princes of reigning families, having recognized
the Taliban regime, often travelled to Afghanistan. One of the princes of a
ruling family regularily went hunting on the land of bin Laden, whom he had
known and visited for many years."

There are daily flights between Dubai and Quetta by both Pakistan and
Emirates Airlines. As to private planes from Saudi Arabia or from the
Emirates, they regulariy fly to Quetta, where their arrival is rarely registered in
airport logs.

While he was hospitalised, bin Laden received visits from many members of
his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay,
the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main
elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden's hospital room.

A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited
bin Laden. Authorised sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden
returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was called back to headquarters.

In late July, Emirates customs agents arrested Franco-Algerian activist Djamel
Beghal at the Dubai airport. In early August, French and American authorities
were advised of the arrest. Interrogated by local authorities in Abu Dhabi,
Beghal stated that he was called to Afghanistan in late 2000 by Abou Zoubeida,
a military leader of bin Laden's organization, Al Qaeda. Beghal's mission:
bomb the US embassy on Gabriel avenue, near the Place de la Concorde, upon
his return to France.
According to Arab diplomatic sources as well as French intelligence, very
specific information was transmitted to the CIA with respect to terrorist attacks
against American interests around the world, including on US soil. A DST
report dated 7 September enumerates all the intelligence, and specifies that the
order to attack was to come from Afghanistan.

In August, at the US Embassy in Paris, an emergency meeting was called
between the DGSE (French foreign intelligence service) and senior US
intelligence officials. The Americans were extremely worried, and requested
very specific information from the French about Algerian activists, without
advising their counterparts about the reasons for their requests. To the question
"what do you fear in the coming days?", the Americans kept a
difficult-to-fathom silence.

Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a
representative of his family's business, bin Laden began recruiting volunteers
for the Afghan resistance against the Red Army. FBI investigators examining
the embassy bombing sites in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam discovered that
evidence led to military explosives from the US Army, and that these
explosives had been delivered threee years earlier to Afghan Arabs, the
infamous international volunteer brigades involved side by side with bin Laden
during the Afghan war against the Red Army.

In the pursuit of its investigations, the FBI discovered "financing agreements"
that the CIA had been developing with its "arab friends" for years. The Dubai
meeting is then within the logic of "a certain American policy".

From: http://emperors-clothes.com/misc/lefigaro.htm

Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Copyright, October, 2001. May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.

See the handiwork of the world's leading terrorist organization, the FBI:
Visit the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum and see what they did to the mothers and children.

See also:

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
The Taliban Home Video
911 Terror: Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics


Sudan tried to give Clinton admin
files on bin Laden
FRI NOV 30 2001 10:30:08 ET

NEW YORK --VANITY FAIR HAS OBTAINED LETTERS and memorandums that document approaches made by Sudanese intelligence officials and other emissaries to members of the Clinton administration to share information about many of the 22 terrorists on the government's most-wanted list, including: Osama bin Laden.

VANITY FAIR is set to unleash the story in January 2002 editions, publishing sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.


THE MUKHABARAT, A SUDANESE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, spent the early to mid-1990s amassing copious amounts of information on bin Laden and his cohorts at a time when they were relatively unknown and their activities limited, author David Rose reports. From the fall of 1996 until weeks before the September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the Mukhabarat made repeated efforts to share its files on terrorists with the U.S. On more than one occasion senior F.B.I. officials wanted to accept the offers, but were apparently overruled by the State Department.

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT and her assistant secretary for Africa, Susan Rice, declined to comment for this story.

ACCORDING TO TIM CARNEY, THE LAST U.S. AMBASSADOR to Sudan, whose posting ended in 1997, The fact is, they were opening the doors, and we weren't taking them up on it. The U.S. failed to reciprocate Sudan's willingness to engage us on some serious questions of terrorism. We can speculate that this failure had serious implicationsæat least for what happened at the U.S. Embassies in 1998. In any case, the U.S. lost access to a mine of material on bin Laden and his organization." He tells Rose, It was worse than a crime. It was a fuckup."

HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED? CARNEY CONTENDS that U.S. intelligence failed because it became politicized": the message from Sudan did not fit conventional wisdom at the State Department and the C.I.A., and so it was disregarded, again and again. Rose writes that the simple answer is that the Clinton administration had accused Sudan of sponsoring terrorism, and refused to believe that anything it did to prove its bona fides could be genuine. At the same time, perceptions in Washington were influenced by C.I.A. reports that were wildly inaccurate, some the result of deliberate disinformation.

ROSE REPORTS THAT, HAD U.S. AGENCIES EXAMINED the Mukhabarat files in 1996 when they first had the chance the prospects of preventing subsequent al-Qaeda attacks would have been much greater. Gutbi al-Mahdi, the Mukhabarat's director general between 1997 and 2000, claims that if the F.B.I. had taken his offer in February 1998, the embassy bombings could have been prevented: They had very little information at that time: they were shooting in the dark. Had they engaged with Sudan, they could have stopped a lot of things." Rose writes that as late as the end of 1995, bin Laden was not judged important enough by the C.I.A. or the F.B.I. for anyone to mention him to U.S. Ambassador Don Petterson when Petterson talked to the Sudanese about terrorism, an indication that the U.S. knew very little about bin Laden's organization or lethal capacity. My recollection is that when I made representations about terrorist organizations Osama bin Laden did not figure," Petterson says. We in Khartoum were not really concerned about him."

SOME OF THE MUKHABARAT'S FILES IDENTIFY INDIVIDUALS who played central roles in the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in August 1998; others chart the backgrounds and movements of al-Qaeda operatives who are said to be linked directly to the atrocities of September 11. Among those profiled:

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, another of those named on the F.B.I.'s most-wanted list, who set the plot for the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings rolling during two trips he made to Nairobi in the spring of 1998 from Khartoum, where he was apparently working for al-Qaeda. Rose writes that had the F.B.I. accepted al-Mahdi's February offer, it might have foiled Mohammed's plans by stepping in when he rented a villa in Kenya, gathered the bombers at the Hilltop Hotel in Nairobi, or helped stuff a pickup truck with TNT.

Two men carrying Pakistani passports and using the names Sayyid Iskandar Suliman and Sayyid Nazir Abbass, who arrived in Khartoum from Kenya a few days after the 1998 embassy bombings and rented an apartment overlooking the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum. They appeared to be reconnoitering for a possible future attack and are believed to be members of al-Qaeda. They also stayed at the Hilltop Hotel in Nairobiæthe base used by other members of the embassy-bombing conspiracy. Sudan arrested the two men and offered to extradite them for trial, but the U.S. did not respond, instead opting to bomb the al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, which was found to have no connection to bin Laden but made vaccines and medicine and had contracts with the U.N.

Wadih al-Hage, bin Laden's former private secretary, now serving life without parole after his conviction in New York for his role in the 1998 embassy bombings, who was logged and photographed in Sudan. He is said to have moved among bin Laden's cells and across four continentsæinformation that surely would have been helpful in cramping al-Qaeda's style had it been grasped in 1996.

Mamdouh Mahmoud Salim, a Sudanese born to Iraqi parents and an Afghan-war veteran who worked for two bin Laden companies until 1995. Salim provides a link to the New York suicide hijackers. From 1995 to 1998, he made frequent visits to Germany, where a Syrian trader, Mamoun Darkazanli, had signing powers over his bank account. Darkazanli has allegedly procured electronic equipment for al-Qaeda. Both men attended the same Hamburg mosque as Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, who flew the two planes into the World Trade Center.

ACCORDING TO AL-MAHDI, THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICE kept tabs on the entire bin Laden clique": We had a lot of information: who they are, who are their families, what is their education. We knew what they were doing in the country, what is their relationship with Osama bin Laden. And [had] photographs of them all." A senior official from Egyptian intelligence, who has worked closely with the Mukhabarat, substantiates the account: They knew all about them: who they were, where they came from. They had copies of their passports, their tickets; they knew where they went. Of course that information could have helped enormously. It is the history of those people."

THE MUKHABARAT ALSO UNCOVERED A WEALTH OF information about bin Laden's connection to Egyptian Islamic Jihad, including the fact that he hosted its founder, al-Zawahiri, in 1992. The group has since effectively merged with al-Qaeda. Yahia Hussien Baviker, the Mukhabarat's deputy chief since 1998, says, These files on the Egyptians could have been of great value to U.S. intelligence. If we'd had communication with the U.S., we could have been on the same wavelength. We could have exchanged notes." A C.I.A. source tells Rose, If anyone in the world understands the Egyptian side of this network, it's Sudan."

IT WAS NOT UNTIL MAY 2000 THAT THE U.S. SENT A JOINT F.B.I.-C.I.A. team to Sudan to investigate whether it was harboring terrorists; the country was given a clean bill of health in the summer of 2001. Just a few weeks prior to the September 11 attacks, the Bush administration requested Sudan's information on al-Qaeda.

THE JANUARY ISSUE OF VANITY FAIR HITS NEWSSTANDS in New York on December 5 and nationally on December 11.

More Evidence that Osama is not who the corporate CIA media says he is.

Translation of Osama Bin Laden's September 28th denial of involvement in the 9/11 attacks. This translation has been verified by the BBC. (Real terrorists always claim responsability for a terrorist act, else the socio-political purpose of the terrorism is lost).

02/22/02 The phony bin Laden confession tape Keep in mind that the Pentagon has just admitted that they spread false stories to sway public opinion.

# 02/24/02 Vancouver Sun: Doubts that Osama had anything to do with 9-11

Reuter's - Osama's mother says tape doesn't sound like him. (Note: Reuter's has started yanking all its stories which cast doubt on the authenticity of the Osama tape)

It sure doesn't look like Osama in that video. This is what the US government gets for hiring cheap talent to do their fakes.

More doubts about Osama tape Note where the US used faked satellite photos to fool the Saudis in 1990.

Yet another reason to doubt the Osama video

Another faked video of Bush, showing how easy it is to make such a tape.

White House tries to explain away gaps in Osama tape.

German TV program points out where translation of Osama tape is in error.

bin Laden video a setup by the CIA?

Osama Gump?

Reactions to alleged bin Laden video.

David Irving on the bin Laden video tape.

San Francisco Mayor was warned of 9/11 attacks before they happened. If foreknowledge alone equals proof of guilt, then isn't Willie Brown just as guilty as Osama?

Yet more questions about Osama tape.

Osama tape not convincing.

Pravda - Osama tape;"what was claimed and seen are two different things", possible overdubbing.

US misidentified second man in Osama tape.

One out of three Americans suspect Osama tape is a fraud.

Special Effects expert confirms faking Osama tape is easy.

Australians show how easy it is to fake the Osama tape. Bush's comment “Thousands of Arab Americans who committed these acts and those who harbour them are held accountable .. make no mistake” is faked.

The Smoking Gun of the Osama tape.

Legal experts say video tape is not proof of Osama's guilt; would never hold up in court.

Doubt about Osama tape based on US army jacket.

Doubts about authenticity of latest Osama tape continue to surface around the world.

More doubts about authenticity of Osama video.

#Osama tape "mistranslated"

03/26/02 Why the CIA does NOT want to end al Qaeda Same reason they don't really want to kill Osama.

03/10/02 Osama's escape If Osama is actually caught, then the world will be reminded that the video tape confession was a fake, and that "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.

03/03/02 Osama still alive Who cares? The real goal was the oil.

# 02/02/02 How the CIA created Osama bin Laden Once CIA always CIA

Bin Laden a front for US/British Intelligence Operations

Osama just a front for Al-Queda's real leaders, whose names are unknown (but I'll bet their initials are "C", "I", and "A").

Osama was the CIA's good buddy in July.

Osama toured US military bases under CIA cover name "Tim Osman".

Osama: CIA's ace-up-the-sleeve in mideast policy!

Village Voice - US trying to explain why State Department blocked Osama arrest 5 years ago.

More reporting on Osama's treatment at Dubai Hospital!


CIA meeting with bin Laden leaked by French Intelligence sources

Bush told FBI to leave Bin Ladens alone - Times Of India

Ananova - US Agents told by Dubya to back off bin Ladens

Osama: CIA's ace-up-the-sleeve in mid east policy!


CIA meeting with bin Laden leaked by French Intelligence sources

Timeline links bin Laden and CIA prior to 9/11.

#If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Meanwhile, the evidence linking the arrested Israeli spies to 9/11 reported on Carl Cameron's four part story on Fox News remains classified
#One thing is missing from the Government's proof against Osama only missing one thing, the proof itself.
#Only his mama knows for sure
#Evidence, History Say Otherwise A good summation of the flaws in the "Osama did it" case
#Questions remain about the death of Osama's brother and G.W. Bush's business partner.

Osama and Bush communicating about WTO. There may be a war, but business is business!

Bin Laden's money tracks back to Midland, Texas

Bush dynasty double crosses their old buddy Osama.

Translation of Osama Bin Laden's September 28th denial of involvement in the 9/11 attacks. This translation has been verified by the BBC. (Real terrorists always claim responsability for a terrorist act, else the socio-political purpose of the terrorism is lost).

Osama again denies any involvement in 9/11, points finger at Israel.


Tracking bin Laden's money flow leads back to Midland, Texas
by Wayne Madsen

Ummat Interviews Usamah Bin-Ladin
28 September 2001
Bin-Ladin Denies Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks

Two former Clinton administration officials first fingered the Times article in a 2002 book, The Age of Sacred Terror. Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon wrote that after the "unabashed right-wing newspaper" published the story, bin Laden "stopped using the satellite phone instantly," and "the United States lost its best chance to find him."

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