Thursday, August 16, 2007
More Holo-Hoax Proof
The biggest lie of all, and I am angry that I believed for so long!
Thank you, bloggers!
"The Significance of Revisionism Refined" by by Voltaire (sent in without a reference)
Thursday, 12 July 2007
In our previous essay "The Significance Of Revisionism" we examined the basic proof of the revisionist case that "The Holocaust" was a hoax, as well as the greater implications of the legend. In this essay, we shall consider a wider variety of factors which are inconsistent with the legend. The purpose is not to pile proof upon proof but to demonstrate that all relevant factors which bear upon the story are consistent with the revisionist interpretation, not with the extermination story.
(1) No one knew of any extermination during the war.
Never in the history of the world has any mass extermination taken place while the world remained ignorant of it. The massacres of the communists in Russia, the murders of Mao Tse-Tung, the slaughters of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the death camps of the British in South Africa, the starvation of the Irish, all were known as they were taking place. Only during "The Holocaust", we are told, was a super secret extermination taking place. This is suspicious on the face of it. How could such a massive undertaking be planned, coordinated and carried out on a continental scale without anyone knowing about it until after the war?
(2) German records are consistent that German policy was one of deportation and expulsion, not extermination.
Claims that Adolf Hitler issued "oral orders" for the extermination of the Jews are a concoction to cover up what the German records do say. German policy was originally to deport the Jews to Madagascar, Palestine or wherever the Germans could dump them. After the invasion of Russia German policy was to deport the Jews to the territories of the occupied east. There is no surviving documentary evidence to show that German policy was ever anything else. Hitler's Minister of the Interior, Hans Lammerer, recorded in a note of a phone conversation with the Fuehrer that "Hitler wanted the solution of the Jewish problem delayed until after the end of the war." No one has yet explained how that remark can be reconciled with his alleged intent to exterminate them.
(3) Allied intelligence knew nothing of any attempt to exterminate the Jews.
Allied intelligence was fully aware of what was taking place within Auschwitz, the alleged main killing center. American planes took many Aerial reconnaissance photographs of Auschwitz. Those photos show no evidence of mass executions. They do show an enormous industrial/war production center surrounded by Polish farmland. There was nothing secret or isolated about the camp complex. Claims of Jewish extermination were dismissed by American and British officials as Jewish propaganda of the World War One variety.
(4) Underground intelligence groups operating out of the camps knew nothing of any extermination program.
The Polish and Ukrainian underground's ran intelligence couriers out of the Auschwitz camps and communicated regularly with their governments-in-exile by radio broadcast. Not once did they mention any extermination program. Nor did Polish laborers employed by the Germans at Auschwitz say anything about any extermination program. How can an actual extermination program be concealed from the eyes of the other inmates at the alleged killing center?
(5) The Vatican knew nothing of a Jewish extermination program during the war.
Auschwitz was located in Poland, a Catholic country. The Vatican was exceedingly well informed about what was going on in Poland. Yet the Vatican was silent about a supposed extermination program of which they would have been the first to know, if it had actually been taking place.
(6)Many aspects of the extermination story have been abandoned since the war. How believable are the remaining parts of the extermination claims?
It is now conceded by the Jews themselves that the camps in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia were not extermination camps. The casualties at Dachau, Buchenwald, Gross-Raven, Theresienstadt, Mathausen and others were caused by disease and overcrowding at the end of the war. Why, then, are the claims of extermination at Auschwitz and the other camps any more believable? Claims of murder of Jews by steaming, mass electrocutions and other absurd methods, as introduced as evidence at Nuremberg, have also been dropped. The human soap story and human lampshade stories have also been dropped as fiction.
(7) If the Germans were in fact exterminating the Jews en masse, why did the SS establish a special investigating commission to uncover abuses of prisoners by German camp personnel?
Judge Konrad Morgen of the SS was authorized to investigate corruption and abuse of prisoners in the labor camp system. He prosecuted many such cases before the end of the war, including the infamous Ilse Koch and her husband. It strains credulity to believe that a German regime which was exterminating Jewish prisoners by the millions in "gas chambers" would simultaneously protect their "rights" by prosecuting camp personnel who abused them. There also exist detailed camp regulations on proper procedures for punishing prisoners. No regime conducting an actual extermination program would bother with such formalities.
(8) The communist governments in Eastern Europe after the war were all heavily dominated by Jewish commissars.
Unless the "gassed" Jews rose from the dead after the war, it is impossible to understand how every communist government from Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Rumania was dominated by Jews.
(9) The Germans had no method for disposing of the bodies of the millions of Jews supposedly murdered at Auschwitz.
The crematory ovens which existed at Auschwitz had a disposal capacity consistent with the actual number of deaths from disease. The disposal capacity did not even remotely approach the millions of deaths claimed.
(10) The numbers keep coming down.
The number of deaths in the western camps has been drastically reduced. The Auschwitz death toll has been reduced from the Nuremberg four million to fewer than one million. Both numbers are still well above the 74,000 deaths recorded in the Auschwitz death books.
Jewish claims of millions of deaths by "gassing" cannot be substantiated by elementary cross-checking. Neither the German war time records, the constantly changing downsized death numbers, the internal activities of the camps, the analysis of Allied intelligence, the silence of the Vatican or the criminal prosecutions of the German judiciary support any such interpretations.
The Jews have a very real problem. They have lied on a colossal scale. In the process they have deceived many of their own people as well as the world. The political repercussions would be disastrous if the truth ever got out. That, Dear Reader, is the reason that "Holocaust Denial" laws exist in Germany and all over Europe. Be grateful that you still live in the land of the First Amendment. You can be fired from your job, have your career destroyed and be turned into an unemployable social outcast. But you cannot be thrown into jail-yet. That will have to wait until Michael Chertoff can classify "Holocaust Denial" as a form of intellectual terrorism-and then you can read Arthur Butz upside down while hanging from your toes at Guantanamo Bay."
[Yeah, this Holocaust LIE is a BIG PROBLEM!
Just like 9/11 and Iraq!]
Posted by Rocker at 3:48 PM
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