Jews To Snatch Hard Drives In Canada
November 28, 1998 -- Well, all right. It's the "Canadian" authorities who will do the actual work for Jews. But snatch hard drives they will, just to stop the truth about the holocaust from getting out.
We have been told that Jewish grandmas and grandpas were turned into lampshades by the Germans during WW II. Now we discover the news is not true. Don't you feel an enormous burden taken from the soul of humanity? Do you regard that good news as " hateful"?
It takes an odd mind to regard GOOD NEWS as "HATE." An odd mind, or a larcenous mind . . .
Remember, the Zionists and Israel have made hundreds of billions off reparations and other payments, all based the story that Hitler had a mass extermination program for Jews and actually murdered six million of them.
If too many people found out the story was not true, future payments might stop. Some folks might even want their money back.
Perish the thought. Organized Jewry would rather impose world wide censorship and political oppression than admit they were caught telling whoppers. They'd rather not reach into their pockets to give back the ill gotten gain, either.
That's too bad, because most of us, whether actually Christian or not, have enough Christian charity to forgive them, provided they hand back the money and say they are sorry.
Instead, organized Jewry introduces legislation in Canada which would authorize jackboots to come into Canadian homes to tear out the hard drives from computers containing holocaust revisionist material. Canadians would be well advised to get software such as WEB BUDDY for Macintosh or WEB BUDDY for Windows:
or similar software and start downloading holocaust revisionists web sites. Make multiple copies of each site on removable drives, then store them off premises. Your next step is to use a utility program to wipe the disk clean of traces. When the jackboots come by, boy, will they be embarrassed!
(URLS of some suggested revisionist sites will be found near the signature line at the bottom.)
Now here is news of the upcoming hard drive seizure:
(National Post)
Wednesday, November 25, 1998
Copyright © Southam Inc. All rights reserved.
Crackdown on hate
materials planned
Criminal code reforms:Tougher laws
would include penalties, hard drive
Jim Bronskill
Southam News
Possession of hate propaganda for the purpose of
distributing it to others could soon be a crime.
The measure is among several planned Criminal Code
reforms aimed at toughening laws against the spread of
The package will include specific new penalties for the
desecration of churches, cemeteries, and other
institutions -- a response to such crimes as the
spray-painting of swastikas on gravestones and
It would also include a Criminal Code revision allowing
police to seize computer hard drives containing hate
Another move would prevent those charged with
promoting hatred from using the defence of truth based
on a denial of the Holocaust or any other historically
recognized act of genocide.
Federal and provincial justice ministers quietly agreed to
the changes recently during a meeting in Regina.
"There was unanimous support for the principles here,
that hate-motivated violence is something that we
condemn," said Pierre Gratton, press secretary to
Justice Minister Anne McLellan.
Federal justice officials are studying the planned
revisions with the aim of bringing in legislation next
year, Mr. Gratton said yesterday.
Current Criminal Code provisions prohibit anyone from
inciting hatred against members of an identifiable group
distinguished by colour, race, religion, or ethnic origin.
Under the changes, the list of characteristics would be
expanded to include sex, sexual orientation, age, and
mental or physical disability.
The new offence concerning possession would apply to
those who have hate propaganda for the purpose of
distributing it with the intention of promoting hate.
The provision will make it easier to crack down on
hatemongers while protecting the right of people to
openly discuss controversial issues, said Ujjal Dosanjh,
British Columbia's attorney-general, who has been
pushing for adoption of the new measures.
"It would preserve academic freedom, freedom of
expression and all of those values that we cherish," Mr.
Dosanjh said yesterday in an interview.
"Promotion of hatred isn't a value that we cherish as
Canadians, and that's where it would stop."
Visit and download these Revisionists websites, and visit and download their links:
Ingrid Rimland's Zundelsite
Committee for the Open Discussion of the Holocaust
David Irving's Campaign for Real History
Institute for Historical Review
Homepage of Arthur R. Butz, author of "Hoax of the Twentieth Century"
Michael Hoffman's Campaign for Radical Truth in History
The Gas Chambers of Sherlock Holmes
Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Have you seen the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum?
See what they did to the mothers and children--
"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
-- attr. George Orwell
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