Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Asshole Anti-Christ Returns
I like it when HE is not here!

He can stay out of the country forever as far as I am concerned.

"Reporter’s Notebook; Bush Irks Australians, but They Can’t Look Away" by SHERYL GAY STOLBERG

SYDNEY, Australia, Sept. 8 — “Oh, you people are recording my every move,” President Bush lamented to Annabel Crabb, a political columnist for a local newspaper, as she watched him pick his way through some pasta salad at a buffet barbecue for Australian troops the other day.

He was right.


Not too good, does it?

Maybe your shit-sucking fascist government will back off now.

But I doubt it!]

There was good news and bad news for Mr. Bush in his foray this week to the land down under. The good news is that Australians love Americans. The bad news is that they do not seem to love the American president.

[NO ONE DOES, except his Zionist controllers and his neo-con warprofiteers!]

Matt Price, a political columnist for The Australian, a national newspaper;

“He’s an easy fellow; he looks like a terrific bloke to have a drink with or have a barbecue with. I think people are really schizoid about this visit. Australians really appreciate the American alliance, and we love America. But Bush is — he’s damaged goods.”

[Um, Bush shouldn't be drinking, even though he was obviously drunk at the OPEC, er, APEC, summit!]

With discussions at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum dull enough to put even the most dedicated policy wonk to sleep, and with Mr. Bush parked in Sydney for a four-night stretch (an eternity for a man who, on his last international trip, zipped through Poland in three hours), the president became the biggest story in town — a sitting duck for the fun-loving, and very determined, Australian press corps.

He was an object of both fascination and ire, a strange and curious creature in a land that is filled with them.

[He is a creature, all right! A mass-murdering creature!]

A local television station kept a video camera trained on the president’s hotel. “Let’s check on Bush Cam,” the announcer would intone. When Mr. Bush slipped out one afternoon for a bike ride, a helicopter news crew gave chase, filming close enough overhead to make the hearts of Secret Service agents palpitate.


Ms. Crabb’s newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald, ran an interactive Web feature: “Give President George Bush an Australian makeover for his APEC visit.” The site depicted Mr. Bush as a cartoon paper-doll cutout wearing only American flag underwear. Visitors were invited to dress him in attire that included a Crocodile Dundee hat, a koala costume and a word bubble that proclaimed, “G’Day!!”

Ms. Crabb said such attention was to be expected. “It’s kind of a reasonably significant national pastime in Australia to tell jokes about George W. Bush,” she said.

[Except he is NOT a laughing matter!!

Not to INNOCENT Iraqis or Afghanis or Pakis or Iranians!!!


That's one reason I do not watch Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert anymore.


This guy Bush is a MASS-MURDERING MADMAN who thinks that NUKING IRAN will SAVE his presidency for the history books!!

The idiot Bush -- which is an act to make him seem like you and me. Either that, or the guy is mentally-incapacitated and needs to be removed from office -- is NOT a LAUGHING MATTER anymore!!!!!]

And Mr. Bush, master of the malapropism, gave his critics fodder. During a speech on Friday, he thanked Prime Minister John Howard “for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit” — a slip of the tongue that he quickly corrected, lest anyone think he was attending a meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Later, he mangled his pronunciation of “Australian,” rendering it much closer to “Austrian.” In anticipation of an Australian beef lunch, he proclaimed, “I’m a meat guy.”

[Yup, a MEAT-and-BEER man! Hic-cup! OPEC, er, hic-cup, APEC.

And what, no reporting on the "kick ass" comment, Times?

Ah, Bush's NEMESIS! Ha-ha-ha-ha!]

Of course, it is the president’s policies, not his food preferences, that irk Australians.

Mr. Bush is unpopular here largely because of the war in Iraq, but he also suffers a bit from guilt by association, for his close friendship with Mr. Howard, whose approval ratings are not much better than Mr. Bush’s.

[I think it is the OTHER WAY AROUND, Sheryl! Pffffttttt!]

Australians like to say they live in the only country that has fought alongside the United States in every major war of the 20th and 21st centuries. (Britain opted out of Vietnam.) But a recent poll by the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a research group here, found that despite that fondness as allies, two-thirds of Australians surveyed said Mr. Bush had caused them to have an unfavorable view of the United States.

[And that is ONE of OUR STAUNCHEST FRIENDS! Thanks, asshole!]

Michael Fullilove, who conducted the survey:

“Australians have just made a judgment that the very muscular approach that America took was unpopular and unsuccessful, and it’s damaged America’s place in the world. And we don’t like that, because we are a close U.S. ally. So in a sense, the damage that America did itself in those years is something that Australians hold against President Bush.”

If Australians are angry with Mr. Bush, they do have their own peculiar way of showing it. For example, there was the effort by a group calling itself Bums for Bush (that would be bum as in bottom, not bum as in hobo), which advertised a “world record moon attempt” in Hyde Park here on Friday. “Only 4,000 cheeks are needed,” the advertisement said, to “tell Bush what we really think about his visit.”

[That is kind of funny, but that's the best they can do? A mooning?

It would be cool if they shat at the same time!!

Nice explosive torrents of diarrhea that could reach Bush!!!!!!!!!

Now THAT would be a PROTEST!!!!]

With Sydney locked down under miles of steel fence to protect the leaders of the 21 nations attending the economic meeting, Mr. Bush — who arrived well before the others so he could meet with Mr. Howard — took the brunt of the blame for the heightened security. One of the first things he did here was to apologize.

“Look,” he told a reporter, “I don’t want to come to a community and say, you know, what a pain it is to have the American president.”


That's not a sorry, and besides, it is TOO LATE for words, asshole!!!

You already FUCKED THINGS UP, and NOTHING YOU DO will fix your MYRIAD of FUCKING FAILURES, asshole!!

You are a FAILURE, Bush, and I want the whole world to know that GOOD AMERICANS KNOW IT!!!!]

Then an Australian television comedy crew poked holes in the $250 million security operation, steering a fake Canadian motorcade — complete with an actor dressed up as Osama bin Laden — through two police checkpoints, within shouting distance of the Intercontinental Hotel, where Mr. Bush was staying.

The police, who arrested 11 people on charges of illegally entering a restricted zone, were not amused. The White House, which said Mr. Bush was never in any danger, was.

“Absolutely hilarious,” said the president’s deputy press secretary, Dana Perino.

[Is that the height of rubbing shit in your face, America?

Is this ACTOR the same one who appeared in this weekend's video?

HOW MANY "bin-Laden" actors does the CIA have?

And how 'bout the little COKE-SNORTING SPOKESNORTER Dana Perino finding it "just hilarious?"

Yeah, bin Laden providing LAUGHS all around, because I couldn't stop laughing, either!!!]

Mr. Bush, for his part, seemed to sense the absurdity of his own situation. At the barbecue for the troops, under Ms. Crabb’s watchful eye, he helpfully counted his own noodles (there were eight) in a scene she wrote about in her front-page column this way: “Eight!” he concluded. “Eight noodles! There’s your story! Nice helping you out!”

[Yup, even insane people have sense perceptions!

As a sane person, I sense absurdity in the NEWS COVERAGE!]

The next day, Ms. Crabb sounded flustered — and a bit charmed — by a president who, aware she was trying to ridicule him, had deftly turned the tables. “For a professional two-bit smart-aleck writer like myself,” she said, “it was an interesting realization.”

[Fucking N.Y. Times!

Yeah, Bush got the better of them, like he always does (or so they report)!!!


"Bush leaves Asia for US, ready to fight Congress; He braces for duel over Iraq policy" by Tom Raum/Associated Press September 9, 2007

SYDNEY - President Bush wrapped up his participation at an Asia-Pacific summit yesterday and prepared for a renewed fight with the Democratic-run Congress over the future of the US involvement in Iraq.

He plans a nationally televised address this coming week to "lay out a vision" for Americans about the US role. In his Saturday radio address, Bush also set the stage for tomorrow's congressional testimony by General David Petraeus, the chief US commander in Iraq.

[Bet it will be on 9/11!!!!!

Just one more way of making the LYING LINK between Iraq and 9/11 -- AGAIN!!]

In the radio talk, recorded before he headed back to the United States, Bush recounted his Labor Day trip to Iraq's Anbar Province to visit US troops and "see with my own eyes the remarkable changes they are making possible."

Sunni tribal leaders, working with Iraqi and US forces, helped drive out Al Qaeda militants, Bush said. "The level of violence is down. Local governments are meeting again. Young Sunnis are joining the police and army. And normal life is returning," the president said.

[Sigh! Is HE not the GREATEST LIAR you have ever seen?!

What a SILVER-TONGUED DEVIL when it comes to TELLING LIES!!!

It's like he stumbles when he is being confronted with TRUTH!

That's when he "fucks up."]

"Success in Anbar is critical to the democratic future of Iraq and to the war on terror," he said.

But the Senate's top Democrat contended in his party's weekly radio address that the president had misled the country into "an ill-planned war in Iraq" before finishing the job of destroying Al Qaeda.

The US military is not to blame for setbacks in the war, said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. "These are President Bush's failures - and it is long past time for him to change his flawed policies," he said.

[I hate DemocraPs because they buy into 9/11 and the "war on terror."

The "opposition" party doesn't help when its criticisms are, "Bush isn't being tough enough."

That doesn't help the debate.

We need to go the other way:

AWAY from WAR and the SLAUGHTER of INNOCENTS to APOLOGIZING and TALKING to our victims!!!]

Previewing his national address, Bush said he would "lay out a vision for future involvement in Iraq - one that I believe the American people and their elected leaders of both parties can support. By coming together on the way forward, we will strengthen Iraq's democracy, deal a blow to our enemies, secure interests in the Middle East, and make our nation safer."



Anticipating Petraeus's testimony to Congress, Reid said he expected the commander's assessment would "pass through the White House spin machine, where facts are often ignored or twisted, and intelligence is cherry-picked."

Bush planned a refueling stop in Hawaii after the long flight from Australia. He was scheduled to have dinner with military commanders and get a private briefing before resuming his flight back to Washington, arriving at dawn today.

The president also was to get an update on his wife's surgery. Laura Bush had surgery yesterday to relieve pain from pinched nerves in her neck.

[Who really gives a shit about Laura and her problems?

Why are they wasting print with this?

Despite the guys unpopularity, I sense a tone of fealty worship in these articles.

Isn't that gross, reader?]

Bush left Sydney after the first formal session of this year's meeting of Pacific Rim leaders. He cut his visit short to return home because of the busy week on Iraq awaiting him.

But the president had arrived in Australia earlier than scheduled and spent the past four days meeting with other leaders from the region.

They had lunch and joined for a traditional "group photo," in which all members wore Australian "bone-dry" coats.

Bush watched fireworks over Sydney Harbor and had dinner with fellow heads of state before departing.

Thousands of demonstrators, held back by metal fences and concrete barriers, protested the Iraq war, poverty, and global warming."

[How come there is not a WHOLE ARTICLE on the anti-Bush opposition?

Instead we get Laura getting surgery for her arm, and Bush's itinerary for his trip.

FUCK THAT, I want to hear what real people from other countries have to say about us.

Not some ASSHOLE!!

President Bush is expected to address the nation about what he calls "the way forward" in Iraq. Mr. Bush followed his trip to Australia with a visit to Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu on Saturday, where he visited wounded troops, ate lunch at Pearl Harbor and urged Congress to "sit back and listen to what we all have to say before they reach the conclusions that they’re going to reach (New York Times September 9, 2007)."

[Yeah, even though HE has ALREADY DECIDED what HE is going to do!

What an A # 1 FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!]

"A pivotal progress report is due to be delivered to Congress by the top commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus.

Petraeus acknowledged the difficulties in a letter to US forces on Friday summarizing the results of the troop increase President Bush ordered last winter:

"It has not worked out as we had hoped (Boston Globe September 9, 2007)."

[So the SURGE has REALLY FAILED!!!! Siiiiiiiggghhhh!

And what has the SHIT MSM and politicians been CLAMORING about all week?


Despite being a failure, we are told it's been a success!!

It's called FEEDING the American public SHIT!!!!!

You FULL yet, Amurka?

Then EAT UP!
Posted by Rocker at 8:40 AM
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