Saturday, October 2, 2010

ednesday, September 15, 2010
Saudi Arabian Shopping List
How much do they have to spend?

"US proposes sale of war planes to Saudis" by Associated Press | September 14, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is seeking approval from Congress to sell up to $60 billion worth of sophisticated warplanes to Saudi Arabia and could add another $30 billion worth of naval arms in a deal designed to counter the rise of Iran as a regional power.

The deal would apparently represent the largest single US arms sale ever approved. It would allow Saudi Arabia, the most militarily advanced of the Arab Gulf states and one of the richest countries in the world, to buy top-line US-made helicopters and fighter jets with ranges that would span the Middle East and beyond.

Unlike some previous sales to Saudi Arabia, this one is not expected to be derailed by opposition in Congress or from US backers of Israel, who have worried in the past about blunting Israel’s military edge over its Arab neighbors.

One wonders what "qualitative upgrade" Israel will be offered soon -- if it hasn't been offered on the hush-hush already.

Iran is now seen by Israel, the Gulf Arab states, and the West as a significant and unpredictable threat that has changed the old calculus of the region’s balance of power.

Honestly, I'm so sick of the war drumming I don't even hear it anymore.

Related: Muslims Send Message to Israel

Nobody is listening there.

The United States is realigning its defense policies in the Persian Gulf as Iran improves the range and accuracy of missiles and other weapons that could threaten Israel or US allies in Europe.

And now the Saudis could.

Besides the Saudi deal, the United States has pending or proposed arms sales to Kuwait, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, and has repositioned some US forces and military assets around the Gulf.

Invasion after election, world. Smells just like Iraq.

The Pentagon plans to notify Congress of the proposed Saudi sale within about a week, Colonel David Lapan, a spokesman, said yesterday. Lapan would not confirm details of the Saudi shopping list pending congressional notification, but a senior defense official said it includes up to 84 new F-15 fighter jets and three types of helicopters....

It's the only thing we manufacture these days -- but we are all about peace!
Posted by Rocker at 2:30 PM Links to this post
Labels: Iran, Israel, Middle East, Neo-Con Plan, Saudi Arabia, U.S.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: No U.S. Attack on Iran Until After November Elections
Because Obama knows the Democrats are done in Israel starts a World War.

That doesn't mean Israel won't go it alone and then turn to us and say "Help."

This first article never saw print:

"Nuclear threat from Iran is not imminent, US tells Israel; Weaponization would take a year" by Mark Mazzetti and David E. Sanger, New York Times | August 20, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, citing evidence of continued troubles inside Iran’s nuclear program, has convinced Israel that it would take roughly a year — perhaps longer — for Iran to complete what one senior official called a “dash’’ for a nuclear weapon, according to US officials.

Yeah, that would be IF they were building a bomb -- which they are most definitely NOT!

Look, we ALREADY WENT THROUGH ALL THIS with IRAQ and FOOL ME ONCE.... ummmm.... we can't get fooled again!

For those Americans that care to vote, we ARE NOT!!

White House officials said they believe the assessment has dimmed the prospect that Israel would preemptively strike against the country’s nuclear facilities within the next year, as Israeli officials have suggested in thinly veiled threats....

So the fuel must be for a leap at Lebanon and the Litani River, 'eh?

After all, they wouldn't need it to keep on grinding down Palestinians.

Hell, that's already incorporated into the policies, budgets, and aid requests.

Gary Samore, President Obama’s top adviser on nuclear issues, said the United States believed international inspectors would detect an Iranian move toward breakout within weeks, leaving a considerable amount of time for the United States and Israel to consider military strikes....

So it isn't off the table.

It is unclear whether the problems that Iran has had enriching uranium are the result of poor centrifuge design, difficulty obtaining components, or accelerated Western efforts to sabotage the nuclear program.

But it's okay when we do it to a perfectly legal operation.

It is not even "terrorism."

Now, US and Israeli officials believe breakout is unlikely anytime soon, according to administration officials....

Translation: Attack put off until after November.

Israeli officials have indicated that if they saw a race for the bomb underway, they would probably take military action and encourage the United States to join the effort.

Does this mean anything to you, Israel?

Now, I have no doubt my slavish government will jump into the fray on the behalf of Israel and the American people will be offered all sorts of reasons to justify it.

It won't take this time, sorry.

Nuclear specialists agree that the hardest element of producing a weapon is obtaining weapons-grade material. And for Iran that quest, which stretches back more than 20 years, has not been going well, by most accounts....

The United States, Israel, and Europe have for years engaged in covert attempts to disrupt the enrichment process by sabotaging the centrifuges.

If Iran were to do such a thing here the MSM would be hollering for war!

Readers, THAT is TERRORISM!!


Officials concede there are potential vulnerabilities in their assessments. Chief among them is whether Iran has hidden another enrichment center somewhere in the tunnels it has dug throughout the country.

You know what?



"Israelis conducting covert maritime operations in Persian Gulf

Chinese and Japanese intelligence agencies, which closely monitor events in the Persian Gulf due to the dependence of both countries on oil from the region, report that Israeli Navy commandos have recently been active in creating maritime incidents in the Gulf that could be blamed on Iran.

Beware of another USS Liberty or Cole, America!!

Also see:

Iran: Dimona is in Our Crosshairs

So what DO I GET in my printed paper?

"Iran readies start-up of nuclear reactor" by Associated Press | August 21, 2010

BUSHEHR, Iran — Iranian and Russian nuclear technicians made final preparations to start up Iran’s first reactor today after years of delays, an operation that will mark a milestone in what Tehran considers its right to produce nuclear energy.

Related: Slow Saturday Special: Iran Goes Nuclear

Nationwide celebrations are planned for the fuel loading at the Bushehr facility in southern Iran, while Russia pledges to safeguard the plant and prevent spent fuel from being shifted to a possible weapons program.

Which means an USRAELI ATTACK opens the door to WWIII and draws RUSSIA and CHINA in on the side of IRAN!


“The start-up operations will be a big success for Iran,’’ conservative lawmaker Javad Karimi said in Tehran. “It also shows Iran’s resolve and capability in pursuing its nuclear activities.’’

The West has not sought to block the reactor start-up as part of its confrontations over Iran’s nuclear agenda, a clash that has resulted in repeated rounds of UN sanctions.

Israel is waiting to bomb it so they can benefit from the discharge of radiation that will kill more Iranians.

Washington and other nations do not specifically object to Tehran’s ability to build reactors kept under scrutiny.

However, the reactor is seen by hard-liners as defiance of UN Security Council sanctions that seek to slow Iran’s nuclear advances, which Tehran’s foes worry could eventually push toward atomic weapons.

Who are the "hard-line foes," MSM?

What concerns America and others, including Russia, is Iran’s refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a process that can be used to make fuel for nuclear arms.

Why would Russia be concerned?

They are helping them operate the thing.

The ONLY ONE TRULY CONCERNED is the "others(?)" -- and we KNOW WHO THAT IS!!

Amazing that my MSM sucks so bad when it comes to obfuscating for Israel.

Russia now must follow through with its agreements, signed by Iran, to remove spent fuel at Bushehr and ship it back to Russia for reprocessing.

Oh, I think they are going to do better than that!!

That would make it impossible for Iran to use plutonium, contained in the spent fuel, for weapons.
The uranium fuel used at Bushehr is well below the more than 90 percent enrichment needed for a nuclear warhead.

What, what, what?

Why the WEB CUT, readers!!!??


Iran is already producing its own uranium enriched to the Bushehr level -- about 3.5 percent. It also has started a pilot program of enriching uranium to 20 percent, which officials say is needed for a medical research reactor.


And HOW WOULD YOU FEEL, American, if IRAN was denying your relative CANCER TREATMENTS?

Wouldn't exactly like 'em, would ya'?

Iran's envoy to the UN nuclear watchdog, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said Thursday that any military attack against an operational nuclear power plant would be a direct violation of the UN charter.

And Lord knows the MSM would not want to call attention to any more Israeli war crimes!

It also would probably provoke international outrage by possibly unleashing dangerous radiation.

It sure as hell would even without the radiation!


Time is growing short, and the Devil sends the Beast with wrath:

"Fuel loading begins at nuclear plant

BUSHEHR — Iranian and Russian engineers began loading fuel yesterday into Iran’s first nuclear power plant, which Moscow has promised to safeguard to prevent material at the site from being used in any potential weapons production. After years of delays, the fueling of the Bushehr plant in southern Iran marks the start-up of a facility for energy production that the United States once hoped to block as a way to pressure the country to stop separate nuclear activities of far greater concern."

That is the U.S. definition of terrorism!

And how dare Iran be REASONABLE!?

"Iran proposes nuclear fuel deal with Russia" by Associated Press | August 27, 2010

TEHRAN — Iran has submitted a proposal to Russia to jointly assemble the nuclear fuel for the country’s new power reactor and any future facilities, state media reported yesterday.

The move appeared to be an attempt by Tehran to gain some control over the nuclear fuel process at its Russian-built Bushehr nuclear plant. With Moscow’s help, Iran began loading uranium fuel into the facility on Saturday.

The United States and allies lifted their opposition to the Bushehr plant after Russia pledged to handle all the nuclear fuel to make sure no material is shifted to a possible Iranian weapons program in the future. The latest proposal by Iran to have even a sideline role in the nuclear fuel process could stir backlash in the West....


An official at the Russian nuclear agency said the two countries have discussed the possibility of creating a facility to assemble the fuel rods for Bushehr. The facility would operate under Russian license on Iranian territory.

Ready for a war with Russia, America?

Points of interest:

1. Last Spring, Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington's chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel refused.

2. The United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

3. The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

4. Iran's formal notification to the IAEA of the planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.

5. Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.

6. Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the US and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran's announcement. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of he new facility before Iran's notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting doubt on the veracity of Israel's claims to "know" that Iran is a nuclear threat.

7. The IAEA and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are unanimous in agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.

8. In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath the reactor at Dimona.

9. Israel made the same accusations against Iraq that it is making against Iran, leading up to Israel's bombing of the power station at Osirik. Following the invasion of 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik and found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble.

10. The United Nations has just released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as "Anti-Semitic (even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish), and the United States will block the report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the US Government an accessory after-the-fact.

We all need to be Joe Wilson right now. We need to stand up and scream, "LIAR!" at every politician and every talking media moron that is pushing this war in Iran. And we need to keep dong it until they get the message that we will not be deceived any more.

Israel wants to send your kids off to die in Iran, and YOU are the only one that can stop them." -- Wake the Flock Up

Okay, if the false nuclear issue make you rabid for war maybe the fact that the Iranians are just bad guys will:

"Iran unveils ‘ambassador of death’ drone" by Associated Press | August 23, 2010

TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday inaugurated Iran’s first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an “ambassador of death’’ to its enemies.

The 12-foot-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles, according to a state television report, not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.

Translation: They are FOR DEFENSE!

U.S. can't really complain, can they, what with our drones clogging up the skies of the world?

“The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship,’’ Ahmadinejad said at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country’s national day for its defense industries....

Did the MSM translate that right?

Ahmadinejad added that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes....

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a US weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles, and a fighter plane.

Even as Israel was moving them weapons as part of the October Surprise and Iran-Contra deals, but whatever!

All down the MSM memory hole!!


"Covering opposition may be barred in Iran" by Associated Press | August 27, 2010

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iranian media have been prohibited from mentioning opposition leaders, including former president Mohammad Khatami, under a purported media directive that would further strengthen the government’s grip over the remaining news outlets....

Yeah, never mind that Iran's political system is the most open in the region (with a Jewish representative to boot)!

I'm sure our allies in Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are much better examples.
It was not possible to independently verify the letter's authenticity yesterday....

Why were my nostrils just invaded with the smell of s***?

If true, however, it would be another step by Iran to control the media....


Oh, yeah, and those allies:

"Saudi cleric reprimanded over fatwa" by Associated Press | August 27, 2010

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A conservative Saudi cleric was told to stop giving unauthorized edicts after he called for a boycott of a supermarket chain that employs women as cashiers, the office of the kingdom’s most senior religious leader said yesterday.

The move is the first public reprimand of a prominent cleric following a royal decree that limits the issuance of fatwas to the country’s most senior group of clerics. Fatwas are religious edicts that provide guidance in matters of everyday life to pious Muslims....

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam....

Sexes are segregated in schools and public places. Women are not allowed to drive or vote, and physical education classes are banned in state-run girls’ schools.


Iranian women can drive and vote!

Saudi King Abdullah has been trying to clamp down on ultraconservative ideology, including allowing women to take up commercial jobs.

Yeah, he is a real trooper.

What is taking them so long to join the 20th century (never mind the 21st; one step at a time, right)?

And seeing as it is all part of the overall war plan:

"DEADLY CLASH IN BEIRUT -- Some 1,000 people attended the burial of Hezbollah official Ali al-Jawad yesterday in the town of Kfar Fila. Jawad was one of four people killed Tuesday during clashes between Shi'ites and a Sunni faction (Boston Globe August 26 2010)."

See: The Redirection

Fatah al-Islam is Mossad

Yeah, who would be trying to stir up s*** again?

Related: Muslims Send Message to Israel
Stoo-pid Israelis just won't get the message!
Posted by Rocker at 11:48 AM Links to this post
Labels: Iran, Israel, Lebanon, MSM, Neo-Con Plan, Saudi Arabia, U.S., Women
Thursday, August 26, 2010
House of Saud Paralyzed
That is what happens when you cast your lot with USrael.

And they thought it would give them immunity in the end?

"Saudi judge inquires about paralysis as form of punishment" by Salah Nasrawi, Associated Press | August 20, 2010

CAIRO — A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man’s spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralyzing him, the brother of the victim said yesterday.

You know, I'm just sick of the "Muslims are savages" tone in my lying, war-promoting Zionist War Daily.

This could all well be true about OUR ALLY Saudi; however, HAVE THEY SHREDDED any Afghans, Pakistanis, or Iraqis lately?

Of course, Saudi shredding of Yemenis slides by unreported. There are certain levels of propaganda within the newspaper.

One would hope the Saudis would realize that USrael and its mouthpieces are not their friends after this news selection.

Abdul-Aziz al-Mutairi, 22, was left paralyzed and subsequently lost a foot after a fight more than two years ago. He asked a judge in northwestern Tabuk Province to impose an equivalent punishment on his attacker under Islamic law, his brother Khaled said in a phone interview from Saudi Arabia.

He said one of the hospitals, located in Tabuk, responded that it is possible to damage the spinal cord but added that the operation would have to be done at a more specialized facility. Saudi newspapers reported that a second hospital in the capital, Riyadh, declined, saying it could not inflict such harm.

Administrative offices of two of the hospitals and the court in Tabuk were closed for the Saudi weekend, which began yesterday, and could not be reached for comment.

Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and occasionally doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye for an eye.

Gandhi was right; that only leaves the whole world blind.

However, King Abdullah has been trying to clamp down on extremist ideology, including unauthorized clerics issuing odd religious decrees.

The query by the court, among the most unusual and extreme to have been made public in the kingdom, highlights the delicate attempt in Saudi Arabia to balance a push to modernize the country with interpretations of religious traditions that critics say are out of sync with a modern society....

Oh, is that what foot-dragging by the government is called these days?

Islamic law applied in Saudi Arabia allows defendants to ask for a similar punishment for harms inflicted on them. Cutting off the hands of thieves, for example, is common.

Maybe we should apply that punishment to bankers, Americans.

Under the law, the victim can receive blood money to settle the case.

We call that a legal judgment or settlement here.

Human rights groups say trials in Saudi Arabia fall far below international standards.

Did they base their on the AmeriKan military tribunals, too?

They usually take place behind closed doors and without adequate legal representation.


Those who are sentenced to death are often not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them or of the date of execution until the morning on which they are taken out and beheaded.

Crucifying the headless body in a public place is a way to set an example, according to the kingdom’s strict interpretation of Islam.

Think the LOOTING BANKSTERS would get the point?

Amnesty International expressed concerns over the reports and said the rights group was contacting Saudi authorities for details.

“We are very concerned, and we will appeal to the authorities not to carry out such a punishment,’’ said Lamri Chirouf, the group’s researcher on Saudi Arabia.
Such measures are against international conventions against torture and international standards on human rights.


Maybe AI could look into this, too:

"Sri Lankan maid says boss stuck nails in her" by Associated Press | August 26, 2010

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — A Sri Lankan maid returned from her job in Saudi Arabia with 24 nails inside her body — the result of torture by the family who employed her, a doctor and government official said yesterday.

L.G. Ariyawathi’s body is riddled with needles and nails, which are scheduled to be removed tomorrow, a doctor confirmed yesterday.

Ariyawathi, 49, returned to Sri Lanka on Saturday from Saudi Arabia and was hospitalized the next day with severe pain at a facility about 100 miles away from Colombo, the capital, according to media reports.

She told a local newspaper that her employers tortured her with the nails as punishment....

Ariyawathi told the Lakbima newspaper she went to Saudi Arabia in March and was paid only two months’ salary, with her employer withholding three months’ salary to buy an air ticket to send her home.

Dr. H.K.K. Satharasinghe of Kamburupitiya hospital said X-rays show Ariyawathi has 24 nails, from 1 to 2 inches, and needles in her body.

Sri Lanka’s deputy minister of economic development said the government would “report about this matter to the Saudi government and provide her adequate compensation.’’



"Ghazi Algosaibi, Saudi statesman and poet, at 70" by Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press | August 16, 2010

CAIRO — Ghazi Algosaibi, Saudi Arabia’s consummate statesman and liberal writer, died yesterday at the age of 70 from stomach cancer, relatives said.

A former ambassador to Britain, Mr. Algosaibi often represented his country at international forums and was known for his poetry and liberal religious views in a conservative country that banned his writings....

Mr. Algosaibi was also a prolific novelist, poet, and columnist. His writings were banned in Saudi Arabia because they frequently voiced criticism of ruling regimes in the region and often presented a satirical depiction of social and political mores.

Yeah, WHO KNEW that Muslims and Arabs have CULTURE!?

You sure wouldn't know that from reading an AmeriKan MSM news section!

It was only in the last month that the Saudi Culture Ministry lifted the ban, citing his contributions to the kingdom.
Mr. Algosaibi came under fire in 2002 when he wrote a poem praising Palestinian suicide bombers. Under criticism from Jewish groups, Mr. Algosaibi defended his poem and accused Israel of committing war crimes.



Also see: JPMorgan Chase plans Saudi branch

Sometimes human rights do not matter.

And why would the kingdom want to pollute their banking system?
Posted by Rocker at 1:05 PM Links to this post
Labels: Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Women
Saturday, August 14, 2010
U.N. Wants Look at Lebanese Video
Roll tape!

"Video sought by UN panel; Tribunal wants answers on Lebanon killing" by Arthur Max, Associated Press | August 12, 2010

AMSTERDAM — The UN-appointed prosecutor investigating the 2005 assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri of Lebanon asked Hezbollah militants yesterday to hand over evidence they say implicates Israel in the murder.

See: Israel's Dirty Games

The request from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon follows claims by Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah this week that Israel was responsible for the fatal truck bombing in the Lebanese capital. Israel called the allegations ridiculous.

Then they must be true.

Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare asked Nasrallah for the video he screened at a news conference on Monday, described by the Hezbollah leader as intercepted Israeli aerial reconnaissance tapes from the 1990s up to 2005. He said it showed places Hariri frequented, including the street where he and 22 others died.

The tribunal said Bellemare’s office, which is mandated to investigate as well as prosecute, would conduct its inquiry based on “evidence and nothing else.’’

“I welcome any evidence that can bring us closer to the truth,’’ Bellemare said....

Many Lebanese worry that if the tribunal draws links between the assassination and Hezbollah, a Shi’ite movement, it could provoke bloodshed between Lebanon’s Shi’ite and Sunni communities. Hariri was Sunni.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about that now.

See: The Redirection

Lebanon Unites Against Israel

Has Saad Hariri Finally Figured-Out Who Killed His Dad?

Yeah, I think he has.

Two weeks ago the leaders of Syria and Saudi Arabia, President Bashar Assad and King Abdullah, who were once bitter rivals for influence in Lebanon, made an extraordinary joint visit to Beirut that underscored the depth of Arab concern over the chaos that could be revived by the tribunal’s decisions....

Actually, that's not quite the whole story.

Related: Muslims Send Message to Israel

Yeah, they actually went to tell the Lebanese they are with them if Israel attacks again.

Initially suspicion fell on Syria after the killing in February 2005, since Hariri had been seeking to weaken the domination of his country by Damascus.

Four pro-Syrian Lebanese officers were jailed without charge in Lebanon for nearly four years before being freed last year for lack of evidence.

Related: U.N. Exposes Hariri Hoax

Hariri was Lebanon’s most prominent politician since the 15-year civil war ended in 1990. His death set off political turmoil in Lebanon that led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops after almost 30 years of military presence....

And CUI BONO, readers?

Did not ISRAEL ATTACK soon thereafter?

Posted by Rocker at 9:57 PM Links to this post
Labels: Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Syria, U.N.
Slow Saturday Special: Obama Speaks the Same Language as Bush
He talks peace as he doles out weapon$ of war.

"It would be part of the Gulf Security Dialogue started by the Bush administration"

Some change, huh?

"US plans $60b arms sale to Saudis" by Bloomberg News | August 14, 2010

WASHINGTON — A proposed US weapons sale to Saudi Arabia of F-15 fighter jets also includes as many as 132 Apache attack helicopters and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters that bring the total value of the package to around $60 billion, according to a government official familiar with the plan.

Wait a couple of days for an even bigger package for Israel so they can maintain their "qualitative advantage."

The Pentagon and State Department about two weeks ago informally notified congressional committees that handle arms sales of the planned transaction, the official said.

“I think it would be the largest ever,’’ said William Hartung, director of the New York City-based New America Foundation’s Arms and Security Initiative....

The proposal fits the Obama administration’s strategy of buttressing the defense capabilities of Middle East allies to counter Iran’s growing offensive missile might and suspected nuclear weapons program.

Who spends around $9 billion a year on military and is not building a bomb.

It would be part of the Gulf Security Dialogue started by the Bush administration. The Longbow Apache has been sold to Egypt, Israel, Greece, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, the Royal Netherlands Air Force, Singapore, and Taiwan....

Purchased with your foreign aid, American.
Posted by Rocker at 8:30 AM Links to this post
Labels: Bush, Israel, Middle East, Neo-Con Plan, Obama, Saudi Arabia, U.S., War Profiteering
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saudi Arabia's Blackberry Eye
What my Zionist MSM won't tell you is that the Mossad assassins of the Dubai hit used Blackberries. That is why the Muslim states want access to the communications records.

"Saudi Arabia orders a ban on BlackBerry services; Government wary of device’s ability to encrypt data" by Adam Schreck and Erika Kinetz, Associated Press | August 4, 2010

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The Saudi state news agency SPA said in a report late yesterday that the country’s telecom regulator has informed mobile service providers in the country that they must halt BlackBerry services starting Friday....

Word of the ban comes just days after the neighboring United Arab Emirates announced it was planning to shut down e-mail, messaging, and Web browsing on BlackBerrys starting in October.

India is also in talks with RIM over how information is managed on the devices.

I suppose in their case it must have been the Pakistani patsies, 'er, terrorists.

Like the UAE, it has cited security concerns in pushing for greater access to encrypted information sent by the phones that gets routed through the Canadian company’s computers overseas.

Here in AmeriKa the IPs hand them over to the government no questions asked -- and have been granted unconstitutional immunity for their trouble.

Saudi Arabia did not spell out its concerns about the devices, though its government is also wary of security threats. As in the UAE, Saudi BlackBerry devices are popular both among businesspeople and youth who see the phones’ relatively secure communication features as a way to avoid attention from the authorities.

And Mossad hit teams.

Earlier yesterday, RIM denied that it had agreed to heightened surveillance of its corporate clients by the Indian government, as talks continue over access to e-mails and other data sent on the devices....

India’s internal security chief, U.K. Bansal, told reporters last week he hoped the issue of BlackBerry monitoring would be sorted out soon, after widespread reports that the government had threatened to ban the devices.

Analysts say RIM’s expansion into fast-growing emerging markets — and the UAE’s recent public showdown with the company — is threatening to set off a wave of regulatory challenges, as RIM’s commitment to information security rubs up against the desires of law enforcement in each country.

RIM has said its discussions with the more than 175 countries where it operates are private.
India and the UAE aren’t alone in wanting more control over BlackBerry messaging. Bahrain has threatened to crack down on spreading news using the devices. And industry analysts say they believe RIM offered China some concessions before the BlackBerry was introduced there.


"Indonesia, too, may ban BlackBerries" by Associated Press | August 5, 2010

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia said yesterday it is considering following the lead of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in banning BlackBerry services, adding to pressure on device maker Research in Motion Ltd. to give governments greater access to data.

Gatot Dewabroto, spokesman for the Ministry of Communication and Information, expressing concern that information could be used by criminals or spies:

“We don’t know whether data being sent through BlackBerrys can be intercepted or read by third parties outside the country.’’

The announcement came hours after Saudi Arabia said its telecom regulator had ordered mobile operators across the kingdom to halt BlackBerry services as of tomorrow. The United Arab Emirates, too, plans to shut down e-mail, messaging, and Web browsing on BlackBerrys starting in October. India is in talks with RIM over how data is managed on the devices.

Analysts say RIM’s expansion into fast-growing emerging markets is threatening to set off a wave of regulatory challenges, as the device maker’s commitment to keep corporate e-mail secure rubs up against the desires of local law enforcement.

RIM has said discussions with the more than 175 countries where it operates are private. It does offer help to governments, but says its technology does not allow it, or any third party, to read encrypted e-mails sent by corporate BlackBerry users. (The consumer version has a lower level of security.)

Yes, CORPORATIONS always come before YOU, dear citizen!


That's the same photo as before.

"Saudi Arabia, BlackBerry reach deal on data access; Officials feared unmonitored use by militants" by Abdullah Al-Shihri, Associated Press | August 8, 2010

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia and the makers of the BlackBerry have reached a preliminary deal on granting access to users’ data that will avert a ban on the phone’s messenger service in the kingdom, Saudi officials said yesterday.

The agreement would probably involve placing a BlackBerry server inside Saudi Arabia to allow the government to monitor messages and allay official fears the service could be used for criminal purposes, the telecom regulatory officials said....

You now, I just found myself wondering how that war in Yemen is going.

Some places just fall right off the old MSM radar.

The deal could have wide-ranging implications for several other countries, including India and the United Arab Emirates, which have expressed similar concerns over how the BlackBerry maker handles data.

Saudi security officials fear the service could be used by militant groups to avoid detection. The kingdom has been waging a crackdown for years against Al Qaeda-linked extremists.

Or Mossad hit squads.

The kingdom also enforces heavy policing of the Internet, blocking sites both for political content and for obscenities....

They can't read me there?

The kingdom is one of a number of countries expressing concern that the device is a security threat because encrypted information sent on the phones is routed through overseas computers — making it difficult, if not impossible, for local governments to monitor.

Critics, however, maintain that Saudi Arabia and other countries are also motivated by the desire to further curb freedom of expression and strengthen tight controls over the media....

Yeah, right, whatever.

Consider the source and the agenda it pushes (or obfuscates).


Yeah, you should see the other guy.

Yeah, somehow THAT STORY does NOT MAKE my Globe.
Posted by Rocker at 11:50 AM Links to this post
Labels: American Tyranny, I.E.P., Indonesia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Muslims Send Message to Israel
I doubt it can penetrate the petrified stone they call skulls.

"Syrian, Saudi leaders visit Lebanon; Ex-foes display unity on trip to avert violence" by Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Associated Press | July 31, 2010

BEIRUT — The leaders of Syria and Saudi Arabia, once bitter rivals, made an unprecedented show of cooperation yesterday, traveling together to Lebanon in hopes of preventing any violence if members of a militant group are indicted in the 2005 assassination of a former Lebanese prime minister.

The unusual joint visit by President Bashar Assad of Syria and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia underscored the depth of Arab concern over potential chaos in Lebanon.

Who would want to bring that to Lebanon?

See: Barak Bears Warnings to U.S.

Oh, right.

Many people fear that indictments of Hezbollah members could spark clashes between Lebanon’s Sunnis and Shi’ites, or that Hezbollah’s nemesis Israel could be pulled into a conflict, causing wider turmoil.

They can only hope, huh?

And why are they indicting the wrong men?

See: Israel's Dirty Games

Oh, right, U.N. again.

And how come Israel's daily violations of the no-fly zone is not a problem?

The summit also consecrated both countries’ roles as power brokers in the region, where Syria is an ally of Iran and Saudi Arabia generally supports the United States....


The king and Assad walked side by side down the staircase from a Saudi jet at Beirut’s airport and entered talks with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, President Michel Suleiman and other officials. The leader of Hezbollah did not take part, but Hezbollah Cabinet ministers were on hand.

It was Assad’s first visit to Lebanon in eight years. The highway from Beirut’s airport into the city was lined with Syrian and Saudi flags, as well as banners with Assad’s picture that proclaimed “Welcome among your family.’’ Those words were a stark contrast to the bitterness many Lebanese vented at Syria when it was forced to withdraw its military in 2005, ending a nearly three-decade hold.

Few details about the discussions emerged. After the meeting, Lebanon, Syria, and Saudi Arabia issued a joint statement that urged all parties to put Lebanon’s interests above all else and refrain from violence.

“Solidarity is a necessity, and standing side by side to confront challenges facing the Arab world,’’ they said.

The crisis centers on the international tribunal investigating the assassination of Hariri’s father, former prime minister Rafik Hariri, in a Valentine’s Day truck bombing in 2005. Indictments are expected this year.

The Netherlands-based tribunal has not said who will be charged, but the leader of Hezbollah said last week that he already knows that Hezbollah members will be among them. That could spark riots between the Sunni supporters of Hariri and Shi’ites who largely back Hezbollah.

The two sides have clashed before in their power struggle. In May 2008, Hezbollah gunmen swept through Sunni progovernment neighborhoods of Beirut, raising the threat of a new civil war. The crisis was resolved only after Arab countries mediated a truce and political compromise between the two sides that has tenuously held since.

Many in Lebanon blame Syria for Rafik Hariri’s death, charges that Damascus denies.

And many more blame Israel.

The killing sparked massive anti-Syrian protests in Lebanon, dubbed the Cedar Revolution, which led to the Syrian withdrawal.

And cui bono?

The assassination also deepened a rift between Syria and Saudi Arabia, which each backed rival sides in the ensuing power struggle that nearly tore Lebanon apart: Syria backing a Hezbollah-led coalition, and Saudi Arabia and the United States supporting Saad Hariri’s Sunni-led coalition.

Nothing about the Saudis backing a terrorist uprising, huh?

In recent years, however, Assad and Abdullah have repaired ties and the joint visit was a sign of how much the rift has healed.

In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said the United States hoped that yesterday’s meeting would produce “a recommitment to Lebanese sovereignty’’ and “an understanding to try to restrain those elements within Lebanon who have precipitated conflict in the past.’’

That mean you are going to talk to Israel?

Assad rarely goes to Beirut. His last visit in 2002 was the first by a Syrian leader to the Lebanese capital in nearly three decades. Abdullah also was last in Lebanon in 2002, when he was crown prince.

Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Moussawi said the group welcomed the summit.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s July 22 announcement that he expected members of his movement to be indicted appeared to be an attempt to soften the impact of any charges.

And illuminate the fact that any violence will once again be an Israeli-inspired false flag operation.

Related: Lebanon Issues Last Warning to Israel

Hey, what do you know, another false charge by Israel.

And look who else could be in the mix:

"Mideast diplomacy benefits endangered bird" by Associated Press | August 2, 2010

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The latest beneficiary of improved relations between Turkey and Syria is the rare northern bald ibis....

That makes perfect sense at this point in time, what with Israel attempting a coup and killing Turkish aid workers in international waters on their way to Gaza.

“I think it’s an illustration of warming relations.....,’’ said Chris Bowden, chairman of International Advisory Group for the northern bald ibis.

Yeah, leave it to the Israelis to bring the Muslim world together when they are doing all they can to divide them.

The bird that drew the two nations closer is a strange-looking one, with a red, curved beak, bald head, shaggy black crest and long, skinny legs. It was once commonplace across North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe, and centuries ago was so revered by the pharaohs that it had its own hieroglyphic symbol, said Bowden. But habitat loss and hunting have devastated the population in recent decades....

Oh, now you are talking Palestinians.


I still do not think they got the message.
Posted by Rocker at 9:33 AM Links to this post
Labels: Lebanon, Middle East, Neo-Con Plan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey
Saudis Submit to Western Strip Searches
So Spain is their only champion, huh?

"Don’t challenge ban on veils, cleric says

RIYADH — A popular Muslim cleric says it is permissible for Saudi women to reveal their faces in countries where the Islamic veil is banned, while criticizing efforts in Europe to outlaw the garment. Sheik Aedh al-Garni’s ruling was in response to a question from a Saudi woman in France about how to respond to a movement there to ban full-face veils (AP)."
Posted by Rocker at 9:29 AM Links to this post
Labels: European Tyranny, France, Islam, Saudi Arabia
Thursday, July 15, 2010
She's Got the Look
The look of liberation, right?

And if the garments won't do it, our missiles and bombs will.

"Harrods offers fashion for Muslim women; Qatar fund bought retailer in May" by Henry Meyer and Heidi Couch, Bloomberg News | July 14, 2010

Designer Hind Beljafla uses splashes of color, embroidery, and even leather on the plain black abaya.
Designer Hind Beljafla uses splashes of color, embroidery, and even leather on the plain black abaya. (Gabriela Maj/Bloomberg News)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — These women can buy her elegant versions of the black Islamic robes, which obscure the contours of a woman’s body, when they head to London this summer to escape the Arabian Peninsula’s sweltering heat. Harrods started selling abayas by Beljafla’s DAS Collection in June, a month after Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund bought the landmark store.


"Harrods store sold to Qatari investors

LONDON — Mohamed Al Fayed, a flamboyant businessman who has controlled Harrods department store in London for a quarter-century, has sold the landmark business to Qatari investors, his financial advisers said yesterday. The sale price was not announced, but the BBC and Sky News reported that it was around $2.2 billion. Fayed, a native of Egypt, joined with his two brothers to buy Harrods in 1985. His son Dodi died with Princess Diana in a car crash in Paris in 1997 (AP)."

That is who they bought it from?

“Muslim women are like any women around the world: They love fashion and love shopping,’’ Beljafla, 24, said in her store here.

Yeah, I have been TRYING to get that POINT across here!!

They LOVE their KIDS and FAMILIES, too!!!!

Fashion houses in Milan and Paris are waking up to the commercial potential for Muslim women’s clothing that respects religious values and sets new standards for style....

Then WHY are European countries SHUTTING DOWN the MARKET with their REACTIONARY and TYRANNICAL dress codes?

The abayas are displayed alongside designer evening gowns on the women-only floor of a shopping mall in Riyadh’s glass skyscraper, the Kingdom Center....

Saudi Arabia, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam, forbids mixing in public between unrelated men and women....

Yeah, somehow they seem to get a pass most of the time in the agenda-pushing AmeriKan press. Must be the oil.

Paris-based Jean-Claude Jitrois has made abayas for several Saudi princesses as well as a collection of 40 for sale at Saks Fifth Avenue.

“There is no contradiction between the modernity of European fashion and modernity of Middle Eastern women,’’ he said. “Every culture has its traditions, and you have to respect this while giving it a twist.’’

Not if you are a MP in Europe.

Abayas have proved popular at Harrods in London, where summertime visitors from the Gulf throng the streets of the upscale Knightsbridge district.

Posted by Rocker at 4:30 AM Links to this post
Labels: Business, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Women
Monday, June 28, 2010
Convicted For a Kiss in Saudi Arabia
Where is Obama's outrage?

Saudi court convicts man for kissing

XOXO, Saudi Arabia.
Posted by Rocker at 7:47 AM Links to this post
Labels: Saudi Arabia
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yemeni Tourist Trap
Only spies vacation in war zones.

"British official in Yemen escapes attack; Ambassador targeted in strike by suicide bomber" by Ahmed al-Haj, Associated Press | April 27, 2010

SANA, Yemen — The British ambassador in Yemen narrowly escaped a suicide attack yesterday, when a young man in a school uniform detonated his explosives belt near the diplomat’s armored car in a poor neighborhood of the capital, officials said.

The attack was the first such suicide bombing in Sana in a year, and it cast doubt on the effectiveness of the Yemeni government’s US-backed campaign against Al Qaeda militants, who have found a haven in parts of the mountainous, impoverished nation where the central government’s control is weak.

So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?

The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?


Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits

Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business

New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation

Washington has stepped up counterterrorism aid to Sana over the past year, warning that Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Yemen has become a global threat, particularly after it claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day attempt to bomb an American jet liner heading for Detroit.

Underwear bomber has its own file.

A British Embassy spokeswoman said the ambassador, Timothy Torlot, was unhurt in the attack yesterday morning, which wounded three bystanders....

There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, but it bore the hallmarks of Al Qaeda....

Another reason you can NEVER BELIEVE the LYING WAR-PROMOTER that is the AmeriKan MSM!!

In March 2009, a similar attack was carried out against a convoy carrying South Korean officials in Yemen....


Security was visibly tightened around the US and British embassies after the attack. The area of the explosion was sealed off as Yemeni and British officials inspected the scene of the attack.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an offshoot of Osama bin Laden’s terror network, was formed more than a year ago when Yemen and Saudi militant groups merged....

Look, they even mentioned the DEAD GUY.

Whose network was he an asset of again?


The group’s fighters attacked the US Embassy in Sana twice in 2008, and earlier this year a number of Western embassies, including the US and British, shut down for days in response to threats of attack.
The suspect in the failed Christmas Day plane bombing plot has said he received training from Al Qaeda militants in Yemen, according to US investigators. In February, the offshoot’s military commander Qasim al-Raimi warned of further attacks against Americans.



Time to get you ready for it with a foreshadowing piece of MSM agenda-pushing:

"Saudi troops free girls kidnapped in Yemen; Family abducted by group linked with Al Qaeda" by Abdullah Al-Shihri, Associated Press | May 19, 2010

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi forces rescued two young German girls kidnapped nearly a year ago with their parents in Yemen, as mediators also secured the release of two Chinese engineers taken days earlier by Yemeni tribesmen, officials said yesterday.

Kidnappings are endemic in Yemen and are usually done by disgruntled tribesmen hoping to wrangle concessions from the government. In the past few years, however, Al Qaeda has begun kidnapping foreigners as well, often with lethal results.


"the FBI and the CIA, having a "permanent" presence in Yemen since 2003."

Could be....

The German family was believed kidnapped by a group affiliated with Al Qaeda and the fate of the parents, as well as their son, remains unknown....

How are they enjoying the CIA-sponsored hotel room?

Yemen has blamed the abductions on the country’s resurgent Al Qaeda offshoot, though the group has issued no claim of responsibility....

The German couple and their three young children went missing last June along with a British man in the northern Yemeni region of Saada. The two German women and a Korean woman who also disappeared with them were found dead soon after.

Yesterday, Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman Mansour al-Turki said Saudi intelligence forces, after coordinating with Yemen, freed the two girls along the Yemeni border. The operation did not involve any fighting, he said....


So what, Al-CIA-Duh's media arm not getting the word out?

"The video was produced by the media arm of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda appears to be trying to make use of his recruiting power by putting him in its videos. Its media arm said yesterday’s video was its first interview with the cleric....

Oh, yeah, that would be this guy (color codes my emphasis):

"Airline Terror Mission Blessed by Radical Imam

The Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner had his suicide mission personally blessed in Yemen by Anwar al-Awlaki, the Muslim imam suspected of radicalizing the Fort Hood shooting suspect, a U.S. intelligence source has told The Washington Times.
"Actually, the US Government rescinded a warrant for this guy's arrest in 2002. He was imprisoned in Yemen but released 2 years ago. His fellow clerics openly accuse him of cooperating with the CIA." -- Wake the Flock Up

"Khattab (aka Joseph Cohen) Removes All Traces of Link to Ft. Hood Killer Hasan

But whether or not this particular "Slave of Allah" is Nidal Hasan is not important. Certainly the Revolution Muslim user "ooklepookle" is Hasan's friend Duane Reasoner. What is important is that Khattab has been busy removing webpages from his site connecting him to "ooklepookle". When we originally reported the relationship we had to use a Google cache page. All webpages showing "ooklepookle" at Revolution Muslim had already been removed. Google's archive -- a snapshot of what the webpage looked like at a single moment in time -- remained.
"So, given that Yousef al-Khattab is actually Joseph Cohen and one of the numerous fake Al Qaeda used to create a justification for war, then a link from Cohen to Nidal Hasan suggests that the Fort Hood incident was in reality a normal Mossad false-flag operation." -- Wake the Flock Up

Officials: U.S. Army Told of Hasan's Contacts with al Qaeda

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with an individual associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

".... one of the "Al Qaeda" operatives Hasan may have been in contact with was Yousef al-Khattab, aka Joseph Cohen. The Imam mentioned in this article, Anwar al Awlaki, is thought by many of his fellow clerics to be working with the CIA. When he was living in the US in 2002, a warrant for his arrest was inexplicably rescinded by the US Attorney in Denver, an indication that a deal may have been made then. Anwar al Awlaki was also claimed to have been a point of contact for two of the 9-11 accused." -- Wake the Flock Up

Report: Radical Imam Detained at JFK Airport in 2002

The radical Muslim imam who ministered to at least three Sept. 11 hijackers, the Fort Hood shooter and the Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a U.S. jet on Christmas Day, was taken into custody at New York's JFK Airport on a felony arrest warrant in 2002. Even though Anwar al-Awlaki had been on the FBI's radar for years, he was let go....

Al-Qaeda imam emailing Ft Hood killer [and now linked to crotch bomber] was repeatedly arrested for soliciting prostitutes

The probe of the 9/11 attacks soon led Washington FBI agents back to San Diego, where they found that al-Awlaki had twice been busted for soliciting prostitutes in 1996 and 1997 but had avoided jail time.

Please, not another immoral "Al-CIA-Duh!"

"This guy was released after a US attorney miraculously rescinded an arrest warrant served on the "radical" Islamist upon his arrival at JFK airport in 2002. His fellow Imams insist he is working for the CIA." -- Wake the Flock Up

And like clockwork after the agenda-pushing MSM alarm has been sent:

"Yemeni tribal gunmen kidnap 2 US tourists" by Associated Press | May 25, 2010

Yeah, "tourists," right.


HAYMA, Yemen — Gunmen kidnapped two American tourists and their driver in Yemen yesterday and demanded the release of a jailed tribesman, security officials said.

The US Embassy in Sana said it was working with Yemeni authorities to resolve the situation, and a US official in Washington said it did not appear to be an act of terrorism....

What else would you call it?

Kidnappings are frequent in Yemen and are usually carried out by disgruntled tribesmen hoping to win concessions from the government. In most of those cases, the captives are freed unharmed.


In the past few years, however, Al Qaeda has been kidnapping foreigners as well, sometimes with lethal results....


Don't worry; Yemen is rounding them up for us:
"US says Yemen holding 12 Americans" by Associated Press | June 8, 2010

WASHINGTON — Yemeni authorities have 12 Americans in custody, and the arrests may be linked to a joint US-Yemeni antiterror campaign, a State Department spokesman said yesterday.

The spokesman, P.J. Crowley, declined to provide details about the case, except to say the State Department is aware of the arrests and is seeking more information about the individuals being held.

Last Wednesday, Yemeni security officials said authorities had detained several foreigners, including Americans, Britons, and an Australian woman, in connection with an investigation into Al Qaeda’s increased activity in the country.


The arrests reported last week were made after foreign intelligence agencies provided lists of names of people they wanted to have detained or put under surveillance, according to two Yemeni security officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not permitted to brief journalists.


It was not immediately clear whether the 12 Americans cited by Crowley were among those reported to have been rounded up last week, but Crowley suggested there may be an antiterrorism connection.

Asked whether he could confirm a report that the Americans had been picked up in Yemen at the request of the US government, Crowley replied, “We have great cooperation with the government of Yemen.’’

“Together, we are doing our best to help Yemen reduce the threat posed by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,’’ Crowley said. “That’s a threat to Yemen. It’s a threat to the United States. But beyond that, I’m not going to talk about specifics.’’

Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Yemen has steadily increased in strength since key leaders escaped from a Yemeni jail in 2006.

Translation: They were let go.

The two Yemeni security officials who said last week that authorities had detained several foreigners on suspicion of connections to Al Qaeda said some of them are believed to be linked to the Nigerian man suspected of attempting to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner in December.


I just canceled my travel plans.

Related: Al-CIA-Duh's Ship Has Come In!

Been all but forgotten, 'eh, Boston?
Posted by Rocker at 3:11 AM Links to this post
Labels: Britain, China, Germany, Korea, Middle East, MSM, Neo-Con Plan, Prop, Saudi Arabia, Underwear Bomber, Yemen
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