Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Osama's Next Targets
Considering the FALSE-FLAG, INSIDE JOB NATURE of such things, maybe it should be Obama's next targets.

Related: Where the Next 9/11 Is Coming From

And where it is going:

"Tougher rules set for new reactors; Must withstand crash of jetliner" by H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press | February 18, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission yesterday required makers of new nuclear power plants to design the reactors so they can withstand the impact from a commercial jetliner.

Something like this, to be blamed on them?

The commission's approval of the regulation concludes more than two years of deliberations over the potential threat of a large aircraft crashing into a nuclear power plant, an issue that gained attention after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks....


"This is a common-sense approach to address an issue raised by the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001," said NRC chairman Dale Klein.... The newly approved regulation does not apply to the 104 commercial reactors now operating.


That's also because the GOVERNMENT KNOWS that "terrorism" is a FRAUD!!!!!!

In December, the NRC required operators of reactors now in use to develop strategies and response procedures to mitigate the damage from a large fire or explosion including one caused by impact from a jetliner. But it required no design changes to increase a reactor's protection.

The NRC concluded that when it comes to plants now in use, operators are limited as to their ability to protect against a large aircraft being flown into a reactor containment building or the nearby used-fuel storage pool.

You sensing a REPETITIVE PATTERN of an IDEA the LYING, AGENDA-PUSHING MSM is trying to drill into your head, 'murkn?

The NRC has maintained that protection against an attack by large aircraft must be a joint responsibility among government agencies, the military, and plant operators. and their focus should be on mitigating damage and improving response preparedness. The ability of reactors to withstand an aircraft impact has been a subject of intense controversy for years. National security analysts have said Al Qaeda views a nuclear power plant as a prime target.

Oh, "Al-CIA-Duh" is hot for the nuke plants, huh?

The nuclear industry has produced computer models that indicate even a direct hit on a reactor by a commercial jetliner would not penetrate the concrete dome and internal reactor vessel. Skeptics fear that an explosion and fire from such a crash could release radiation. Nuclear watchdog groups have maintained that reactor fuel pools are an even more fragile target....

Even the enviros buy into the "terrorist" threat?


That's why our nation is sunk. If the lefties believe the lies, the "righties" can't make them see the truth -- not through the haze of the MSM fart mist.
Posted by Rocker at 3:21 AM
Labels: American Tyranny, Prop
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