Friday, October 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Breaking News: "Al-CIA-Duh" Threatens World Cup
Maybe we can invade South Africa afterward, AmeriKa.



"Detained militant in Iraq describes plot vs. World Cup teams; Implies Al Qaeda sought revenge over cartoons" by Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press | May 19, 2010

BAGHDAD — An alleged Al Qaeda militant detained in Iraq said yesterday that he had talked to friends about attacking Danish and Dutch teams at the World Cup in South Africa next month to avenge insults against the Prophet Muhammad.

So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?

The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?


Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits

Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business

New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation

Also see: What is On TV Tonight?

Are you sure it is Muslims complaining about such things, Americans?

Iraqi security forces holding the Saudi citizen identified as Abdullah Azam Saleh al-Qahtani arranged for an interview with him at an unidentified government building in Baghdad. He said he initially came to Iraq in 2004 to fight Americans and was recruited by Al Qaeda.

How many times have we killed him and raised him from the grave?

An Iraqi security official with knowledge of the investigation said Qahtani was arrested after a joint US-Iraqi operation in April that killed the two top Al Qaeda in Iraq figures — Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.


"Killing Abu Omar al-Baghdadi is a real trick when you consider that this article claims he was arrested (after being reported killed) back in 2009, and this article admits Abu Omar al-Baghdadi is just a made up fictional creation!" -- Wake the Flock Up

The official asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to discuss details of the case.

Documents found in the house where they were killed, including a note written by Qahtani detailing a plan to launch attacks at the World Cup, led to his arrest on May 3. Iraqi authorities made it public on Monday....

You mean forged, right?

“If we were not able to reach the teams, then we’d target the fans,’’ he said, adding that they hoped to use guns and car bombs.

It was unclear whether the militants had the ability to carry out what would have been a sophisticated operation — a complicated attack far from their home base.

Oh, I think they could have:

"An Iraqi security official said the sophisticated and highly orchestrated attack suggested Al Qaeda"
“Sophistication is not a measure of danger’’

Maybe not.

You smell something, readers?

The Iraqi security official said no steps had been taken to put the plan into motion, such as obtaining bomb-making materials.

Oh, STENCH!!!!!

Qahtani said the plot still needed approval from Al Qaeda’s chain of command, specifically the group’s number two, Ayman al-Zawahri.


The number two in the toilet?

"Here is a larger image of our supposed number 2 Al Qaeda. Rather odd design motif in that background cloth, all things considered." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Yeah, that SURE is a strange cloth!

They think we wouldn't notice, or just not care?

The alleged militant, a mustached man who appeared to be about 30, was wearing an orange prisoner jumpsuit and had no outward signs of injury or abuse. He did not appear nervous or fearful.

Translation: They didn't torture him (or waited until he healed).

Qahtani said he had been captured by US forces in 2007 and held at Camp Bucca until he was released in 2009; a US military official, Keli Chevalier, confirmed some of that information and referred all other questions about Qahtani to the Iraqi government....


Sorry, AmeriKa's MSM gets a RED CARD for the PROPAGANDA!!!
Posted by Rocker at 2:30 PM
Labels: Africa, Iraq, Neo-Con Plan, Prop, Sports
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