Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Veterans Getting a Piece of Iraq
Related: The Wars Will Make You Mad

And if that does not, this will:

"Insurer sued over military benefits; Soldiers’ parents question payouts" by Stephanie Reitz, Associated Press | August 31, 2010

The parents of six deceased US soldiers are suing Prudential Financial, saying it paid paltry interest on military life insurance benefits while keeping more generous interest earnings for itself....

Related: Checking Out Checkbook

Yeah, it is NOT JUST SOLDIERS, America!

Insurance companies are MAKING MONEY of ALL YOUR DEATHS!


What a SHIT COUNTRY AmeriKa has turned out to be!!

A spokesman for the financial giant in Newark, N.J., said yesterday that while company officials cannot address the pending litigation, they strongly defend their handling of the money as responsible and deferential to the beneficiaries’ grief and needs.

Nothing like LYING RIGHT to your f***ing FACE, huh?

The debate centers on Prudential’s use of what it calls Alliance Accounts. The accounts are similar to checking accounts and come with a booklet of drafts....

Yeah, we KNOW WHAT THEY ARE and WHY they are U$ED!

Interest paid to beneficiaries who parked their money in Alliance Accounts in the last several years has ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 percent, according to the lawsuit.

But the plaintiffs say the checks are equivalent to an IOU, and that the money does not actually sit in those accounts as of the time of the soldier’s death.

They say Prudential holds the money in its $200 billion general account and earns 5 to 6 percent interest; moves it into an Alliance Account only when the beneficiary requests it; pays out at the lower interest rate; then keeps the difference....

That is called BEING DEFERENTIAL to the VICTIMS!

A similar claim against Prudential was thrown out of US District Court last year in New Jersey, where a beneficiary of a non-military life insurance policyholder challenged the Alliance Accounts and alleged Prudential was unjustly enriching itself.

Well, you SEE WHO the COURTS are WORKING FOR, Americans!

Plaintiffs in the current lawsuit are parents of soldiers who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, El Salvador, and after returning to the United States. They are from Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Maryland, and Texas.

Kevin Lucey of Belchertown, Mass., the lawsuit’s lead defendant with his wife, Joyce, said the grief of losing their son, Jeffrey, 23, in June 2004 was so raw that dealing with insurance was too overwhelming right away.

Oh, he lives just down the road!!

See: Surprise!: Boston Globe Discovers Anti-War Protests

How to Honor a Suicider
They transferred the policy’s proceeds to a bank nine months later, but Kevin Lucey said they remain angry and indignant over what they consider Prudential’s misrepresentations to themselves and other families.

Oh, what do you know, ANOTHER AmeriKan institution and industry that is a BALD-FACED F***ING LIAR!!!!


Related: New York investigates veterans’ life insurers

Also see: Prudential assures on dividend as profits jump

Thanks for helping out, veteran families!

Also see: Boston man gives MIA bracelet to fallen soldier’s family

So WHEN are the WARS ever going to END, America?

HOW MUCH LONGER are you going to KEEP DYING for LIES and ISRAEL?
Posted by Rocker at 9:22 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, Iraq, U.S.
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