Saturday, August 21, 2010
Using Indonesia to Push the Agenda
Forgive me for not being that in to the analysis, dear readers.
Reading the same retreaded articles time after time sort of takes the enthusiasm out of the whole endeavor.
"Indonesia arrests cleric, alleging ties to terrorists; Radical group’s founder said to plot attacks" by Aubrey Belford, International Herald Tribune | August 10, 2010
The international arm of the New York Times so you know it is 100% pure bovine excrement.
JAKARTA, Indonesia — One of Indonesia’s top radical Muslim clerics was arrested yesterday on accusations that he played an important role in terrorist training and had links to militants plotting a series of attacks on Indonesian officials and foreigners.
The cleric, Abu Bakar Bashir, was arrested along with five bodyguards in West Java on accusations that he “had an active role’’ in setting up a militant training camp in the northern Sumatran province of Aceh, said the national police spokesman, Inspector General Edward Aritonang.
Authorities said Bashir helped form a new terror cell that was plotting attacks on hotels and embassies in Indonesia’s capital. They said they found a bomb-making laboratory and evidence of at least two powerful test blasts in a nearby mountain range.
The arrest followed weeks of speculation that the police were preparing to arrest Bashir, a founder of the radical Jemaah Islamiyah movement, which has been blamed for a series of terrorist attacks, including nightclub bombings that killed 202 people in Bali in 2002. The arrest was part of a series of raids before an upcoming visit to the region by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
The 71-year-old cleric was escorted under tight security to police headquarters in Jakarta.
“The United States is behind this!’’ he shouted just before entering the building. Then he smiled and said: “This arrest is a blessing . . . . I will be rewarded by Allah!’’
Related: Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement
Bali, Australia And The Mossad
Of course, because a "terrorist" said it you can not believe him.
It was not the first time Bashir has been accused of direct involvement in terrorism. In previous arrests, American and Australian officials argued that Bashir had a role in the Bali attack and the 2003 bombing of a Jakarta hotel. He was acquitted of terrorism charges in a trial in 2003 for the Bali attack but convicted on a passport violation.
Bashir helped form and was in active contact with Al Qaeda of the Veranda of Mecca, a group in Aceh that includes members of other radical organizations and aims to create a base for holy war throughout the country, Aritonang said.
Oh, which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Though it uses the Qaeda name, the group has few, if any, formal ties with the main Qaeda network.
Translation: the CIA cut their asset loose(?).
The Indonesian militant group had previously made plans to kill the president, Aritonang said.
See: Running to Indonesia
"Aceh group planned to kill Yudhoyono
"The first thing we found about these lads were that they were flown into Aceh by the Indonesian military - ostensibly for humanitarian work ...Now we are informed that these "Qaeda men" were later flown to Gaza to fight the Israeli invader ..But that conflict ended and Al qaeda in Aceh went back to Aceh - or so they say ..... Given the group's obvious US-Indonesian pedigree , there can be little doubt that Al qaeda in Aceh was sent to an Israeli training camp on the West Bank ......The Israeli and US military are heavily involved in training the security forces of Abu Mazens Vichy government there ....In fact Bush and Elliot Abrams activated these forces to stage a unsucessful coup against Hamas ....... Al qaeda in Aceh is making ominous noises against Al Qaeda's rival Indonesian franchise , Jemma Islamiyah, is yet more confirmation that a new Al qaeda has been birthed by the West in the one-time home of our beloved president, Barry Soetoro ......" -- Wake the Flock Up
Had it with "Al-CIA-Duh" yet?
Police raids earlier this year against the group broke up the camp, and scores of terrorism suspects were arrested or killed. Dulmatin, one of Asia’s most wanted militants, was shot and killed by the police in March.
Bashir “knew all the connections, training, and plans that happened in Aceh, because he routinely received reports from managers in the field,’’ Aritonang said. The arrest was linked to the capture of five suspected militants who were believed to be from the group and the discovery of bomb-making materials in West Java on Saturday, he said.
The suspects were accused of wanting to carry out bombing attacks on the National Police headquarters, the West Java police Mobile Brigade headquarters, international hotels, and “more than two’’ foreign embassies.
In one place, the police found a bomb that had not yet been detonated, Aritonang said. In another location, they found a vehicle that was being prepared as a car bomb. The police said that they were searching for a French man who was believed to have bought the car.
Bashir’s arrest had been anticipated after the police linked members of his above-ground Islamic organization, Jamaah Anshorut Tauhid, to the Aceh group, said Sidney Jones, an analyst with the International Crisis Group.
Yeah, WHATEVER, war-promoting press.
"Abu Bakar Bashir: Terrorist or CIA-Mossad Patsy?
March 3rd, 2005
The United States and Australia wanted Abu Bakar Bashir, supposedly the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, to spend the rest of his life in prison for the Bali bombing. Instead, Bashir was “sentenced Thursday to 2 1/2 years in prison for conspiracy,” although the United States and Australia “were hoping for a lengthy prison term to deter terrorism in the world’s most populous Muslim nation [Indonesia],” according to ABC News. “We’d have liked a longer sentence,” lamented Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.
Jemaah Islamiyah is described as a militant Islamic separatist movement dedicated to the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state in Southeast Asia, in particular Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, and the south of Thailand and the Philippines, as noted by Wikipedia. It is said Jemaah Islamiyah is an al-Qaeda franchise and is connected to Abu Sayyaf, a separatist group based in and around the southern islands of the Philippines, primarily Jolo, Basilan, and Mindanao.
It is interesting Bashir stands accused of leading Jemaah Islamiyah and yet claims both Jemaah Islamiyah and al-Qaeda are CIA ops designed to “to persecute Muslims throughout the world,” according to Richard S. Ehrlich of the Bangkok Post.
According to Sayed Abdullah, who operates an intelligence services firm in Indonesia, “It is clear that the CIA and the Mossad have infiltrated such organizations [Jemaah Islamiyah, Hamas, and Hezbollah].” Abdullah told Kazi Mahmood of IslamOnline the he believe it “is obvious the CIA and the Mossad, assisted by the Australian Special Action Police (SAP) and the M15 of England, are all working towards undermining Muslim organizations in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally.”
It is no secret the CIA has run covert operations for decades. In Indonesia, the CIA “infiltrated arms and personnel in support of the regional rebellions against Sukarno,” writes Peter Dale Scott. The CIA and the Indonesian military organized “civilian murder bands” that ultimately slaughtered between 250,000 and 500,000 people in 1965. As Mark Zepezauer explains, the “Indonesian military, trained and backed by the US, provoked a leftist coup against its leader, General Suharto. When the coup failed, the military used it as an excuse to depose Sukarno and replace him with Suharto. (According to diplomatic documents, the coup was a setup to justify the military takeover.)”
Organizing, training, and funding radical Mujahedeen in Afghanistan—including Osama bin Laden—is considered the CIA’s “largest and most successful CIA operation in history” and “the one morally unambiguous crusade of our time,” according to George Crile, a veteran producer for the CBS’ 60 Minutes. (See The Largest Covert Operation in CIA History by Chalmers Johnson.)
“By way of deception, thou shalt do war,” is the motto of Mossad, according to Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent. “Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan,” writes Ostrovsky. In fact, as UPI correspondent Richard Sale documents, Israel actively funded Hamas. Brig. Gen. Yithaq Segev, the military governor of Gaza, told Sale Israel funded “Islamic movements as a counterweight to the PLO and communists.”
As Sayed Abdullah sees it, the Bali bombing was a classic false flag operation. Bali was “an operation clearly financed and assisted by the CIA and Mossad, made use of Muslims to carry out the final act. Those Muslims were not innocent since they took the bait handed over by the CIA and the Mossad to bomb Bali and to avenge against the U.S. war on the Muslims in Afghanistan.” Abdullah said “to achieve this, the CIA used one of its operatives, Omar Al-Faruq, an Arab living in the U.S. who speaks Arabic and knows a little about Islam and who was sent to Indonesia to infiltrate the so called terrorist groups.”
“Former State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) [Badan Koordinasi Intelijen Negara, the Indonesian intelligence agency] chief A.C. Manulang has said that Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq, a terrorist suspect who was arrested in Bogor, West Java, on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US three days later, is a CIA-recruited agent,” Tempo Interactive reported on September 19, 2002. According to Time Magazine, however, “al-Faruq was one of bin Laden’s top representatives in Southeast Asia, responsible for coordinating the activities of the region’s disparate Islamic militant groups and employing their forces to conduct terror attacks against the U.S. and its allies.”
It should be noted that Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA in Afghanistan and al-Qaeda would later appear in Bosnia to help “Kosovo rebels battle for independence from Serbia with the financial and military backing of the United States and NATO,” according to the National Post. “The United States, which had originally trained the Afghan Arabs during the war in Afghanistan, supported them in Bosnia and then in Kosovo. When NATO forces launched their military campaign against Yugoslavia … they entered the Kosovo conflict on the side of the KLA, which had already received ’substantial’ military and financial support from bin Laden’s network, analysts say.”
Is it possible Omar Al-Faruq pulled off the Bali bombings with CIA-Mossad assistance and Abu Bakar Bashir is innocent? “How do we know that the CIA was behind the coup that overthrew Hugo Chavez?” writes William Blum. “Same way we know that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. That’s what it’s always done and there’s no reason to think that tomorrow morning will be any different.” How do we know the CIA and Mossad were behind the Bali bombing? We don’t, not exactly, but we do know they have done similar things in the past.
Also see: Indonesia's Idiosyncracies
So for what other agenda-pushing purposes can the propaganda-promoting newspaper use Indonesia?
"Scientists say warming seas killing Indonesia’s coral reefs; Rate of bleaching one of fastest seen" by Associated Press | August 19, 2010
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Coral that survived the 2004 tsunami is now dying at one of the fastest rates ever recorded because of a dramatic rise in water temperatures off northwestern Indonesia, conservationists said, warning yesterday that the threat extends to other reefs across Asia.
I no longer believe the scientists of the newspaper because of the lies -- and not just about global warming.
Picking up the government's torch in the Gulf totally destroyed whatever faith was left.
The Wildlife Conservation Society deployed marine biologists to Aceh province, on the tip of Sumatra island, in May when surface waters in the Andaman Sea peaked at 93 degrees Fahrenheit — a 7 degree Fahrenheit rise over long-term averages.
Where they using a NOAA satellite?
You know who lives near Sumatra, right?
The teams discovered massive bleaching, which occurs when algae living inside coral tissues are expelled. Subsequent surveys carried out together with Australia’s James Cook University and Indonesia’s Syiah Kuala University showed 80 percent of those corals have since died.
Or maybe it was U.S. Naval operations.
"Big fines protect Hawaii coral beds; Key to preserving habitat, tourism" by Audrey McAvoy, Associated Press | August 3, 2009
HONOLULU - .... Injured corals will have a harder time recovering from global warming and rising levels of carbon dioxide the oceans are absorbing amid growing greenhouse gas emissions....
The Navy is another target, for coral wrecked over a 6- to 10-acre area when the USS Port Royal ran aground. The Navy has already spent nearly $40 million on ship repairs and some $7 million restoring the reef, including dispatching scuba divers to help reattach more than 5,000 broken coral colonies....
The empire's militarism costs you in so many unseen ways doesn't it, America?
Also see: One Last Dip in the Ocean
I think I'll skip it; probably oil in it.
Though the scientists have yet to submit the data for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, they and others say the speed and extent of mortality appear to exceed that of other bleachings. The cause appears to be the warming seas, which can be partly blamed on global warming.
Related: Climate Change Mea Culpa
“This is a tragedy not only for some of the world’s most biodiverse coral reefs, but also for people in the region,’’ said Caleb McClennen, the New York-based group’s marine program manager for Indonesia, noting that many depend on the rich marine life for their food and for money earned through tourism.
Yeah, it could NOT be POLLUTION, right?
Coral formations were severely damaged by warming in 1997 and 1998 linked to El Niño.
How about those RECORD-BREAKING TEMPERATURES in South America?
Why not ONE WORD of THOSE, Globe?
They were just bouncing back when a Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake off Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people in a dozen countries. The disaster damaged more than one-third of Aceh’s reefs, but scientists said they recovered faster than expected.
Now I'm really starting to sense MSM BS at the bottom of the sea.
“It’s a disappointing development, particularly in light of the fact that these same corals proved resilient to other disruptions to this ecosystem,’’ Stuart Campbell of the Wildlife Conservation Society wrote on the group’s website.
“It is an unfortunate reminder that international efforts to curb the causes and effects of climate change must be made if these sensitive ecosystems and the vulnerable human communities . . . that depend on them are to adapt and endure,’’ Campbell wrote.
Yup, an unfortunate reminder that my newspaper is not to be trusted.
The high water temperatures — which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Hotspots website indicates have affected the entire Andaman Sea and beyond — also occurred soon after the point in the year when sunlight was at its most direct angle and at a time of little cloud cover or wind.
Yeah, the smell sure is familiar.
Clive Wilkinson, a coordinator at the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network in Australia, called it a “lethal combination’’ for coral, especially when it continues for more than a month, as was also the case in 1998.
Good thing the planet has COOLED SINCE!
Watch the video: Hide the Decline
Yeah, I'm going to trust my lying, agenda-pushing paper instead.
And they worry with wonder as to why their industry is dying?
Posted by Rocker at 4:30 PM
Labels: Environment, Indonesia, Prop
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