Wednesday, August 18, 2010
China's Economic Indicators
Unlike yours, America, it is growing!
"China passes Japan, is No. 2 economy" by David Barboza, New York Times | August 16, 2010
SHANGHAI — After three decades of spectacular growth, China has passed Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy, behind the United States, according to government figures released today....
Experts say unseating Japan — and in recent years passing Germany, France, and Great Britain — underscores China’s growing clout and bolsters forecasts that China will pass the United States as the world’s biggest economy as early as 2030.
Make sure you say hello on the way down, Americans.
“This has enormous significance,’’ said Nicholas R. Lardy, an economist at Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “For everyone in China’s region, they’re now the biggest trading partner, rather than the US or Japan.’’
So the U.S has a VESTED INTEREST in keeping things DIVIDED and SPLIT in the Pacific -- otherwise, WE LOSE EVEN MORE POWER and INFLUENCE for our MILITARY is WORTHLESS then!
Japan has had the second-largest economy for much of the last four decades, according to the World Bank. During the 1980s, there was even talk about Japan’s economy some day overtaking that of the United States. But China is in the throes of urbanization and is far from developed, meaning it has a much lower standard of living as well as a lot of room to grow....
As yours has done a massive contraction that will never spring back, America.
Of course, the factories sent to China during the beneficial boom(?) of globalization had nothing to do with it.
China has roughly the same land area as the United States but is burdened with a fifth of the world’s population and insufficient resources. Its per capita income is more on a par with those of impoverished nations like Algeria and El Salvador — which, along with China, are close to $3,600. The US figure is about $46,000.
Let me tell you something, world: MOST of us Americans are FAR BELOW that AVERAGE FIGURE!
Of course, the yawning INCOME GAP is NEVER HIGHLIGHTED in our MSM here; however, it will be duly noted by the war-promoting, enemy-creating press in China.
Yet under the Communist Party, China has begun to reshape the way the global economy functions by virtue of its growing dominance of trade, its huge hoard of foreign exchange reserves and US government debt, and its voracious appetite for oil, coal, iron ore, and other natural resources.
1) The designers of the New World Order did NOT DEVISE IT for the CHINESE! What they thought was the stoo-pid, conformist Chinese would happily fulfill their role as slave labor in the overall system. Their elitist, supremacist outlook insured that they were blind to the fact that the Chinese have a long history of governing themselves. In fact, they were once among the world's most durable and long-lived empires (all empires fall, America; that would be something you would be well advised to heed at this point in time as you gaze into that mirror).
2) The holding of U.S. government debt means they got us by the balls. Of course, if Israel insists we give up those balls for the sake of WWIII and the destruction of the AmeriKan economy our leaders will happily agree. After all, they are your balls not theirs -- although we may have their balls in the end.
3) As for the voracious appetite for natural resources, well, you will NEVER SEE USrael described that way in one of our Zionist propaganda sheets we call newspapers around here. Yeah, CHINA CUTS DEALS with people and BUILDS INFRASTRUCTURE while the U.S. SMASHES and INVADES to STEAL RESOURCES!
Oh, right, it is a NYT PoS, sorry!! ALWAYS CONSIDER the SOURCE, readers.
The country’s leaders have grown more confident on the international stage and have begun to assert greater influence in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, with things like special trade agreements and multibillion-dollar resource deals.
Though growth has begun to moderate, China’s economy is forecast to expand 10 percent this year — continuing a three-decade streak of double-digit growth.
In your dreams, 'eh, America?
Here you are supposed to be ecstatic if you receive a report of 3% growth from a lying government and MSM when the economy actually contracted again.
There are huge challenges, though. Economists say China’s economy is too heavily dependent on exports and investment, and state-run banks have been criticized for lending far too aggressively.
As opposed to AmeriKa where we are too heavily dependent on imports and banks pocketed the bailout loot.
And whose economy is on the rise, PoS NYT?
China is also locked in a fierce debate over its currency policy, with the United States and European Union accusing Beijing of keeping the Chinese currency artificially low to bolster exports — leading to trade deficits for the United States and Europe.
Chinese are smart investors, too, because they are GETTING OUT of YOU, America!
"China lending less to US Treasury; Shift could raise borrowing costs" y Martin Crutsinger, Associated Press | August 17, 2010
WASHINGTON — China reduced its holdings of US Treasury debt for a second straight month in June while the holdings of Japan and Britain rose....
Do you invest in a sinking ship?
The debt figures are being closely watched at a time when the US government is running up record annual deficits. A drop in foreign demand would lead to higher interest rates in the United States. The yield on Treasuries rises when fewer people invest in them.
It would start with the US government paying more interest on its $13.3 trillion national debt and then ripple through the economy.
That means YOU in this case, TAXPAYERS!!!
Consumer loans such as home mortgages and auto loans track the yields on Treasurys, so they could rise, too.
Not that banks are loaning money or that you can get a loan with all the unemployment and foreclosure, Americans.
Had enough INSULTS from your MSM yet because I SURE HAVE!!!!
So far, interest rates in the United States have remained extremely low. A weak economy has depressed borrowing by the private sector, and the Federal Reserve has kept a key interest rate at a record low level of zero to 0.25 percent in an effort to spur stronger growth....
Yup, and the FAILURE FED and CAN'T GO ANY LOWER with the PRIMO LOAN RATES for the RICH!
US Treasuries are considered the safest investment in the world because the US government has never defaulted on its obligations.
And they either will or there will eventually be no tax money for anything here.
Of course, I exclude the war machine and the tax loot sent to Israel. I mean after that tax money is set aside.
China is the largest foreign holder of Treasury securities....
Feel the squeeze down there, America?
There are concerns that China could influence US interest rates by rapidly selling off its holdings of US debt. That could lead others to dump their holdings and result in a spike in interest rates.
If we give 'em enough grief I can see them doing this, yeah.
On the other hand, here in AmeriKa we are a HOLLOWED SHELL that will be INCAPABLE of sustaining even the SLIGHTEST INFLATIONARY SHOCK given our precarious position.
But analysts say China has a lot to lose from that approach and that it is more likely to sell a little bit at a time.
Like a SMART INVESTOR who was QUIETLY ENDING the relationship.
“While it would hurt the United States if China started selling off our securities, it would hurt China just as badly because it would drive down the value of their holdings,’’ said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor’s in New York.
Wyss predicted that China will slow its acquisition of new US government debt while diversifying its holdings. Wyss said that process has already begun, noting China’s recent acquisition of energy and other natural resource holdings in Latin America and Africa....
Yeah, THEY CUT DEALS with governments and BUILD while WE SMASH and INVADE for ISRAEL, America!!
"China’s rich hiding $1.4 trillion, study says" by Associated Press | August 14, 2010
BEIJING — China’s rich may be hiding up to $1.4 trillion, equal to a third of the country’s GDP, according to a report that attempts to put a number on the country’s corruption-fueled “gray income.’’
And how much is YOUR RICH HIDING, America?
Don't see much about the UBS TAX SCANDAL or MADOFF anymore, do you?
And when you do see it in your MSM is s***.
The estimates also offer a troubling indication that the income gap between China’s rich and poor is much wider than official figures suggest.
Pot, kettle, f*** off, MSM!!!!!!!!!!!
The Credit Suisse-sponsored report, issued this week by the economic think tank China Reform Foundation....
Oh, so it is a PIECE of PROPAGANDA once again posing as NEWS!!
Do you know they EXECUTE PEOPLE for CORRUPTION in China?
Maybe Americans could LEARN SOMETHING from the Chinese!
And MAKE SURE the s*** newspapers and their whores are right behind them.
“Gray income’’ can come from a variety of sources, including kickbacks on projects, stock market manipulation, land deals, bonuses, and even wedding gifts to powerful officials.
Yeah, THANK the LORD NONE OF THAT HAPPENS here in AmeriKa!!!!!!
It represents a loss to the country in unpaid taxes that could be used to fund social services and infrastructure.
Oh, THAT is what the AGENDA-PUSHING, POS PAPER is worried about in CHINA, huh?
Yeah, DON'T LOOK at YOURSELF, AmeriKa!!!!!
The researchers contacted family members, friends, and colleagues....
Translation: it Is a SELF-SERVING, AGENDA-PUSHING piece of BULLS***!
And that crackdown on business?
"Tibetan businessman gets life in prison" by Associated Press | August 13, 2010
BEIJING — One of Tibet’s richest businessmen has been sentenced to life in prison for helping exile groups, a human rights organization said yesterday, the latest case in a surprising crackdown on well-known Tibetans once praised by Chinese authorities.
Dorje Tashi, believed to be in his mid-30s, is the operator of the Yak Hotel, the most famous hotel in Lhasa. He met President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao of China in 2005, two years after joining the ruling Communist Party....
The crackdown is surprising because it includes high-profile Tibetans who were known for working within the system instead of opposing it....
Only surprising to the globe-kicking pukes and their messanger MSM, American.
And they also do NOT WANT WHAT HAPPENED HERE happening THERE!
"China cracking down on off-book loans; Regulators worry banks are evading lending controls" by David Barboza, New York Times | August 18, 2010
SHANGHAI — Regulators, suspecting that banks and trusts are secretly repackaging old loans and moving them off bank balance sheets, are concerned that financial institutions in China may have engaged in the same sort of financial engineering that got Western banks into trouble....
The off-balance-sheet deals are raising warning flags about a possible slowdown here. While China’s economy remains robust — it overtook Japan in the second quarter to become the world’s second-largest economy, behind the United States — analysts worry that a surge in bank lending last year and early this year might have led to wasteful spending....
You know, the same thing your bailout and stimuloot was used for, America.
Pushing in the opposite direction are banks and investment trusts, which want to continue pumping money into the economy to bolster their profits. Analysts say they have been adept at evading the rules with clever and complex financial products.
"Bank may get $13b from China stake" by Bloomberg News | August 11, 2010
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Bank of America Corp., hit by last month’s disclosure of a potential $10 billion charge tied to new regulations, may add $13 billion to its book value when it posts gains from a Chinese bank stake for the first time in October....
“They could end up with a nice big pop to their capital,” said Nancy Bush, an independent analyst in New Jersey....
And remember all that garbage about Google in China?
"In China, a state-run Google rival" by Associated Press | August 13, 2010
BEIJING — The state-run Xinhua News Agency will launch its own search venture, giving Google a new, well-financed rival following the closing of its China-based Web search engine....
The communist government is trying to build up Chinese technology industries while giving Xinhua and other state media billions of dollars to expand in foreign markets.
Related: Chinese News Channel
I'll bet it is better than the s*** you get from your MSM, Amurkn.
The venture might be a new threat to Google Inc.’s China market share, which has declined since the US company closed its mainland search engine in March to avoid cooperating with Beijing’s Web censorship.
Mainland Web surfers can use Google’s Chinese-language Hong Kong site, but some are defecting to rivals such as Baidu Inc., which operates China’s most popular search engine....
Translation: THEY DON'T NEED YOU!
The venture could have good long-term prospects due to Xinhua’s large news report and China Mobile’s vast subscriber base, said Ren Yanghui, who follows the industry for Analysys....
Just like China as a whole.
Also see: China's Economy Collapsing
Whatever, MSM.
Didn't they just overtake Japan?
Yeah, that gets us to the downs:
"China orders closing of wasteful factories" by Associated Press | August 10, 2010
BEIJING — China has ordered 2,087 steel mills, cement mills, and other factories with poor energy efficiency to close as the country struggles to cut waste and improve its battered environment.
The “backward’’ facilities produce steel, coke, aluminum, paper, and other materials throughout China and must close by late September, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced Sunday.
Authorities said last week that a five-year plan to improve energy efficiency suffered a setback this year as China’s economic rebound and a construction boom boosted demand for steel, cement, and other energy-intensive products.
How come you didn't have one, America? Oh, right; all money goes for wars, Wall Street, and Iswail!
The plan calls for a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption per unit of economic output, or energy intensity, by the end of this year. The government said in March it had cut energy intensity 14.4 percent by the end of 2009 but said last week that energy intensity crept up 0.09 percent in the first half of this year.
"Last year, China invested about $34 billion in solar panels, wind turbines, and other alternative energy technologies, nearly twice as much as the United States, where spending fell sharply"
Yup, the Chinese cut deals and work on the future while we destroy and plunder the planet, AmeriKa!
Also see: Chinese Oil Spill Slimes AmeriKan MSM
Yeah, that slick disappeared quick, too.
You don't want to make oil look too bad to the people, although it i$ a good whipping boy for the agenda-pushing global gas tax.
China overtook the United States last year as the world’s biggest energy consumer, though with a larger population it still is well behind in consumption per person, according to the International Energy Agency.
Yeah, the U.S. hogging energy resources for the military machine and protection of Israel doesn't go over well with the rest of the world.
China’s surging energy demands have alarmed its leaders, who worry about dependence on imported oil and gas from volatile regions such as the Persian Gulf and pollution damage to scarce water supplies and forests.
The country’s growing presence in international energy markets has prompted complaints that it is pushing up crude prices and making supply deals with international pariahs such as Iran and Sudan.
Yeah, whatever, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist PoS paper!
It is USReal that is the PARIAH, you lying sack of s***!
Btw, have you NOTICED what the DESTABILIZING U.S. INVASIONS have done to the price of oil?
Related: Israeli Oil Shipments Exempt From Iran Sanctions
After a while you get sick of the war-promoting, enemy-creating Zionist garbage passing itself off as news.
China is the world’s biggest steel producer and a major producer of other industrial materials as well. Its newest facilities are equipped with the latest technology but there are thousands of small, outdated paper mills that local authorities are reluctant to close for the sake of jobs and tax revenue.
Yeah, here in Amerika it is DEFENSE PLANTS and MILITARY BASES that receive the SAME CONCERN!
Of course, some things are the same all over:
"At least 14 dead in China gold mine fire" by Associated Press | August 7, 2010
BEIJING — A fire in a gold mine in eastern China killed at least 14 workers and trapped eight underground, a state work safety official said today....
China has the world’s deadliest mining industry, with more than 2,600 people killed in mine accidents last year....
This week, 25 miners were killed in two accidents when lethal gas seeped into the mines where they were working....
And look what was burned away from the printed page:
Nine workers were killed at a mine Monday in central Henan Province, while 16 workers died Tuesday at a mine in southwestern Guzhou province....
More than 100 miners have died in the past month. None of those killed were mine bosses or managers -- a fact noted with unusual criticism by the typically docile state media.
I'm sick of the Amerikan MSM pot hollering kettle!
Also see: Mining Miracle in China
Around AmeriKa: Son of Coal Miner's Slaughter
"With more rain forecast, death toll rises to 1,117 in Chinese landslides" by David Wivell, Associated Press | August 12, 2010
ZHOUQU, China — Heavy rains lashed a remote section of northwestern China as the death toll from weekend flooding that triggered massive landslides jumped to 1,117, although the fading hopes of rescuers got a boost late yesterday when a survivor was found in the debris....
The National Meteorological Center warned there was a “relatively large’’ chance of more landslides in the coming days, as heavier rain was expected, with up to 3 1/2 inches forecast for tomorrow.
Troops and rescue teams, joined by traumatized survivors, were increasingly turning to recovering bodies and seeing to the needs of the living. Clean drinking water was a primary concern, with most local sources destroyed or too polluted to use.
Ah, China's troops tied up with flood relief, huh?
No better time to attack Iran, what with Pakistan under water and Russia burning away (forgotten the last two days as well).
Related: EVACUATE NOW!: Russia's Radioactivity Unleashed
Oh, that is why.
What a PoS MSM!
Entire communities in Gansu Province’s Zhouqu district were swallowed when the debris-choked Bailong River jumped its banks early Sunday, releasing wave after wave of mud and rubble-strewn water. While torrential rains were the direct cause, tree cutting that left the dry hills exposed and the weakening of cliff faces by a massive 2008 earthquake were seen as contributing factors.
Buildings were torn from their foundations, their lower floors blown out by the force of the debris-laden water. Three villages comprising hundreds of households were entirely buried and much of the county seat was submerged....
Disinfectant crews in protective suits sprayed chemicals across the ground and over machinery, the smell of death heavy in the air. State media reported numerous cases of dysentery, while infected injuries, a lack of sanitation and clean drinking water, and accumulating garbage increased the risk of typhoid, cholera, and other diseases....
Rescue crews have been largely reliant on hand tools, with heavy equipment either unable to traverse the terrain or mired in mud up to several yards deep.
But roads reopened yesterday, allowing in heavy earth-moving equipment and supplies....
Oh, now I see why this isn't news anymore.
Another crisis over.
Nothing to see here.
Now ON to the NEXT WAR!!
Also see: China's Roaring Rivers
Yeah, omissions and lies seem to be SOP for the AmeriKan MSM.
And look who "predicted" it all:
"China is witnessing its worst floods in decades, the World Meteorological Organization says, particularly in the northwest province of Gansu. There, floods and landslides last weekend killed at least 1,100 people and left more than 600 missing, feared swept away, or buried beneath mud and debris.
The Intergovernmental Panel reported in 2007 that rains had increased in northwest China by up to 33 percent since 1961 and that floods nationwide had increased sevenfold since the 1950s. It predicted still more frequent flooding this century Errant climate may be sign of breakdown, scientists say.
You mean the SAME ONE that LIED about the GLACIERS?
Related: Continuing the ClimateGate Lies
AmeriKan MSM Complicit in ClimateGate
Also see:
Top US Senator Assassinated As Obama "Weather War" Plunges World Into Chaos
Can You Hear the HAARP?
Weather Wars and the Devil's HAARP
Posted by Rocker at 7:25 AM
Labels: Business, China, Environment, U.S.
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