Tuesday, March 25, 2008
America’s Next 9/11
To be blamed on guess-who?
"America’s Next 9/11"
".... Who would be trying to build a secret nuclear weapon or perhaps only a “dirty bomb” that would serve to spread some radiation and massive amounts of fear and hysteria? The public has been carefully prepared to suspect Iran.
Not me!!
I know where I will be looking: Occupation Iraq: British Bombers
If such a device were exploded somewhere in the United States, Bush, Cheney, and the neocon nazis would have their second new Pearl Harbor to justify their planned attack on Iran.
We know that the Bush regime wants to attack Iran. Despite the NIE report that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program several years ago and despite no signs of a weapons program having been uncovered by IAEA inspectors, Bush, Cheney, and the neocon nazis continue to agitate for striking Iran “before it is too late.” Their politicized military commander in Iraq, Gen. Petraeus, keeps insisting that Iran is training Iraqi insurgents and supplying weapons that are killing US troops.
Even though the Brits are the ones building the bombs:
Prop 201 tutorial
Bush and Cheney themselves have made trips to Europe and the Middle East trying to marshall support for an attack on Iran. Anyone who is not deaf, blind and stupid knows that the Bush regime is doing everything it can to create circumstances that will permit a US attack on Iran.
We know for a fact that the Bush regime created false evidence, lied, and deceived in order to attack Iraq. All the reasons given for the US invasion have proven to be false. The real agenda has never been declared. Yet, five years later the traitors in high office who deceived Americans into a war in behalf of a hidden agenda have not been held accountable. As Agatha Christie said, getting away with one murder makes it easy to commit another.
There is so much that Americans do not know about secret schemes serving undeclared agendas. Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of “false flag” events as a “conspiracy theorist.”
Can I ever relate to that sentiment!
Best-selling author Steve Alten in his recently published book, The Shell Game, attempts to reach Americans with a thriller that mixes fiction with fact. Alten describes a conspiracy, beginning in 2007 and ending in 2012, by a Black Op group in a Republican administration to set off nuclear weapons in two American cities, with planted evidence pointing to Iran. It is a historical thriller predictive of our immediate future by an author who has no illusions about the US Government or the interest groups that control it...."
Also see: Which U.S. City Will "Al-CIA-Duh" Nuke?
And right on cue!!!!
"Al Qaeda deputy urges attacks against US"
"by Lee Keath, Associated Press | March 25, 2008
CAIRO - Osama bin Laden's deputy yesterday urged Muslims to attack Jewish and American targets worldwide in retaliation for Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, intensifying an Al Qaeda push to use Arab anger to rally support for the terror network.
The tape by Ayman al-Zawahri came days after two messages from bin Laden, who called for a holy war on behalf of the Palestinians and warned of a severe reaction against Europe over republishing cartoons seen as insulting Islam's Prophet Mohammed.
The string of messages has raised fears that Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the West - or that it hopes to inspire sympathizers to carry out violence. The broader goal may be to show supporters that Al Qaeda can open a new front against Israel.
I'm really tired of the damn Zio-prop, readers!
Really have had it, and NO LONGER BUY IT like in 2001, shitters!!!!!!!!!
Bin Laden and Zawahri have frequently referred to the Palestinian cause, usually in broader terms of liberating Jerusalem and denouncing Israeli violence.
Al Qaeda is not known to have a direct presence in Israel or the Palestinian territories, and its sympathizers often post messages on Islamic militant Web forums asking why the terror network has not attacked Israel on its soil or gotten more involved on the Palestinian front.
Maybe because it is "Al-CIA-Duh!"
Bruce Hoffman, a counterterrorism analyst, said that with Al Qaeda in Iraq suffering setbacks, Al Qaeda "has to look further afield and at least give an impression of an upward trajectory, that it's operating across the Middle East."
"Perhaps they don't have the ability to attack the United States, so they may turn to the next best enemy, either Israel or Europe," he added.
Don't have the ability to attack us?
But, but, but... Bush and his booga-booga's?
Zawahri's call for attacks had a more urgent tone than past messages. "Strike the interests of the Jews, the Americans, and all those who participated in the attack on Muslims," he said."
Expect a CIA/Mossad FALSE-FLAG BLACK-OP any day now, readers!
And I will HOLLER about it so it NEVER HAPPENS, too, because I KNOW NOW!!!!!!!
Posted by Rocker at 1:09 AM
Labels: 9/11, Neo-Con Plan, Prop
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