Saturday, October 2, 2010


U.S. Government Training "Suicide" Bombers

* Nov. 9th, 2008 at 11:45 AM

And when you consider the FALSE-FLAG NATURE of most "terrorist" attacks, well...

Related: Curious case of the dead scientist and the bomb experiment

Remember those two SAS men caught planting bombs in Iraq?

"For the last couple months we keep hearing how all the IEDs used in Iraq are coming from Iran, and now we have indications they actually come from Britain." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Occupation Iraq: America's Roadside Bombs

The bizarre case of Zapata Engineering, murdered U.S. Marines and Iraqi IED's

Are we clear?
"N.E. colleges join initiative to prevent homemade bombs; US grant supports chemical research" by Hilary Russ, Associated Press | November 9, 2008

SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. - In cluttered labs in the University of Rhode Island's chemistry department, Jimmie Oxley and her students are lighting fires, mixing chemicals, and trying to see what they can and cannot blow up.

And the government not only knows about it, it is paying them to do it. In an effort to stay one step ahead of would-be terrorist bombers, the federal government awarded the school a grant to study better ways to sniff out traces of an explosive substance, protect household chemicals from being converted into bombs, and strengthen buildings to lessen the devastation of an exploding bomb....

The initiative, called the Center of Excellence for Explosives Detection, Mitigation and Response, is intended to equip federal investigators with additional tools to thwart would-be terrorist bombers, both within and outside America's borders. Oxley and scientists at Northeastern University in Boston, which is co-directing the new center, have received $5.15 million from the Department of Homeland Security to run experiments in three main areas of research: making blasts less damaging by upgrading building materials, taking the bite out of common, commercial ingredients that people use to make bombs at home, and improving ways to detect homemade bombs and bomb makers.

How about not training and employing them in the first place? And that is YOUR TAX MONEY being spent on a LIE, America!


* american tyranny,
* education,
* prop

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