Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The unasked question about 9/11...

If the FBI and the Bush administration had no information regarding an attack on the World Trade Center then why was the FBI inspecting the WTC complex with bomb sniffing dogs on September 10th 2001?

Answer this question and you will know the truth. Ask the people who worked in the WTC. Ask NYC Police who may have worked in coordination with the FBI. Ask the FBI agents who were conducting the inspections. That’s the key to the entire question of foreknowledge of the attacks.

My sister worked in the World Trade Center. Fortunately she had worked late the night of 9/10 so she decided to go in a little late on the 11th; a decision that saved her life.

She lost 300 of her friends and coworkers on that infamous day.

Interestingly enough she had told me that on 9/10 there were FBI agents with bomb sniffing dogs all over her building. Her boyfriend who worked at the WTC told me the same thing. So have several people who have e-mailed me.

If you worked in the WTC and can add your voice to this claim please e-mail me.

George Bush FAILED us on 9/11
And now he wants us to rehire him!
Download Flyer.

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