Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Slow Saturday Special: Another Mosque Mess
"The latest skirmish in the national debate over the place of Muslims in American society"

And wait until you see WHO is behind it!

"Praying by pupils at mosque decried; Wellesley chief calls it a mistake; group releases field trip footage" by Erica Noonan and Katrina Ballard, Globe Staff | Globe Correspondent | September 17, 2010

WELLESLEY — Wellesley’s school superintendent apologized yesterday for allowing middle school pupils to participate in a prayer service during a field trip to a Roxbury mosque last spring....

Last spring? Then why are we HEARING ABOUT IT NOW, sigh?!!

I think we BOTH KNOW WHY, reader!!

The group, Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a group that has been critical of Islamic Society of Boston Community Center — New England’s largest mosque and Muslim cultural center — received the footage from a mother of one of the pupils, its director, Dennis Hale, said yesterday. The woman, whom they would not identify, went on the May 27 trip as a chaperone for her son’s sixth-grade class, he said....

The name sounds so benign! One would never guess it's a front for Zionist Jew hatred!


Related: Negating 9/11

Koran Krap From Afghanistan

And look at the failing and fading newspaper here trying to rekindle the flame.

What agenda-pushing a**holes.

Superintendent Bella Wong said the mosque visit took place as part of the sixth-grade social studies course, “Enduring Beliefs in the World Today,’’ which includes lessons on Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. As part of the class, pupils also visit a synagogue, attend a gospel musical performance, and meet with Hindu religious representatives, she said.


America, you COLLECTIVELY OWE Muslims an APOLOGY!!

“I extend my sincere apologies for the error that occurred and regret the offense it may have caused,’’ Wong said in the letter to parents.

Wait until you see what the parents think of this heavy-handed hate by the Supremacist Jew outfit. And yet the head of the school system bowed low to it.

In the future, Wong wrote, teachers will provide “more clear guidance to students to better define what is allowed to fulfill the purpose of observation.’’

Hale said the Wellesley mother disturbed by the trip gave the video to his group because it was the main voice against the mosque when it opened in 2009.

Does that look like TOLERANCE to you?

Hey, it's AmeriKa now: war = peace, slavery = freedom, and tolerance = supremacist Jew intolerance!!

Hale said that he and his co-directors, Dr. Charles Jacobs, a Jewish activist, and Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Mansour, an Egyptian refugee, oppose the mosque because of its affiliation with the Muslim American Society.

Related: Hearing the Call of the Minaret

The Boston Globe Says the Z-Word

They Never Met a Palestinian They Did Not Hate

Mossad's AmeriKan Media Mouthpiece

See who HE IS now and understand why he gets the pub?

Hale said Wellesley officials should have prevented students from participating in prayers.

“If a Catholic priest took school kids to a church and said, ‘Let’s teach them about Catholicism,’ and the kids kneeled before the altar, took wine, and the Host, the furor would be visible from outer space,’’ he said.

And we know why.


But Kate Badertscher, a Wellesley parent whose son attended the field trip, had a different perspective.

“Speaking as a parent, I thought it was a terrific field trip for him to go on,’’ Badertscher, a member of the Wellesley Middle School Parent Teacher Organization, said when contacted by the Globe.

I would watch your back and property, lady.

“So much of what kids read and hear about Islam today doesn’t give them the full picture. I think the school was trying to broaden horizons, and that’s a good thing.’’

Yeah, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, s*** bag corporate media!

See: Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World's Media

Yup, that explains the media coverage a whole pile!!!


Hale’s video also criticized a nonprofit education curriculum company, Primary Source, for encouraging public school visits to mosques. Reached yesterday, the executive director of the Watertown-based business, Julia de la Torre, said her company did not plan the Wellesley field trip.

Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, said her organization will investigate what happened with the Wellesley schoolchildren.

You know, when you think about the ACLU it NEVER REALLY GETS ANYTHING DONE when it comes to things like TORTURE and TYRANNY, does it?

I mean, they write a lot of "eye-opening" reports and file plenty of FOIA lawsuits; however, WHAT do they REALLY GET DONE?

Those things CONTINUE despite their "fine work."

What have they PREVENTED, readers?

Where are the WAR CRIMES CHARGES -- if in an UNOFFICIAL FORUM if nothing else? Where are they on 9/11 Truth like the brave architects and engineers?

Related: Mississippi Queen

Oh, I guess they have better things to do.

Yup, another Zionist Jew organization pushing division wherever they can. And to think long, long ago I gave them my hard-earned wages.

“If, as the video produced by this organization purports to show, public school children were indeed asked to take part in or observe a prayer service at a mosque, it would be deeply problematic, as would any invitation to public school children to participate in a prayer service at any church, temple, or other religious house of worship,’’ Rose said in a statement last night.

You know, I sick of lawyers who don't even read the First Amendment. It says no state religion; it does not say no religion.

Related: Lexington School Stinks

Yeah, who cares if the kids are being poisoned in the overpriced school; at least they ain't visiting a mosque!

Doesn't a kid have the civil right not to be poisoned in his prison, 'er, classroom?

Oh, it is ONLY the "ISLAMIST" poisoning of the MIND we are to worry about, huh?

Noting that the field trip took place this past spring, Bilal Kaleem, president of the Muslim American Society of Boston, asserted that Americans for Peace and Tolerance was sensationalizing the incident because of the current controversy in New York City over locating a Muslim community center near ground zero of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.


“They make it their business to go after mosques,’’ Kaleem said. “They’ve never come to the center, never agreed to meet and talk about their concern.’’

Or anyone else for that matter; that is what SUPREMACIST HATE GROUPS DO!


To truly pray as a Muslim, a supplicant needs to undergo ritual ablutions, something few non-Muslim visitors ever do, said Dr. Abdul Cader Asmal, a board member and former president of the Wayland mosque, which is independent from the Roxbury center visited by the Wellesley students.

“It is so unfortunate,’’ Asmal said of the controversy, “when we have an opportunity to help encourage good relations and people with an agenda wreck the understanding we are trying to create.’’

And LOOK at all the CORPORATE MEDIA COVERAGE they receive here in AmeriKa!!

I'm sorry, America, but THIS IS NOT FRONT PAGE NEWS!


The Boston Globe is trying to RAISE on a BUSTED FLUSH!!!

"Mosque says students weren’t pressed to pray; Parents defend school as trip ignites debate" by Peter Schworm, Globe Staff | September 18, 2010

WELLESLEY — This affluent suburb found itself cast squarely into the culture wars yesterday, as controversy engulfed school officials over a field trip to a Boston mosque where several sixth-grade pupils were videotaped kneeling during a prayer service.

As blogs and talk radio programs raged over whether the school should have allowed the trip, the mosque issued a statement saying there was no attempt to coerce the children and accusing critics of fear-mongering.

And here it is on the front-page of my paper this morning!

The influential American Jewish Committee called for tighter guidelines for educational trips to religious settings, and First Amendment advocates said such outings ominously blur the divide between church and state.


Ever listen to their ads on the radio? They call for an attack on Iran. I hear them every morning on the local CBS network affiliate as I go to get a Globe and coffee.

But those who had the greatest cause for anger, parents of Wellesley students, emerged as the school’s most vigorous defenders.

Does that ever EXPOSE the SUPREMACIST JEW MIND-SET or what?

Yeah, the PARENTS had the MOST REASON to be OUTRAGED!

Yeah, not at the visit to the mosque but by this AGENDA-PUSHING RETALIATION by SUPREMACIST JEW ORGANIZATIONS!!

Yup, this is to what AmeriKa has come; decades of Zionist inculcation and indoctrination through our schools and media has led to such "reporting."

At coffee shops and in school parking lots, they insisted that the visit to New England’s largest mosque was a valuable educational experience that would help children gain an understanding of the Muslim faith....

Hey, WHO CARES what PARENTS think?



The latest skirmish in the national debate over the place of Muslims in American society.



A number of religious freedom advocates said that visiting a mosque during midday prayer services put impressionable students in a delicate situation.

But the RAT-GUT ROT they see on their televisions and in their newspapers (ha-ha, a if kids actually read those s*** sheets of propaganda, bless 'em).

Yeah, it is OKAY to LIE the kids into WARS with BLARING HEADLINES though!

Religious freedom advocates said visiting a mosque during midday prayers — as Wellesley pupils are shown on video doing — puts impressionable children in a delicate situation.

Religious freedom advocates said visiting a mosque during midday prayers — as Wellesley pupils are shown on video doing — puts impressionable children in a delicate situation. (Necn.Com)

I look at the photo and I see great kids, a lot of 'em probably bored. :-)

“It’s very important that public schools not put students in a position where they feel obligated or pressured to participate in worship and that they never be subject to proselytizing,’’ said Joe Conn, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington, D.C., education group. “The bottom line is the school fell down in its responsibility.’’

Of course, NO ONE WAS RAISING a FUSS when they went to the SYNAGOGUE!

Other groups said the episode exposed the need for vigilance on public school visits to churches, synagogues, and mosques, and the American Jewish Committee’s Boston office called upon state and local education officials to develop safeguards to prevent similar incidents.

Aren't these the same liars that sold you lawsuit-loving bullying laws over a lie?

See: Bullying the Massachusetts Legislature

Bullied by Boston Globe

The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: She's No Princess

Globe didn't think that was important enough for print, huh?

“State-run organizations have an added burden to ensure that they do not directly or indirectly favor, endorse, or disparage religious teachings or practices of any community,’’ said Rob Leikind, director. “When a public school takes children to a church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious institution, they no longer have control over the environment.’’


The field trip was part of a required social studies course, “Enduring Beliefs and the World Today,’’ which introduces students to world religions. Students had earlier visited a synagogue, attended a gospel music performance, and met with Hindus.

And NO RUCKUS, huh? No front-page coverage?

In response to the escalating controversy, the Muslim American Society of Boston, which operates the mosque, condemned the group Americans for Peace and Tolerance for releasing the video. Bilal Kaleem, president of the group, said the heavily edited footage created a misleading impression that the mosque coerced the students into prayer.

That is what NEWSPAPERS and the SUPREMACIST OUTFITS they front for DO!!

“At no point did we attempt to proselytize students, or teach them how to pray, or even invite them to pray,’’ Kaleem said. “Each month about 15 schools, churches, and synagogues reach out to us requesting tours and requesting to see a Muslim prayer. The visit from Wellesley was no exception.’’


Kaleem accused the head of the group that released the video of fomenting anti-Muslim sentiment, and said the video was taken without the permission of the school, parents, or children.

Looking right at another example of my desk right now.

The video was part of “an orchestrated campaign,’’ Kaleem said, to raise suspicions about the mosque.

Yeah, it is pretty obvious.

In Wellesley, parents also questioned the motives of the parent who took the video.

“If you feel that strongly about how wrong this was, then you shouldn’t hide behind your anonymity,’’ said Mary Crown, whose son attended the trip. Crown said her son “learned a lot about Islam and Hinduism that frankly I didn’t know and that I should have known.’’

I do it because I have a very unique name and it would not take a supremacist crank long to locate me.


Jewish Defense League ordering US Jews to buy weapons quickly

Now if it were Muslims or Christians doing or saying such things the supremacist MSM and Zionist-serving government would be hollering terrorists!

Ute Smith, whose daughter attended last year’s field trip, had similar questions.

“It seems opportunistic to release this now when there seems to be a distinct atmosphere of anti-Islamic sentiment in this country,’’ Smith said. “If she thought this was so outrageous, why didn’t she go to school officials and release her video straightaway?’’

Oh, I think we all know why now.



But critics said the pupils’ participation in prayer clearly crossed a line....

Charles Haynes, a senior scholar at the First Amendment Center: “These are sixth-graders. They are in a place of worship with worship going on, and I think that crosses the line.’’


"The Naval Academy also has been reaching out to students in seventh and eighth grades to emphasize the importance of developing math and science skills to help raise chances of admission."

But what about those impressionable minds in a delicate situation?

In milder terms, educators agreed. Paul Andrews of the state’s Association of School Superintendents said the controversy served as a cautionary tale:

“You can understand the sensitivity.’’

No, I do not.

But I do understand power, who applies it, how it is applied, and what it looks like in my newspaper.

"Muslims call a summit over NYC mosque plan" by David B. Caruso, Associated Press | September 18, 2010

NEW YORK — Some Muslims who were initially indifferent about a proposed Islamic center near the World Trade Center site are now rallying around the plan, partly in response to a sense that their faith is under assault.

A summit of US Muslim organizations is planned for today and tomorrow in New York City to address both the project and a rise in anti-Muslim sentiment that has accompanied the debate over the project....

A completely media-driven sentiment, my friends, because I don't feel that way at all.

The primary purpose of the meeting is to talk about ways to combat religious bigotry. But Shaik Ubaid of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York, one of the groups organizing the gathering, said he has a growing sense that the project is being embraced by American Muslims and Muslim groups after some initial trepidation.

“Once it became a rallying cry for extremists, we had no choice but to stand with Feisal Rauf,’’ he said, referring to the New York City imam who has been leading the drive....

See: The Rauf Ruse

Gauging support for the center among US Muslims is difficult. As a group, they are diverse, ranging from blacks who found the faith during the civil rights movement to recent immigrants hailing from opposite ends of the globe. They rarely speak with one voice.

You know, like the supremacist Jews and their mouthpiece media we call a newspaper.

“I think most Muslims outside New York City are more concerned about the backlash than the actual center, which most of them will never directly benefit from,’’ said Shahed Amanullah, the editor in chief of the website altmuslim.com and a group of other Islam-themed sites.

Should they not be?

The center’s location two blocks from ground zero has upset some relatives of Sept. 11 victims and stirred nationwide debate and angry demands that it be moved. Critics say the site of mass murder by Islamic extremists is no place for an Islamic institution.


Of course, the MASS MURDER of MILLIONS based on LIES from Zionist extremists is never described in such a way in my war-promoting paper.


More MUSLIM HATRED coming from of all places HARVARD!

"Blog post stirs mixed emotions over Harvard honor for educator" by Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | September 16, 2010

A provocative blog post by New Republic Editor Martin Peretz has set off a controversy at Harvard over whether the university should allow the longtime Harvard instructor to be honored at a ceremony next week.

Distinguished alumni, professors, and other fans of Peretz have spent the past six months raising more than half a million dollars to establish an undergraduate research fund named after Peretz, who taught at Harvard for more than 40 years, until about five years ago. They plan to honor Peretz as part of a daylong celebration Sept. 25 marking the 50th anniversary of Harvard’s social studies major.

But the honor has become controversial following a blog post Peretz authored on Sept. 4. He wrote, “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims,’’ and asserted that Muslims have hardly “raised a fuss about the routine and random bloodshed that defines their brotherhood.’’

Oh, what a HATEFUL and RACIST thing to SAY!

And he is an EDITOR of a MAGAZINE?

And if life is cheap to Muslims it must be MEANINGLESS to the USraeli Empire that has MURDERED SO MANY.

And WHERE are the AMERICANS RAISING a FUSS about their nation's WAR CRIMES and NEVER-ENDING WARS, huh?

“So yes, I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse,’’ Peretz wrote.

Did you just catch a whiff of FASCISM, folks?

Peretz this week apologized for writing such an “embarrassing sentence,’’ saying he does not actually believe what he wrote.



But he stood by the sentence about Muslim life, saying it is a “statement of fact, not value.’’

In other words, he DID NOT REALLY APOLOGIZE!

New York Times columnist (and Harvard alum) Nicholas Kristof had condemned Peretz for questioning whether Muslims should be afforded constitutional freedoms. And some in the Harvard community have called upon the university to remove Peretz’s name from the research fund lest it tarnish Harvard’s image.

Too late. Already tarnished.

Related: Boston Globe School Daze: Classes Canceled at Harvard

“The question is whether an institution like Harvard wants to valorize someone who would hold such hateful views,’’ said Stephen Walt, a professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government who himself has been at the center of controversy, in his case for a book he coauthored, called “The Israel Lobby,’’ that was criticized by Peretz among others. “If you had said this about blacks, Jews, or Catholics, it would be a scandal.’’

See who calls the shots?


Harvard yesterday said it does not plan to block the honor of Peretz, who received his doctorate from Harvard. In a statement yesterday, university officials acknowledged that Peretz’s recent assertions have been “distressing to many members of our community, and understandably so.’’ But the statement also declared that “it is central to the mission of a university to protect and affirm free speech, including the rights of Dr. Peretz, as well as those who disagree with him, to express their views.’’

So when does Ahmadinejad get an invitation?

“We are ultimately stronger as a university when we maintain our commitment to the most basic freedoms that enable the robust exchange of ideas,’’ the statement said.

I expect the invite is in the mail then.

Peretz would not comment on his writing or views when reached at home yesterday....

Let's keep it that way.


Related: Globe Editorial Wellesley schools should keep religious studies, but no prayer

I will end this post by simply saying that the PERSECUTION of Muslims in AmeriKa is unlike anything I have ever seen in my lifetime -- and it is OBSCENE!!!

All I can do is OFFER my apologies to them and extend them my kindness when I encounter them.
Posted by Rocker at 7:43 AM Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, American Tyranny, Islam, Religion, U.S.

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