Saturday, October 9, 2010


THE NEUTRON BOMB & Inventor, Samuel Cohen: It Kills People & Pets But Leaves Buildings & Infrastructure Relatively Intact - RI10
« H E » Tabacco :: email
posted Sunday, 3 December 2006


BOMB & Inventor,

Samuel Cohen: It

Kills People

& Pets But

Leaves Buildings &


Relatively Intact

- RI10

The President, he was addressing,
was NOT named Bush!

Be first on your block to have his or her own Neutron Bomb! You supply the materials, and Tabacco supplies the schematic below. Imagine; you can Blackmail an entire country, the same way George W. Bush does. You may actually be declared Dictator for Life. Hurry though because there are a finite number of countries, and George W. Bush already has Neutrons. George is way ahead in the Blackmail game, so time is of the essence.

Fission-Free Neutron Bomb Schematic

From _Weapons of Tomorrow_ by Brian Beckett:

" In a fission-free Neutron bomb an efficient driver would generate enough fusion energy to cause the explosive shock wave to compress the core to hyper-densities of 10,000 times the norm. The liner, a heavy metal of variable density would profile the shock wave for maximum compression.

Because of size considerations, yields would probably be limited to a kiloton or less and, in such things as artillery shells, the device would be a cylinder rather than a sphere. This would be less efficient but, with high compression, the weapon would still be highly effective.

The details illustrate the idea for an enhanced radiation neutron device. The core might release around 900 tons of TNT equivalent with up to another 100 tons coming from the surrounding shell.

An example of a suitable liner might be a copper-beryllium alloy and the driver would be made of a dense metal such as iridium. "

Comments by Carey Sublette: This is a speculative design for producing fusion reactions without using fissile material to provide the ignition heat. The idea is to use the energy concentrating effects of an implosion to create fusion conditions by compressing and heating fusion fuel at the center. This design combines the several techniques, explosive driven flying plates, shock profiling from collisions with shock buffers, and the convergence effect of thick collapsing shells, and spherical implosion waves.

In principal, a highly symmetric implosion system could produce fusion conditions in a very small central region. Sonoluminescence - the observation that small bubbles oscillating in a sound field can be made to glow brightly in the laboratory, apparently through heating to incandescence - is an example of how temperatures far in excess of ambient conditions can be created by spherical wave convergence.

It does not appear, however, that significant releases of fusion energy have ever actually been produced by such systems, much less been developed into usable weapons. Given the very low energy density in conventional high explosives compared to fissile material, such a system (even if feasible) is certain to be far larger and heavier than fission driven neutron bombs. Since the principal cost factor in a neutron bomb is the very expensive tritium used as a fusion fuel, it is doubtful any cost advantage would exist either.

Schematic of an Implosion Device


Fusion Boosted Fission Weapon

In this levitated pit design, the thin outer shell of plutonium is driven inward by the explosive charge at velocities of several kilometers per second. The impact of this shell on the center sphere of plutonium creates two very high-pressure shock waves, one traveling in toward the center and one traveling out through the shell. These shocks, with pressures of several megabars (several million atmospheres) compress the plutonium to densities of 2.5-4 times normal. The collapse of the central sphere also compresses the fusion fuel in the center.

When the fission reaction has released enough energy to raise the temperature in the core to several million degrees K (a few hundred tonnes of TNT equivalent), a fusion reaction is ignited in the fuel. The deuterium + tritium fusion reaction:
D + T -> He-4 + n + 17.6 MeV
produces large amounts of extremely high-energy neutrons (14.1 MeV). When one of these neutrons collides with a plutonium nucleus, it fissions and releases an additional 4.5 neutrons on average (compared to about 2.9 for fission induced by lower energy fission neutrons). Since each fusion neutron directly generates 180 MeV through fission, and another 810 MeV as a result of the second-generation neutrons, the energy released by fusion driven fission greatly exceeds that produced by the fusion reaction itself.

Noun 1. neutron bomb - atom bomb that produces lethal neutrons with less blast

By Wordnet Dictionary

A neutron bomb is a type of nuclear weapon specifically designed to release a relatively large portion of its energy as energetic neutron radiation.

Neutron bombs, also called enhanced radiation (ER) weapons, are small nuclear weapons in which the burst of neutrons generated by the fusion reaction is intentionally not absorbed inside the weapon, but allowed to escape. The X-ray mirrors and shell of the weapon are made of chromium or nickel so that the neutrons are permitted to escape. Contrast this with cobalt bombs, also known as salted bombs.

This intense burst of high-energy neutrons is the principal destructive mechanism. Neutrons are more penetrating than other types of radiation, and many shielding materials that work well against gamma rays do not work nearly as well against neutrons.

The term "enhanced radiation" refers only to the burst of ionizing radiation released at the moment of detonation, not to any enhancement of residual radiation in fallout.
Neutron bomb tactics

Neutron bombs could be used as strategic anti-missile weapons or as tactical weapons intended for use against armored forces.

As an anti-missile weapon ER weapons were developed to protect U.S. Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) silos from incoming Soviet warheads by damaging the electronic components of the incoming warhead with the intense neutron flux.

Tactical neutron bombs are primarily intended to kill soldiers who are protected by armor. Armored vehicles are extremely resistant to blast and heat produced by nuclear weapons, so the effective range of a nuclear weapon against tanks is determined by the lethal range of the radiation, although this is also reduced by the armor. By emitting large amounts of lethal radiation of the most penetrating kind, ER warheads maximize the lethal range of a given yield of nuclear warhead against armored targets.

One problem with using radiation as a tactical anti-personnel weapon is that to bring about rapid incapacitation of the target, a radiation dose that is many times the lethal level must be administered. A radiation dose of 6 Gy is normally considered lethal. It will kill at least half of those who are exposed to it, but no effect is noticeable for several hours. Neutron bombs were intended to deliver a dose of 80 Gy to produce immediate and permanent incapacitation. A 1 kt ER warhead can do this to a T-72 tank crew at a range of 690 m, compared to 360 m for a pure fission bomb. For a "mere" 6 Gy dose, the distances are 1100 m and 700 m respectively, and for unprotected soldiers 6 Gy exposures occur at 1350 m and 900 m. The lethal range for tactical neutron bombs exceeds the lethal range for blast and heat even for unprotected troops.

The neutron flux can induce significant amounts of short-lived secondary radioactivity in the environment in the high flux region near the burst point. The alloy steels used in armor can develop radioactivity that is dangerous for 24-48 hours. If a tank exposed to a 1 kt neutron bomb at 690 m (the effective range for immediate crew incapacitation) is immediately occupied by a new crew, they will receive a lethal dose of radiation within 24 hours.

Some authorities say that due to the rapid attenuation of neutron energy by the atmosphere (it drops by a factor of 10 every 500 m in addition to the effects of spreading) ER weapons are only effective at short ranges, and thus are practical only in relatively low yields. These ER warheads are said to be designed to minimize the amount of fission energy and blast effect produced relative to the neutron yield. The principal reason is said to be to allow their use close to friendly forces.

These same authorities say that the common perception of the neutron bomb as a "landlord bomb" that would kill people but leave buildings undamaged is greatly overstated. At the conventional effective combat range (690 m), the blast from a 1 kt neutron bomb will destroy or damage to the point of inutility almost any civilian building. Thus the use of neutron bombs to stop an enemy attack, which requires exploding large numbers of them to blanket the enemy forces, would also destroy all buildings in the area.

Another view of the neutron bomb and its tactics exists. The inventor of the neutron bomb, Samuel Cohen, wrote a book in which he stated that the effective range of a pure neutron bomb exceeded 10 km of altitude. Cohen stated explicitly that "enhanced radiation" weapons deployed in Germany during the cold war were political compromises designed to have substantial blast, with radiation effects deliberately reduced to eliminate any possibility of surviving structures. He also quoted radiation releases of 1 kGy at the ground from pure neutron weapons exploded at 10 km.

The neutron absorption spectra of air is disputed, and may depend in part on absorption by hydrogen from water vapor. It therefore might vary exponentially with humidity, making high-altitude neutron bombs immensely more deadly in desert climates than in humid ones. This effect also varies with altitude.

According to Cohen, one possible tactic of using such "true" neutron bombs is therefore to launch them as defensive weapons against armored attacks. Civilians enter fallout shelters, and the bomb is exploded 10 km over the armored attack. Portable armor is said to be unable to shield tank and aircraft crews. In such an event, a city's trees and grass would have been killed by radiation, but buildings would remain undamaged for the emerging civilians (who would however have to wait several days for certain short-lived isotopes to decay). Such neutron bombs would be very potent anti-ship weapons. A major supporter of Cohen's research was the U.S. Navy.

Neutron Bomb Timeline

Summer 1958- While conducting researching on developing a large thermonuclear weapon, Sam Cohen introduces the idea of removing the uranium casing from a hydrogen bomb to allow neutrons to travel great distances and penetrate even heavily shielded armor and structures.

1960-The Kennedy administration decides against the idea of developing a neutron bomb and introducing it into the US nuclear arsenal because it may jeopardize the moratorium on nuclear testing being observed by the US and Soviet Union.

1961-The Soviet Union breaks the moratorium on nuclear testing allowing the US to proceed with developing the neutron bomb.

1962-The first neutron device is successfully tested.

1970s-The Carter administration proposes modernizing the US nuclear arsenal by installing neutron warheads on the Lance missiles and artillery shells planned for deployment in Europe.

1977-West Germans realize their country will likely be the battleground for use of the neutron bomb and begin hotly debating whether or not the weapon should be allowed on their soil.

1978-Succumbing to international and domestic pressure, President Carter decides to defer deployment of the neutron bomb, conditional to Soviet restraint in military production and force deployments.

1980-France announces that it has tested a neutron device.

1981-President Reagan re-authorizes the production of neutron warheads for the Lance missile and an 8-inch artillery shell, but because of strong opposition in Europe, he orders that all neutron weapons be stored in the US with the option to deploy overseas in the event of war. The USSR announces that it too has tested neutron weapons, but has no plans of deploying them.

1982-France begins production of the neutron warhead.

1986-France announces it will abandon the production of neutron warheads because of internal and external political pressure.

The problem with the Neutron Bomb is that, while it may turn undertakers and cemetery owners into billionaires, it cuts out Bush co-conspirators such as Halliburton. That would be a missed Capitalist business opportunity!

It’s superior to chemical and biological WMDs because once the smoke clears, it’s safe for those, who set off the Neutron Bomb in the first place, to go in and repopulate the country with their own select supporters without fear of radioactivity-

“Provided that the weapon was not used in a thunderstorm, no fallout effects would occur from the use of a neutron bomb according to that manual, as the combination of 500 m burst altitude and low yield prevents fallout in addition to significant thermal and blast effects. The reduction in damage outside the target area is a major advantage of such a weapon to deter massed tank invasions. An aggressor would thus be forced to disperse tanks, which would make them easier to destroy by simple hand-held anti-tank missile launchers.” -

Bomb inventor says U.S. defenses suffer because of politics

By Christopher Ruddy

Edited by Tabacco

LOS ANGELES - For most of Sam Cohen's life, he has struggled against politicians who, in his opinion, have sacrificed good sense when it comes to the nation's defenses. Cohen is the physicist who invented the neutron bomb, the one that kills people but leaves things like tanks and buildings intact. Plans to deploy his creations in Europe during the '70s and '80s awakened the "peace movement" across that continent, stopping its deployment.

With that and other battles lost, the 76-year-old Cohen finds solace in his Brentwood home, nestled high on a hill overlooking Los Angeles. There the world is far more peaceful, or so it seems.

Cohen would probably be unfazed if confronted by a knife-wielding mugger - a threat insignificant in the scheme of things. What worries him are weapons of mass destruction - nuclear ones that destroy whole cities.

The politicians tell us that our security has never been better. Cohen describes the present situation as "scary, more scary than ever before." He's concerned that the Clinton administration has decided it is politically incorrect to even think about the design and development of nuclear weapons. The head of the division of the Livermore National Laboratories in charge of such weapon development has threatened to resign if he is ordered to develop new weapons, Cohen noted in a recent interview.

The government doesn't want people to even think about nuclear weapons, which is like telling Sam Cohen he is no longer permitted to breathe.

As a kid from Brooklyn who graduated with a physics degree from UCLA, he enlisted in the Army after Pearl Harbor. In 1944 Cohen was assigned to the top-secret Manhattan Project to develop atomic weapons at Los Alamos, N.M. Cohen had the mundane job of calculating how neutrons behaved in "Fat Man" - the nickname of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. (The bomb dropped on Hiroshima three days earlier was nicknamed "Little Boy.")

The boring work was all worthwhile because Cohen eventually stood in the Nevada desert and witnessed something on par with the Transfiguration: an atomic explosion. Cohen saw firsthand the awesome power of the unleashed atom as human history entered a new age. "Awesome spectacle" is how Cohen still describes the event. Puffing on a cigar as he relaxed in his easy chair wearing a T-shirt and jogging pants, Sam remembered that day vividly.

World War II flying hero Jimmy Doolittle stood next to him when the bomb went off. "The little guy was blown down," Cohen recalled.

After the war ended, Cohen joined the Rand Corp. where he was paid to continue thinking about nuclear weapons. He was obsessed with the idea of a neutron bomb, one that would make use of the lethal particles he had observed so studiously at Los Alamos.

The earliest bombs had used nuclear fission, splitting heavy atoms to release energy. Later bombs used nuclear fusion, which fused hydrogen atoms to release energy. Both designs produced tremendous blasts that could level whole cities, and left them uninhabitable for long periods because of lingering radiation.

Cohen's neutron bomb would use nuclear fusion, but in a different way. The detonation of a neutron bomb would still produce an explosion, but one much smaller than a standard nuclear weapon's. The main effect of a neutron bomb would be the release of high-energy neutrons that would take lives far beyond the blast area. The result: fewer buildings, cars, tanks, roads, highways and other structures destroyed.

And unlike standard nuclear bombs that leave long-term contamination of the soil and infrastructure, the neutron radiation quickly dissipates after the explosion.

For Cohen, the neutron bomb is the ultimate sane weapon (Tabacco: Are these people Nuts!). It kills humans, or as he puts it "the bad guys", but doesn't produce tremendous collateral damage on civilian populations and the infrastructure a civilian population needs to survive.

(Tabacco: This is pure propaganda! Of course innocent women, men & children DIE! NUKES CANNOT PICK & CHOOSE! KILLING CHILDREN IS “SANE”, BUT DESTROYING BUILDINGS IS “COLLATERAL DAMAGE” WHICH MUST BE AVOIDED??????????)

This meant, in Cohen's mind, that a conventional war could escalate without immediately leading to an all-out nuclear holocaust. If regular nuclear weapons were used across Europe, the radioactive fallout could turn the continent into a wasteland for decades. That wouldn't be the case if neutron bombs were used.

Between 1958 and 1961 the neutron bomb idea was tested successfully, but the politicians in Washington nixed development and deployment of the weapon. Cohen persisted. As the Vietnam War began and festered in the 1960s, Cohen became an advocate of using neutron bombs there. To Cohen, his weapon was "a perfect fit" for dealing with the Viet Cong hidden in the jungles and rice paddies.

Again, the politicians had other ideas. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ruled that no nuclear weapons of any type would be used in the war. The use of the small neutron bombs would have brought the war to a quick end, Cohen still argues, and saved the loss of more than 50,000 American lives. (Tabacco: God bless Robert McNamara! And God damn Samuel Cohen and Ronald Reagan!)

In 1969, Cohen was fired from the Rand Corp. for continuing to advocate the use of tactical neutron bombs to end the conflict. "I lost all my battles," Cohen says today.

In 1979, he was in Paris helping the French build their own arsenal of neutron bombs when presidential candidate Ronald Reagan came through on a European tour. Cohen met with Reagan to brief him on the neutron bomb. Reagan grasped the idea of neutron weaponry immediately, and made a pledge to Cohen, and later a public pledge, that he would reverse Carter administration policy by building and deploying a large number of neutron bombs.

As president, Reagan fulfilled that pledge and approximately a thousand weapons were constructed. But criticism from European allies kept the weapons from being deployed across Europe.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism as we knew it, the Bush administration moved to dismantle all of our tactical nuclear weapons, including the Reagan stockpile of neutron bombs. In Cohen's mind, America was brought back to Square One. Without tactical weapons like the neutron bomb, America would be left with two choices if an enemy were winning a conventional war: surrender, or unleash the holocaust of strategic nuclear weapons.

Other nations haven't been afflicted by the U.S. blindness regarding neutron bombs. According to Cohen:

Evidence exists that China has neutron bombs stockpiled, and that the United States gave the Chinese the technology to build them.

Russia has a large quantity of such weapons, as well as the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds of neutron weapons. The neutron bombs would allow Israel to stop advancing Arab armies and tank columns - even one on Israeli soil - without permanently contaminating the land.

South Africa, which constructed a cache of neutron weapons before the end of white rule, claimed it dismantled those weapons before handing over power to the Nelson Mandela government. Cohen, however, claims to have it on good authority that white military leaders still control the secret stockpile as "an insurance policy."

Most frightening for Cohen is the relative ease by which neutron bombs can be created with a substance called red mercury. Red mercury is a compound containing mercury that has undergone massive irradiation. When exploded, it creates tremendous heat and pressure - the same type needed to trigger a fusion device such as a mini-neutron bomb.

Before, an obstacle to creating a nuclear bomb was the need for plutonium, which when exploded could create a fusion reaction in hydrogen atoms. But red mercury has changed that. The cheap substance has been produced in Russia, Cohen said, and shipped on the black market throughout the world.

Cohen said that when U.N. inspectors went to Iraq to examine the Iraqis' nuclear weapons capabilities, the U.N. team found documents showing that they had purchased quantities of red mercury. The material means a neutron bomb can be built "the size of baseball" but able to kill everyone within several square blocks.

The public isn't being warned about this development because the politicians have little desire to combat the menace or to confront nations like Iraq, Iran and Libya that likely would use such weapons, Cohen said.

Cohen has little faith in the politicians anyway. "Every president since Truman, with the possible exception of Eisenhower, would have sold the country out if it came down to a nuclear confrontation," he said.

Cohen on nation security issues

In a recent interview, Sam Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb, offered his views on several national security issues:

RUSSIA: Though the Cold War is over and Russia appears in disarray, Cohen suggested that the situation remains dangerous because Russia has "far and away substantially more nuclear weapons than we do." While U.S. policy makers have been busy dismantling our nuclear arsenal, Russia continues to modernize.

The United States has been paying billions of dollars for the leftover plutonium from Russia's dismantled weapons, but evidence indicates that the Russians have not been turning over weapons-grade plutonium. Instead, the United States has been paying for, and not objecting to, material from their nuclear power plants - a strong sign the Russians are not dismantling their weapons.

MISSILE DEFENSES: Calling a ballistic missile defense system "absolutely necessary," Cohen said American space-based plans so far have been a "debacle" that have cost taxpayers more than $50 billion.

Cohen argued that the "Star Wars" plan envisioned by President Ronald Reagan was inherently flawed. Politicians, once again fearing the "n" word, promised that nuclear weapons would not be used in any missile defense system. Cohen contends Reagan received misleading advice that technology was advanced enough to create a non-nuclear missile defense system.

Almost 15 years have passed since Reagan's call for a missile defense system, and still no weapons have been deployed. Cohen said that, had nuclear weapons been used, a fairly inexpensive system could already have been deployed. In such a system, nuclear weapons are exploded high in the atmosphere to either destroy or knock off trajectory incoming missiles. While the radioactive fallout from such explosions would pose some threat to civilian populations, it would be infinitely less harmful than having enemy missiles hit their targets.

Already, Cohen reported, the Russians have a sophisticated nuclear-based missile defense system around Moscow and possibly elsewhere. According to published intelligence reports, in the late 1980s the Russians began developing a "plasma weapon" for missile defenses. The plasma weapon uses nuclear energy to ionize the atmosphere, destroying or rendering inoperable any missiles passing through the plasma field.

SEAPOWER: Cohen said navies have become "obsolete" in terms of global warfare using nuclear weapons, and he described floating ships as "sitting ducks" for nuclear weapons. The U.S. Navy depends on AEGIS missile defense systems to protect its fleets, but Cohen said AEGIS has failed all of its tests, and there is no proof that it could fend off a multi-missile strike against a fleet, let alone a country.

Cohen said the U.S. Navy should put more resources into nuclear-powered submarines because of the difficulty any enemy might have in destroying them in a first strike.

For years, the nuclear submarines were the most important part of our deterrent against surprise nuclear attack, primarily because the submarine captain and crew did not need special codes, known as permissive action links or PALs, to fire their weapons. Thus, if a surprise attack disabled our military communications, the submarine could still counterattack.

In recent years, Cohen said, the Clinton administration has instituted the use of PALs on nuclear missile submarines, limiting their deterrence value.

CHINA: Cohen thinks China will soon be in position to blackmail the United States into reneging on promises to defend Taiwan. Already China has made overt threats about hitting the U.S. mainland with nuclear weapons. "China has said, `OK, if you defend Taiwan, we'll drop a nuclear weapon on Los Angeles,'" Cohen said.

In a trip to Taiwan, Cohen spoke before the military leadership there and strongly advised them to begin their own nuclear weapons program. The United States will not defend you because the politicians don't care about you, he told them.

The Neutron Bomb Plan against Terrorists

Background Information on the Neutron Weapon Click Here

First Posted on October 11, 2001.....Just after the September 11th attack on the United States.

Partially edited by Warriors because of the implications of some of the comments.

We do not fully agree with all the contents.

The Neutron Bomb Plan against Terrorist States by Wilson C. Lucom - former assistant to U.S. Secretary of State Stentenius

Here is the Lucom Plan to save the United States from being destroyed as a great nation by worldwide terrorism. It could also save your life if the terrorists struck in your neighborhood.

President Bush and Congress must realize the very survival of the United States as a great nation is now at stake. The United States will not survive unless President Bush and Congress take action now before there is another terrorist strike. This could be one of the last strikes against the U.S.

How could the terrorists accomplish this final tall order? They could strike (censored by Warriors), causing a huge power shortage. Even more deadly would be poisoning the (censored by Warriors) with the lethal bacterium anthrax. It is not widely known that anthrax is a silent, deadly killer. One hundred million lethal doses per gram (a teaspoonful) is 100,000 times more deadly than the most deadly chemical warfare weapon. (Time Almanac, 2001)

Anthrax could easily kill up to 6 or 7 million people in (censored by Warriors) alone, which would cause the stock market to lose another trillion dollars and plunge the United States into a depression. The U.S. would be finished as a great nation. An anthrax attack may be the next planned strike on the U.S. and it would be disastrous. It is reported that Osama bin Laden, Iraq, Iran, Libya and North Korea have anthrax. This is the deadly reason why terrorists must be stopped before they strike with anthrax.

Part 1 of Lucom Plan - Neutron Bomb
Instead of being "politically correct," President Bush must be like the great Harry Truman, who was "politically incorrect" in having the courage to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, immediately ending World War II and saving thousands of American soldiers' lives. President Bush must immediately drop the neutron bomb, ending the terrorist war immediately. He must drop the neutron bomb instead of allowing the war to continue, which would keep his high approval ratings but let hundreds of thousands of American soldiers be killed unnecessarily.

Psychologically, the threat of an action is almost as effective as the action itself. Bush should at least threaten to use the neutron bomb to isolate the nations that protect terrorism from the nations that support the United States.

President Bush has to have foresight, or the U.S. is lost forever. He has to choose to be a great president like Harry Truman and drop the neutron bomb, saving thousands of American soldiers' lives. He must not waste more precious time trying to build a weak coalition of those nations that support the United States in name only. They do not support the U.S. with their military forces, which means they will strongly oppose attacking any nations that harbor terrorists.

President Bush does not need the consent of the U.N. or any Arab nations in a coalition to defend the U.S. against terrorist attack. President Bush must defend the U.S. first before any more terrorist attacks can occur. This is why the Lucom Plan must be used. The more Bush delays, attempting to build the tenuous coalition, the more time he gives the terrorists for more attacks on the U.S. It is believed that the State Department is giving Bush bad advice, not the Department of Defense.

How can you stop this terrorism? Join our movement to get President Bush and Congress to use the Lucom Plan. The Lucom Plan would put an end to terrorism not just in one country but wherever it exists. Neutron-bomb them first – before they attack the U.S. again. Otherwise the war against terrorism could continue for 10 years at great cost to the United States in huge war taxes and the loss of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers' lives. This must be avoided. It is hoped Bush wants to save these soldiers' lives. Truman did!

To exist, terrorism needs a country from which it can operate and in which it can be protected. This delay gives the terrorists enough time to kill millions of Americans and eventually destroy the United States. President Bush must first hold a public war trial in the United States, charging all terrorists, either by name or as John and Jane Doe, as being evil and condemning them to death. The terrorists, after all, condemned to death without a trial over 6.000 Americans in the Twin Towers terrorist attack. If another terrorist attack appears imminent, Bush must use the neutron bomb without waiting for the trial to end.

President Bush must tell any country harboring and protecting the terrorists that they are condemned to death and the U.S. demands their immediate extradition to carry out the death sentence. Otherwise, the terrorists will strike again. Bush must tell any harboring country that if it refuses to turn over the terrorists it is collaterally guilty with the terrorists, and the United States will immediately drop the neutron bomb on it until it no longer exists as a nation. This is what Harry Truman would have done. This takes leadership in the best interest of the U.S., not the followership of the Arab nations.

The United States will drop the neutron bomb on all nations that harbor terrorists. It is far cheaper and will cost far fewer lives of American troops than a ground war. Not one American soldier would be killed. The harboring country would be bombed as Japan was bombed. If Iraq or another terrorist-supporting country was bombed, the other harboring countries would get the message and oust all terrorists, leaving them nowhere to go. They would be turned over to the U.S. for carrying out the death sentence or cease to operate. Even if not turned over, they would have no home base to gather and plan future attacks, so they would be out of business. The Lucom Plan is the most competent, efficient way to end terrorism in a short time – wherever it exists.

Part 2 of Lucom Plan
If President Bush wants to simultaneously try a nonviolent plan (because Gen. Powell said war is evil and all nonviolent ways must first be tried), here is the Worldwide Organized Voters Ending War Nonviolent Plan.

President Bush and Congress should offer $1 billion for the capture of Osama bin Laden and any other terrorist leaders. A protracted war could cost up to $500 billion. World War II, at today's prices, cost $486 billion, with over 1 million American soldiers killed and injured. What a horrible cost! Compared to $486 billion, this billion-dollar reward is minute. It is a very small amount to the U.S. government, whose 2001 annual budget is $1.3 trillion. The U. S. government can easily offer this billion-dollar reward for the capture of terrorists. Even if five terrorist leaders were caught, it is still a minute amount to pay out compared to $500 billion a protracted war could cost.

President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Congress are absolutely against offering such a large reward, but they are very wrong. Such a huge reward would shorten any war considerably, saving hundreds of thousands of American soldiers' lives. President Bush and Congress must try to save the lives of American soldiers by offering the billion-dollar reward.

Osama bin Laden has laid a clever trap for President Bush. He wants Bush to use American troops. This is pitting Christian non-Muslim infidels against Muslin troops, uniting the Muslim countries against the United States and probably starting World War III. Bush can evade this bin Laden trap by hiring or else supplying Muslim troops like Afghanistan's Northern Military Alliance. He should supply them with guns, ammunition, Stingers and other war equipment to defeat the Taliban. Thus, Bush will have evaded the bin Laden trap by having Muslims fighting against Muslims. The $1 billion reward would really motivate them.

It is reported there are over 200,000 Iranian soldiers on the border of Afghanistan because Iran worries that Afghanistan might use the guided missiles it is developing against Iran. If the billion-dollar reward were also offered to these Iranian troops, Osama bin Laden and other terrorists would soon be caught.

In this nonviolent way, up to 1 million American soldiers will not be killed or injured. This is why the nonviolent Plan should be tried simultaneously with the violent Plan. Either way, under the Lucom Plan the United States ends the terrorist war soon.

If Bush delays too long consulting the U.N. and possible future Arab enemies by trying to build a tenuous coalition, kiss the United States goodbye as a great nation. President Bush has been reacting instead of vigorously, determinedly acting in the best interest of the United States. Terrorism must be stopped before it can again attack the United States. The Lucom Plan does this. Voters should contact their senators and congressmen urging the adoption of the Lucom Plan, including the billion-dollar reward offered by the president.

Wilson C. Lucom is a former assistant to U.S. Secretary of State Stentenius.

Tabacco: You just got a glimpse of the sort of thinking that goes on in our federal government and America’s so-called “Think Tanks” like PNAC (Project For The New American Century), from whose ranks come Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, Dick Cheney, Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, I. Lewis Libby, & John Bolton. Some of these PNACers are in jail or discredited. They should all be doing prison time of 99 years to Life! But some are still serving in the Bush administration. These guys wanted Bill Clinton to attack Iraq; not because of Terrorists because there weren’t any – Saddam saw to that. You can read letters they wrote to Clinton in the 1990s on their own website. They have no SHAME!

They wanted 3 things: 1- Control of Iraqi oil, 2- War Profiteering Profits, courtesy of your Tax Dollars and 3- World Domination – the sort of power lusted after by Hitler, Napoleon & Julius Caesar.

Neutron bomb
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A neutron bomb is a type of tactical nuclear weapon developed specifically to release a relatively large portion of its energy as energetic neutron radiation to harm biological tissues and electronic devices, that are otherwise relatively protected from the heat blast, without causing nuclear fallout.

The neutron bomb is generally credited to Samuel Cohen of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who developed the concept in 1958. Although initially opposed by President John F. Kennedy, its testing was authorized and carried out in 1962 at a Nevada test site. Development was subsequently cancelled by President Jimmy Carter in 1978, but again restarted by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. The US stockpile is believed to have been largely dismantled by the elder Bush administration. Enhanced radiation weapons were also produced by France in the early 1980s, though they have since destroyed these weapons. The 1999 "Cox Report" indicates that China is able to produce neutron bombs, although no country is known to have deployed them.

Technical overview

Neutron bombs, also called enhanced radiation bombs (ER weapons), are small thermonuclear weapons in which the burst of neutrons generated by the fusion reaction is intentionally not absorbed inside the weapon, but allowed to escape. The X-ray mirrors and shell of the weapon are made of chromium or nickel so that the neutrons are permitted to escape. Contrast this with cobalt bombs, also known as salted bombs.

This intense burst of high-energy neutrons is the principal destructive mechanism.

The term "enhanced radiation" refers only to the burst of ionizing radiation released at the moment of detonation, not to any enhancement of residual radiation in fallout.

A neutron bomb requires considerable amounts of tritium, which has a half-life of 12.3 years, thus making it impossible to store the weapon for more extended durations. The neutron bombs that existed in the United States arsenal in the past were variants of the W70 and the W79 designs.

An alternative technology is to enhance the x-ray yield of the weapon. Upon detonation a large electron field is allowed to hit the tungsten target, a metal slab compressed by explosives against the uranium or plutonium core. These enhanced radiation weapons are thought to comprise a true radiation damage/killing device.

Neutron bomb tactics

Neutron bombs could be used as strategic anti-missile weapons or as tactical weapons intended for use against armored forces.

As an anti-missile weapon, ER weapons were developed to protect United States missile silos from incoming Soviet warheads by damaging their electronic components with the intense neutron flux.

Tactical neutron bombs are primarily intended to kill soldiers who are protected by armor. Armored vehicles are extremely resistant to blast and heat produced by nuclear weapons, so the effective range of a nuclear weapon against tanks is determined by the lethal range of the radiation, although this is also reduced by the armor. By emitting large amounts of lethal radiation of the most penetrating kind, ER warheads maximize the lethal range of a given yield of nuclear warhead against armored targets.

One problem with using radiation as a tactical anti-personnel weapon is that to bring about rapid incapacitation of the target, a radiation dose that is many times the lethal level must be administered. A radiation dose of 6 Gy is normally considered lethal. It will kill at least half of those who are exposed to it, but no effect is noticeable for several hours. Neutron bombs were intended to deliver a dose of 80 Gy to produce immediate and permanent incapacitation. A 1 kt ER warhead can do this to a T-72 tank crew at a range of 690 m, compared to 360 m for a pure fission bomb. For a 6 Gy dose, the distances are 1100 m and 700 m respectively, and for unprotected soldiers 6 Gy exposures occur at 1350 m and 900 m. The lethal range for tactical neutron bombs exceeds the lethal range for blast and heat even for unprotected troops.

The neutron flux can induce significant amounts of short-lived secondary radioactivity in the environment in the high flux region near the burst point. The alloys used in steel armor can develop radioactivity that is dangerous for 24-48 hours. If a tank exposed to a 1 kt neutron bomb at 690 m (the effective range for immediate crew incapacitation) is immediately occupied by a new crew, they will receive a lethal dose of radiation within 24 hours.

One significant drawback of the weapon is that not all targeted troops will die or be incapacitated immediately. After a brief bout of nausea, many of those hit with about 5-50 Sv of radiation will experience a temporary recovery lasting days to weeks. It has been suggested that these troops, knowing that they are likely to die soon anyway, may fight fanatically, without the usual regard for their own well-being.

Some authorities say that due to the rapid attenuation of neutron energy by the atmosphere (these authorities claim that it drops by a factor of 10 every 500 m due to absorption by the environment, in addition to the effects of three dimensional dispersion) ER weapons are only effective at short ranges, and thus are practical only in relatively low yields. These ER warheads are said to be designed to minimize the amount of fission energy and blast effect produced relative to the neutron yield. The principal reason is said to be to allow their use close to friendly forces.

These same authorities say that the common perception of the neutron bomb as a "landlord bomb" that would kill people but leave buildings undamaged is greatly overstated. At the conventional effective combat range (690 m), the blast from a 1 kt neutron bomb will ruin almost any civilian building. Thus the use of neutron bombs to stop an enemy attack, which requires exploding large numbers of them to blanket the enemy forces, would also destroy all buildings in the area.

Another view of the neutron bomb and its tactics exists. The inventor of the neutron bomb, Samuel Cohen, wrote a book in which he stated that the effective range of a pure neutron bomb exceeded 10 km of altitude. Cohen stated explicitly that "enhanced radiation" weapons deployed in Germany during the cold war were political compromises designed to have substantial blast, with radiation effects deliberately reduced to eliminate any possibility of surviving structures. He also quoted radiation releases of 1 kGy at the ground from pure neutron weapons exploded at 10 km.

The neutron absorption spectrum of air is disputed, and may depend in part on absorption by hydrogen from water vapor. It therefore might vary exponentially with humidity, making high-altitude neutron bombs immensely more deadly in desert climates than in humid ones. This effect also varies with altitude.

According to Cohen, one possible tactic of using such "true" neutron bombs is therefore to launch them as defensive weapons against armored attacks. Civilians enter fallout shelters, and the bomb is exploded 10 km over the armored attack. Portable armor is said to be unable to shield tank and aircraft crews. In such an event, a city's trees and grass would have been killed by radiation, but buildings would remain undamaged for the emerging civilians (who would however have to wait several days for certain short-lived isotopes to decay). Such neutron bombs would be very potent anti-ship weapons. A major supporter of Cohen's research was the U.S. Navy.

# In The Simpsons' episode "Treehouse of Horror VIII", France uses a 6-megaton neutron bomb to wipe out Springfield.

# In the 1987 film Robocop a TV news report mentions a French made, 3 megaton neutron bomb that the white ruling party in "besieged city state" of Pretoria is prepared to use as a last line of defense.

# In the Doctor Who serial The Daleks (1963-64), neutron bombs were extensively utilized in the war between the Dals and the Thals many hundreds of years previous to the story.

Readers: Try to remember that it was Saddam Hussein, who was supposed to possess WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). George W. Bush never referred to Israel, Ronald Reagan, the United States or himself in that context.

Tabacco: I consider myself both a funnel and a filter. I funnel information, not readily available on the Mass Media, which is ignored and/or suppressed. I filter out the irrelevancies and trivialities to save both the time and effort of my Readers and bring consternation to the enemies of Truth & Fairness!

In 1981's 'Body Heat', Kathleen Turner said, "Knowledge is power".


T.A.B.A.C.C.O. (Truth About Business And Congressional Crimes Organization)

tags: knowledge is power takebackamerica business politics religion quasicon bush richvspoor political corruption nukes history neutron bomb sam cohen wmd us america terrorism blackmail warpeace

comments (3)

1. Tabacco left...
Sunday, 2 August 2009 3:07 pm ::

Len Aaron:

In first half of your comment, you said very interesting stuff including "A PEACE PRIZE Medal to Sam for inventing THE NEUTRON BOMB"!

Then you started spewing Biblical propaganda with Biblical references, too overblown to publish. Strange you should write today because I just published the following:

IN DEFENSE OF GOD! The Bible Is Not Only NOT HOLY, It Was Not Inspired By God - The Bible Is Blasphemy! Op-Ed ly_it_was_no.htm

I suggest you read my post with an open mind, or as open as you can muster. Your dismissal of Catholicism & others of that ilk demonstrates both advancement and retrogression on your part.

Try expressing your own thoughts and leave the neverending Bible quotations for those who believe the Bible was inspired by God. It wasn't. In fact it makes God into a joke!

Excerpt: "The Bible portrays God as vengeful, jealous, bipolar, biased, murderous & genocidal, emotionally unbalanced and a very poor “father”! That description fits mankind; it does NOT fit God! Man wrote the Bible without any help or Godly inspiration."

I would be interested in your responses to my post. But please, spare us all the quotes. No book can justify itself as no police dept can oversee itself fairly with a "civilian review board".

If you write your own thoughts, I will reconsider. If you write Bible references, I won't! The days of people spouting Biblical quotes and the public afraid to dispute those assertions is over - it's a new day! Some people think and speak for themselves as Tabacco does.



2. Tabacco left...
Sunday, 2 August 2009 8:05 pm ::

If I Lose, Everybody Loses!

Excerpt from Post: "With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism as we knew it, the Bush administration moved to dismantle all of our tactical nuclear weapons, including the Reagan stockpile of neutron bombs. In Cohen's mind, America was brought back to Square One. Without tactical weapons like the neutron bomb, America would be left with two choices if an enemy were winning a conventional war: surrender, or unleash the holocaust of strategic nuclear weapons."

See, our so-called leaders are prepared to destroy everybody, including ourselves, should we be losing a "conventional" war. If you saw film 'Dr. Strangelove', you will remember the Russian DOOMSDAY MACHINE - same idea!

The GOP is particularly self-destructive as the War Hawks were in Strangelove because they had plans to save themselves and sufficient numbers of sexually provocative females to repopulate the planet with Americans. That plan had no provisions for your survival.

In 'When Worlds Collide', they at least had a drawing or raffle to decide who got to leave doomed earth in their spaceship. Today, our leaders are much more callous than those of the 1950s. This is particularly true of Big-mouth Republicans. These bastards would not be so hawkish if they had to go one-on-one in life-and-death combat with a single enemy. I bet they would find a viable "political solution" under those conditions!


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