Press Uses Actors in War On Islam
by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
Copyright, November, 2001
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
Graphics cited in text are included at the bottom of the article
The process of designing headline news was elegantly satirized in the movie,
Wag the Dog starring Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro, and Anne Heche.
November 10, 2001 — The Washington Times has faked two photos in its coverage of the War On Islam. One actor was used twice: first cast as an enemy of America, then nine days later, as a friend of America. This sham illustrates the contrived nature of the War on Islam. It indicates that those who run the press in America are those who designed this war.
Meet "The Face of Hate."
On October 20, 1001, The Washington Times ran an 8 x 6 inch color photo above the fold on the front page. The caption under the photo reads:
"Face of hate: A Muslim man looks up at the stage as he prays at an anti-America rally in Peshawar, Pakistan." (left)
Here is a close up of the hater: (left)
The credit under the photo reads: "Photo by Gerald Herbert/The Washington Times."
Meet A "Friend or Relative" of the late US Ally, Abdul Haq
On October 29, The Washington Times featured another photograph, again credited to Gerald Herbert, this one measuring 8 x 5 inches. It also appeared above the fold on pg. 1. (right)
The caption under the photo reads: "Friends and relatives of Afghan military opposition commander Abdul Haq prayed at a gathering at his home in Peshawar, Pakistan, yesterday. The legendary mujahideen leader was captured and executed by the Taliban in southern Afghanistan Friday while he was on a mission seeking defectors." Now look at a close-up of the man on the extreme left of the photo. (right)
Compare the face with the face of the October 20 hater. (left)
The hater and the friend/relative of the late Abdul Haq are one and the same.
The October 29 friend of America wears an innocent expression, but the October 20 hater scowls like a Jack-o-Lantern. The hater's eyebrows have been crudely filled in to form a monobrow, and his black beard line is high on his face, accentuating his sinister look. Theater Make-up 101 …
Now look at the other "mourners" in the October 29 photo. Note the strange facial expressions and hand gestures.
This country is slaughtering thousands of Afghans who have committed no crimes against us, in order to steal Afghani mineral and oil wealth, to trigger a larger war against other Islamic nations, and to eradicate any opposition to Imperium Judaicum.
No, the faces of hate are not worn by those uttering Islamic prayers. The faces of hate are possessed by the schlockmeisters who run America.
[The article was revised on September 28, 2004.]
Washington Times, Page 1A, October 20, 2001
Caption reads:
"Face of hate: A Muslim man looks up at the stage as he prays at an anti-America rally in Peshawar, Pakastan."
Washington Times, Page 1A, October 29, 2001
Caption reads:
"Friends and relatives of Afghan military opposition commander Abdul Haq prayed at a gathering at his home in Peshawar, Pakistan, yesterday. The legendary mujahideen leader was captured and executed by the Taliban in southern Afghanistan Friday while he was on a mission seeking defectors."
Face of hate, original size
Enlarged view of "mourner".
Lamenting a Lost Leader
* Mourner at left has switched sides in the war in the last 9 days
* Next mourner is clowning, pretending to read scripture from his empty hands
* Third from left is getting bored with the shoot and waits only to pick up his check
* Mourner on right explains why he cannot extend credit and will have to foreclose on the family farm
See also:
Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
by Carol A. Valentine, October 6, 2001
There were no "suicide" pilots on those September 11 jets. The jets were controlled by advanced robotics and remote control technology, not hijackers.
Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? Part 1: Inside Job
by Carol A. Valentine, February 12, 2002
NORAD, charged with keeping American skies safe, didn't show up on September 11, leaving the remote controlled jets to do their work. Coincidentally, NORAD is one of the world's experts on remote controlled aircraft. NORAD had the means, and provided the opportunity, for making 9-11 happen. Discussion of radar anomalies.
Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? Part 2: The Dumb Blondes
by Carol A. Valentine, February 25, 2002
NORAD claims it sent defensive jets aloft on 9-11, but America's top generals give contradictory accounts before the Senate. They act like dumb blondes — they can scarcely remember which plane hit which target. NORAD blames the FAA for the catastrophe, but the Senate doesn't bother calling the FAA. More radar anomalies.
When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing
by William M. Arkin, in a guest appearance, February 1, 1999
But what about the cell phone calls to relatives from passengers on the doomed planes? The Special Operations Command gives us the answer to that question — but it's not the same answer you heard on network news.
Flight Of The Bumble Planes
by Snake Plissken, as told to Carol A. Valentine, March 10, 2002
Snake Plissken tells us how remote controlled planes and radar trickery were used to pull off Operation 9-11. "Magic is the pretended performance of those things which cannot be done." By George, I think he's got it!
Pentagon RESCUE? Parts I through IV: Open, Bloody Questions . . .
by Carol A. Valentine, June 23, 2002
On 9-11, the most important mission was to extinguish the fire and rescue the victims. So why did they spray water on an aviation fuel fire? Instead of lifting the debris off the victims, why did they use a wrecking ball to collapse the ruins on top of them? Your journey begins here . . .
Pentagon RESCUE? Part V: The Seven Minute Fire
by Carol A. Valentine, August 18, 2002
After the publication of "Pentagon RESCUE? Part IV: Open, Bloody Questions," the Ministry of Truth publicized a little-known article claiming foam was used on 9-11, and that the "bulk" of the fire was extinguished in seven minutes! Then what did we all watch on TV, burning for days after?
Taliban Home Video
by Carol A. Valentine, October 15, 2001
If the US and its pals could fake such a video — and they're easy to fake, either with morphing or stand-in impersonators — why wouldn't they? And they did.
9/11 Terror: Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!
by J. McMichael, October 23, 2001
Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work, and that proves the terrorists were not stupid people.
Press Uses Actors in War On Islam
by Carol a. Valentine, November 11, 2001
The Washington Times has faked two photos in its coverage of the War On Islam. One actor was used twice: first cast as an enemy of America, then nine days later, as a friend of America.
Tooth Fairies and Suicide Bombers
by Carol A. Valentine, May 9, 2002
Why would vengeful Palestinians blow themselves up? Why not just leave the package, walk away, and strike again next week? Funny how the Israelis identify the bombers immediately, and distribute nice color portrait shots of the culprits immediately. Funny, the IRA didn't use suicide bombers. Other funny things.
Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
by Carol A. Valentine, May 15, 2002
What does the establishment of a world-wide Jewish theocracy have to do with the events of 9-11? Everything. If the Jews who rule America have their way, freedom of religion will soon be a thing of the past, and rabbinical courts will rule the world.
911 Lawsuit Is A Booby Trap
by Carol A. Valentine, March 3, 2004
Mrs. Ellen Mariani, a 911 widow, has filed a RICO suit against George W. Bush et al. to discover the truth about 911. But her lawyer, Philip J. Berg, has written a complaint that protects the real culprits. It is littered with gross errors and malpractice. Berg is a suicide bus driver taking Ellen Mariani's quest for truth on a one-way trip to oblivion.
See other 9-11 articles by Carol A. Valentine at
All original works copyright 1996-2004 Carol A. Valentine
On loan to Public Action, Inc.
PO Box 15430 Wedgwood Station, Seattle, WA 98115
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