Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, November 22, 2007
"Al-CIA-Duhs" Catch-and-Release Program
It's not surprising to see Saudi stooges and patsies comprising "Al-CIA-Duh."

Think about it. They are U.S. government allies, and have lots of $$$$ to fund them.

Also see: Funders of Terrorism (and Why)

"Nationality plays role in detainee release; More Saudis are freed from Guantanamo" by Farah Stockman/Boston Globe November 22, 2007

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL STATION - In May 2006, the US military delivered the news Ali Muhammed Nasir Mohammed was desperate to hear: He was heading home from the prison at Guantanamo on the next plane to Saudi Arabia.

There was just one problem. Mohammed is from Yemen. When he explained the mistake, the plane left without him. He remained in his cell for 18 months.

Mohammed's case highlights the powerful role of nationality in determining who is released from Guantanamo.

Saudi Arabia, a wealthy, influential US ally, has seen more than 100 of about 130 citizens return home from Guantanamo, including dozens a military review panel found were security threats.

But Yemen, a poor country that lacks close ties to Washington, has had only 13 of about 110 citizens repatriated, including the body of one who committed suicide. Yemen has overtaken Saudi Arabia as the nation with the most citizens in Guantanamo besides Afghanistan; about a third of the current 310 detainees are Yemeni.

US officials say Saudi Arabia has been more assertive than Yemen on the issue. Former detainees have been reintegrated into society with an expensive rehabilitation program that includes religious reeducation, psychological counseling, furnished apartments - even brides.

See next article down for the con and the lie.

"Our view is that putting them in jail and throwing away the key does not solve the problem," said Nail Al-Jubeir, a spokesman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington. "They are sitting in Guantanamo Bay for the last five years, isolated from what is going on. You have to teach them right from wrong."

Begun in 2003 to reform suspected terrorist sympathizers arrested inside Saudi Arabia, the program has processed 2,000 extremists and 700 have been released, said Chris Boucek, a Princeton University researcher. Only 10 have been re-arrested, he said.

"Part of the counseling process is to encourage them to settle down and get married and have kids," Boucek said, speaking from Riyadh. "I think the thinking goes that the more family obligations that you have the less likely you are to get in trouble."

The Guantanamo returnees enter a special version of the program: They remain in custody but are allowed meals with loved ones and with the relatives of others still detained at Guantanamo Bay. The goal, Boucek said, is to reinforce a message that if they "screw up" it could ruin their friends' chances of release.

Saudi officials liken the program to an American drug rehabilitation clinic, though returnees still face prosecution for the alleged activities that landed them in Guantanamo. Several have gone to jail for falsified passports or for "joining a foreign war without authorization."

Terrorist rehabilitation, great!

Then they are sent into Iraq, right (see article below)?

So far, Jubeir said, no former Guantanamo inmates have "relapsed" into terrorism after finishing the program.

Saudi officials would not say how much the program costs. Last month a Saudi prince gave $2,700 each to 55 recently released detainees to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan.

US officials were initially cynical, Saudi officials say, but now they point to the program as one reason so many Saudis have been repatriated.

Saudi Arabia is "willing to come up to the plate and mitigate the risk," said Frank Sweigart, head of the Pentagon office that oversees the review of evidence against the detainees. If more countries followed suit, he said, more detainees would be released "in a heartbeat."

By contrast Yemen has struggled to gain the trust of US officials, despite similar attempts at militant rehabilitation.

Yeah, Saudi is the worst government in the region, but it is Yemen that has to suck ass.

Run by a well-respected Yemeni judge, the program's clerics challenge the prisoners' interpretation of Islam. Unlike the Saudis' program, inmates don't get professional counseling, financial support, or social services, according to a Yemeni official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

About 200 suspected Yemeni militants have "graduated" from the program, the official said, though no one can say whether any had returned to extremism. But Boucek said US officials became concerned after evidence that significant numbers of them were fighting alongside Iraq insurgents.

See next report down!! What a bunch of U.S. liars!!!!

"When these guys leave custody in Saudi Arabia, they are still monitored and very, very closely tracked," Boucek said. "Whereas in Yemen, it seems like once they got people to agree that, 'Yes we recognize the legitimacy of the Yemeni government,' they would leave and that was it."

Really? Are they? Or are you just saying that, liar?

No Yemeni detainees have gone through the program because so few have returned from Guantanamo. US officials say privately that they do not trust Yemen with detainees who could still be dangerous, noting that 23 Al Qaeda members escaped from a Yemeni prison last year.

They also point to the reported release last month of Jamal al-Badawi, considered a leader of the attack against the USS Cole, a bombing that killed 17 US sailors in 2000. Press reports contended that Badawi was released after renouncing terrorism, but Yemeni officials insist he is still in custody.

Yeah, here is your standard Zio-prop filtering into the news article.

The repetitive lies of history, repeated ad nauseum in the government's propaganda papers!

Yemen is also unwilling to accept US conditions on repatriated detainees, including constant monitoring or ongoing detention. It also will not sign a declaration against torturing repatriated detainees, arguing that it gives the false impression that torture is common in Yemen.

So far only a dozen Yemeni citizens have been sent home, including Mohammed, who languished in Guantanamo longer than he would have had he been a Saudi Arabian citizen.

"It is frustrating to see the nationals of so many countries going back in large numbers," said Marc Falkoff, a law professor at Northern Illinois University-DeKalb who represents 17 Yemeni detainees.

Yemeni officials said that they have sent delegations to bring their citizens home, but, that their country lacks the political clout and financial resources.

"We can't compare our relationship with the US to Saudi Arabia," a Yemeni official said. "Yemen is 300,000 barrels [of oil] per day. Saudi Arabia is 10 million."

And they are also to poor to fund "Al-CIA-Duh" operations!

That last article sure is a kick in the head when you consider this next piece:

"Foreign Fighters in Iraq Are Tied to Allies of U.S." by RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.

BAGHDAD — Saudi Arabia and Libya, both considered allies by the United States in its fight against terrorism, were the source of about 60 percent of the foreign fighters who came to Iraq in the past year to serve as suicide bombers or to facilitate other attacks, according to senior American military officials.

Then why is the MSM and the White House always harping on Iran?

The data come largely from a trove of documents and computers discovered in September, when American forces raided a tent camp in the desert near Sinjar, close to the Syrian border. The raid’s target was an insurgent cell believed to be responsible for smuggling the vast majority of foreign fighters into Iraq.

The most significant discovery was a collection of biographical sketches that listed hometowns and other details for more than 700 fighters brought into Iraq since August 2006.

The records also underscore how the insurgency in Iraq remains both overwhelmingly Iraqi and Sunni.

Oh my God!!!

But this shitrag and the Army consistently say that the Shiites are the problems.

American officials now estimate that the flow of foreign fighters was 80 to 110 per month during the first half of this year and about 60 per month during the summer. The numbers fell sharply in October to no more than 40, partly as a result of the Sinjar raid, the American officials say.

Saudis accounted for the largest number of fighters listed on the records by far — 305, or 41 percent — American intelligence officers found as they combed through documents and computers in the weeks after the raid. The data show that despite increased efforts by Saudi Arabia to clamp down on would-be terrorists since Sept. 11, 2001, when 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, some Saudi fighters are still getting through.

And we are sending them back to them (see above article).

What a FOOLEYS "Al-CIA-Duh" is, huh, readers?

Libyans accounted for 137 foreign fighters, or 18 percent of the total, the senior American military officials said. They discussed the raid with the stipulation that they not be named because of the delicate nature of the issue.

United States officials have previously offered only rough estimates of the breakdown of foreign fighters inside Iraq. But the trove found in Sinjar is so vast and detailed that American officials believe that the patterns and percentages revealed by it offer for the first time a far more precise account of the personal circumstances of foreign fighters throughout the country.

In contrast to the comparatively small number of foreigners, more than 25,000 inmates are in American detention centers in Iraq. Of those, only about 290, or some 1.2 percent, are foreigners, military officials say.

But it's "Al-CIA-Duh" in... Iraq! Don't you get tired of this bullshit fooley, readers?

They contend that all of the detainees either are suspected of insurgent activity or are an “imperative threat” to security. Some American officials also believe that Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a homegrown insurgent group that claims a loose allegiance to Osama bin Laden, may by itself have as many as 10,000 members in Iraq.

Even when they tell the truth about something, they still shovel government shit!

About four out of every five detainees in American detention centers are Sunni Arab, even though Sunni Arabs make up just one-fifth of Iraq’s population.

Sounds like the Sunnis have a lot in common with AmeriKa's blacks.

All of the foreign fighters listed on the materials found near Sinjar, excluding two from France, also came from countries that are predominantly Sunni.

And yet U.S. foreign policy is busting Shia chops for the unholy frikkin' stinkstate!

I'm disgusted!

Over the years, the Syrian border has been the principal entry point into Iraq for foreign insurgents, officials say. Many had come through Anbar Province, in west-central Iraq. But with the Sunni tribal revolt against extremist militants that began last year in Anbar, Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia and other jihadists concentrated their smuggling efforts on the area north of the Euphrates River along the Syrian border, the officials said.

The officials added that, based on the captured documents and other intelligence, they believe that the Sinjar cell that was raided in September was responsible for the smuggling of foreign fighters along a stretch of the border from Qaim, in Anbar, almost to the border with Turkey, a length of nearly 200 miles. They said that was why they were confident that the cell was responsible for such a large portion of the incoming foreign fighters.

The Saudi's "Al-CIA-Duh" Trail, huh?

American military and diplomatic officials who discussed the flow of fighters from Saudi Arabia were careful to draw a distinction between the Saudi government and the charities and individuals who they said encouraged young Saudi men to fight in Iraq. After United States officials put pressure on Saudi leaders in the summer, the Saudi government took some steps that have begun to curb the flow of fighters, the officials said.

Yeah, while they send them into Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, wherever.

Yet the senior American military officials said they also believed that Saudi citizens provided the majority of financing for Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. “They don’t want to see the Shias come to dominate in Iraq,” one American official said.

Gee, and whose purposes is this serving? No wonder the violence is down!

Did we tell our Saudi facilitators to slow it down? WHAT THE FUCK, America?!

The Sinjar materials showed that 291 fighters, or about 39 percent, came from North African nations during the period beginning in August 2006. That is far higher than previous military estimates of 10 to 13 percent from North Africa. The largest foreign fighter hometown was Darnah, Libya, which supplied 50 fighters.

For years American officials included Libya on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. But last year the United States removed it from that list and re-established full diplomatic relations, citing what Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described as Libya’s “continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism and the excellent cooperation” it has provided in the antiterrorism fight.

I'm tired of all this LYING GARBAGE about "terrorism!"

IT IS WESTERN GOVERNMENTS that are FUNDING and CONTROLLING "terrorist" groups!!!!


Also striking among the Sinjar materials were the smaller numbers from other countries that had been thought to be major suppliers of foreign fighters. As recently as the summer, American officials estimated that 20 percent came from Syria and Lebanon. But there were no Lebanese listed among the Sinjar trove, and only 56 Syrians, or 8 percent of the total.

No Lebanese?


American officials have accused Iran, the largest Shiite nation in the Middle East, of sending powerful bombs to Iraq and of supporting and financing Shiite militias that attack American troops. They also contend that top Iranian leaders support efforts to arm Shiite fighters.

But whatever aid Iran provides to militias inside Iraq does not seem to extend to supplying actual combatants: Only 11 Iranians are in American detention, United States officials say.

Oh, we are holding 11 of them, huh? Yeah, ho-hum!

And they must be innocent!

Look at this middle-of-the-article, hope-you-miss-it truth about IRAN!!!

They are TELLING the TRUTH about their involvement in the "insurgency" -- and yet I get a crapload of propaganda endlessly out of these Zionist War Dailies!


After the raid on the Sinjar cell, the number of suicide bombings in Iraq fell to 16 in October — half the number seen during the summer months and down sharply from a peak of 59 in March. American military officials believe that perhaps 90 percent of such bombings are carried out by foreign fighters. They also believe that about half of the foreign fighters who come to Iraq become suicide bombers.

“We cut the head off, but the tail is still left,” warned one of the senior American military officials, discussing the aftermath of the Sinjar raid. “Regeneration is completely within the realm of possibility.”

Especially when it is OUR FRIEND SAUDI sending them in!!!

This reeks of the AIPAC/Clean Break/PNAC PLAN!

Saudis are EVIL and betrayers of Islam!

The documents indicate that each foreigner brought about $1,000 with him, used mostly to finance operations of the smuggling cell. Saudis brought more money per person than fighters from other nations, the American officials said.

Among the Saudi fighters described in the materials, 45 had come from Riyadh, 38 from Mecca, 20 from Buraidah and the surrounding area, 15 from Jawf and Sakakah, 13 from Jidda, and 12 from Medina.

American officials publicly expressed anger over the summer at Saudi policies that were destabilizing Iraq. Sunni tribal sheiks in Iraq who risked their lives to fight extremist militants also faulted Saudi clerics.

But PRIVATELY expressed approval, I'm sure!

“The bad imams tell the young people to go to Iraq and fight the American Army, because if you kill them or they kill you, you will go to paradise,” Sheik Adnan Khames Jamiel, a leader of the Albu Alwan tribe in Ramadi, said in an interview.

One senior American diplomat said the Saudi government had “taken important steps to interdict individuals, particularly military-aged males with one-way tickets.” He said those efforts had helped cause an “appreciable decrease in the flow of foreign terrorists and suicide bombers.” But he added that still more work remained “to cut off malign financing from private sources within the kingdom.”

American officials cite a government program on Saudi television in which a would-be suicide bomber who survived his attack urges others not to travel to Iraq. The officials were also encouraged in October when the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheik Abdulaziz al-Asheik, condemned “mischievous parties” who send young Saudis abroad to carry out “heinous acts which have no association with Islam whatsoever.”

Yeah, that's enough. Wouldn't want Saudi to have to pull cheek like Iran!

Armed with information from the raid, American officials say they have used military, law enforcement and diplomatic channels to put pressure on the countries named as homes to large numbers of fighters. They have also shared information with these countries on 300 more men who the records showed were being recruited to fight in Iraq.

What a steaming stink lie!

Surrounded by desolate prairie and desert, Sinjar has long been a way station for foreign fighters. The insurgent cell raided by American troops was believed to have been smuggling up to 90 percent of all foreign fighters into Iraq, military officials say.

You know, it's not like they are hiding out in the jungle.

With all the infra-red tech, you can't see these guys?

The raid happened in the predawn hours of Sept. 11, when American forces acting on a tip surrounded some tents six miles from the Syrian border. A fierce firefight killed six men outside, and two more were killed when one of them detonated a suicide vest inside a tent, military officials said. All were leaders of the insurgent smuggling cell, including one prominent Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia commander known as Muthanna, they said.

Little touch of irony there, huh?

One begins to wonder where the little fart mist of truth ends and the log shit of lies begins!

In addition to $18,000 in cash and assorted weapons, troops found five terabytes of data that included detailed questionnaires filled out by incoming fighters. Background information on more than 900 fighters was found, or about 750 after eliminating duplicates and questionnaires that were mostly incomplete.

According to the rosters found in the raid, the third-largest source of foreign fighters was Yemen, with 68. There were 64 from Algeria, 50 from Morocco, 38 from Tunisia, 14 from Jordan, 6 from Turkey and 2 from Egypt.

Most of the fighters smuggled by the cell were believed to have flown into Damascus Airport, and the rest came into Syria overland through Jordan, the officials said.

In some cases, one senior American military official said, Syrian authorities captured fighters and released them after determining they were not a threat to the Syrian government. Syria has made some recent efforts to turn back or detain suspected foreign fighters bound for Iraq, he said, adding, “The key word is ‘some.’"

Yeah, keep giving Iran and Syria shit, lying asshole!

I AM TIRED of the PROPAGANDA and the LIES!!!!!!!!

Posted by Rocker at 5:39 AM
Labels: American Tyranny, C.I.P., Iraq, Prop, Saudi Arabia
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Posted by Truth Rocker at November 25, 2008 11:38 AM
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Posted by Truth Rocker at November 21, 2008 12:26 PM
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Posted by Truth Rocker at November 10, 2008 8:49 AM
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Posted by Truth Rocker at November 7, 2008 12:35 PM
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Posted by Rocker at November 3, 2008 11:03 AM
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Posted by Rocker at October 19, 2008 7:00 AM
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Posted by Rocker at October 10, 2008 11:24 AM
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Posted by Rocker at October 6, 2008 10:14 AM
Occupation Iraq: Ethnic Cleansing Continues
Which means more SURGE SUCCESS, right? "Policy renews fears of ethnic cleansing in Baghdad district; Residents wary of revealing tribe" by Sudarsan Raghavan, Washington Post | October 6, 2008. BAGHDAD - The document appeared harmless ...
Posted by Rocker at October 6, 2008 10:11 AM
Occupation Iraq: US Kills "Al-CIA-Duh Terrorist" as Poland Pulls Out
Al-CIA-Duh, huh? PFFFFFFFFT! We NO LONGER FALL for SHIT, MSM!!! Just making YOURSELVES look like the LIARS you are!!!! And WHO Invented "Al-CIA-Duh" anyway, MSM?!? "US forces kill Al Qaeda leader in Iraq; Two helicopters collide on base ...
Posted by Rocker at October 5, 2008 10:01 AM
Occupation Iraq: More AP Propaganda
For more on Reid's writing style, see this: AP on Iraq: News Reports or Editorials? "Suicide attackers strike Shi'ite sites in Iraq, killing 24" by Robert H. Reid, Associated Press | October 3, 2008. BAGHDAD - Suicide bombers struck two ...
Posted by Rocker at October 3, 2008 9:55 AM
Occupation Iraq: Briefly
Un-fucking-believable!!! Do I really have to type out what a piece of shit the Zionist War Dailies are? "5 children killed by a hidden bomb. BAGHDAD - A bomb hidden under a pile of trash struck children playing soccer near the northern ...
Posted by Rocker at September 23, 2008 11:16 AM
Occupation Iraq: A Clean Break After All
Strange how EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT for the ZIONIST PLANNERS, isn't it, readers??! Just a "coincidence," I'm sure!!! "Iraq moving toward Biden's controversial vision; Power being decentralized on its own" by Bryan Bender, ...
Posted by Rocker at September 21, 2008 8:23 AM

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