Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Saudi Key
How much you wanna bet it all comes back to Iran!

"Saudis hold key role in today's gathering on Mideast; Administration reaching out for regional coalition" by Farah Stockman/Boston Globe November 27, 2007

WASHINGTON - The United States badly needs the help of Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies to bolster the weak, fledgling government in Iraq and to counter the rising threat of Iran, a Shi'ite Muslim neighbor that US officials believe is trying to build a nuclear weapon.

Sorry, my bad! They STARTED WITH THEM instead!

Many analysts see the new regional context as the real reason behind the Bush administration's change of heart about involving itself in the struggle to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Pffffffttttt! It IS ALL ABOUT IRAN!!!!!!!!

Kenneth Katzman, a specialist on the Middle East with the Congressional Research Service, a research arm of Congress:

"I think really it is intended to get the Arab states, the Sunni states, to cooperate more on Iraq, Iran and other issues. If they get movement on the peace process, that's gravy, that's great."

Reader, please!



Any Israeli-Palestinian progress is "gravy!"

Katzman said he believes another goal is to send a message to Iran by hosting a meeting of more than 40 countries, including Syria, a crucial ally of Iran:

"It would be a blow to Iran, and show that hard-line views are not prevailing."



Well, FUCK ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has denied that Iran and Iraq are the real rationale for the gathering at the US Naval Academy. But she acknowledges that the administration is trying to form a regional coalition against Iran and its extremist allies, who use the suffering of Palestinians as a tool for recruitment to their cause.

Oh, yeah, the suffering of the Palestinians is just a political tool of our "enemies!"

FUCK YOU, you Bubbleheaded War Princess.

As if the Palestinian suffering ISN'T REAL!

She is just as much a scumshit as her lying fucking boss!!!!!!!!!

Rice told reporters last week:

"It is, in fact, the case that there is a regional context here. [Countries who are attending the meeting] understand the broader threat of extremism in the region, and that extremists use this conflict in that way."

Saudi officials have been deeply suspicious of the Annapolis effort, openly questioning whether it would simply be a photo opportunity.

Chuck Freilich, who served as Israel's deputy national security adviser and is a senior fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government:

"If they hadn't shown up, it would have really made the peace conference a farce."

It is anyway!

But he said merely attending isn't enough - Saudi Arabia needs to show Israel that reconciliation is possible, with a symbolic action, such as ending the boycott on Israeli goods.


Yeah, so everyone has to BOW DOWN and KISS ISRAELI ASS!!!!!!!!

That's "negotiations" to the fucking murderous assholes!

Well, FUCK THAT!!!!!!!

I'd rather that little piece of shitstink just drop off into the ocean, thank you very much!!!


FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Once they are willing to do more than just come to the meeting, that would really signal a change of heart in the region."


How about THAT FIRST, huh?

But others say the onus is on Israel to realize that Saudi Arabia is already taking a risk by sitting at the same table as Israeli officials.

Emile El-Hokayem, a research fellow at the Stimpson Center, a Washington-based national security think tank:

"It comes at a cost to be associated with the US and Israel right now. The biggest criticism today in the Arab world is that leaders don't care about their Palestinian brothers, and, worse than this, that they are in league with the United States and Israel, ganging up on Palestinians, while Iran is standing firm."

WTF?! Why would it be a bad time to be associated with USrael?

The Zionist-controlled AmeriKan War Dailies have assured me that IRAN is ISOLATED and the WORLD is with USrael!!!


And if you don't think the Middle East and the world know what's really going on, then you are just one more shit-chewing Amurkn who is going to be wallowing in Zionist bullshit while you eat your war dead -- courtesy of Israel, since AmeriKa now fights their wars for them!

"Israelis and Palestinians Try to Set Pace for Peace Talks as Bush Plans Speech" by HELENE COOPER and STEVEN ERLANGER

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 — Israeli and Palestinian negotiators made progress on Monday toward completing a joint statement for the planned Middle East peace conference in Annapolis, Md., and President Bush appeared ready to paper over remaining differences between the two sides with his planned speech on Tuesday.

I told you this thing is gonna be a BIG SUCCESS -- at least, in AmeriKa's shit War Dailies!

Palestinian negotiators expressed optimism that they would come away from the conference with enough substance — including a timetable for a year of renewed, intense negotiations — to give the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, the political cover he needs to satisfy battle-weary Palestinians back home.

Why would Palestinians be battle-weary?


The two sides were still wrangling late Monday over specifics of the timetable, with the Palestinians pressing for negotiations to be completed within the next eight months, a demand the Israelis have rejected. But Bush administration officials said that one way or the other, either in the joint statement or in Mr. Bush’s speech, a time frame would be set with the end of Mr. Bush’s term in office as the deadline for a final peace deal.

Notice how Palestinians are always DEMANDING things, but Israel never is in AmeriKa's stink fucking press, reader?

And this article surely setting the stage for a HISTORIC breakthrough, right?

Officials from about 49 countries and international organizations — including Senegal, Greece and Brazil — are attending the conference, Mr. Bush’s first real effort at Middle East peacemaking since he took office. But the reality is that only five players matter in Annapolis: the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Americans, the Saudis and the Syrians.

Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, signaled just how tough the refugee issue, in particular, would be. During a briefing with reporters shortly after he arrived in Washington on Monday, Prince Saud spoke at length — and critically — about the Israeli insistence that Palestinian refugees not be allowed the right of return to Israel.

Yeah, Israel doesn't demand, they just INSIST!

Are you as tired of the stinkfuck NYT as me, reader?!

What a Zionist diarrhea rag!

Prince al-Faisal:

“I mean, here’s an issue where people not from Palestine come to Palestine, occupied land in Palestine that happened to have people living there, and now they want to consider these people illegal in a purely Jewish homeland. Why? If you come to a neighborhood by your choice, you have to live with the people in the neighborhood.”

Well, when you are dealing with lying, land-stealing, mass-murdering, ethic-cleansing genocidal NaZionists, you are going to get that kind of arrogance, sir!

Either that, or Faisal is an anti-semite, right?

Wait a minute. As an Arab, Faisal IS semitic!

Then Faisal hates himself?

Instead, Palestinian officials and, to a lesser extent, the Bush administration, hope they can get from Israel at least a pledge to tackle those issues on a specific timetable in the next year.

Yeah, ya gotta grovel before Israel to get any concessions!

And Israel doesn't have to respect agreements because of Kol Nidre!

"When, on the Day of Atonement, you walk into a synagogue, the very first prayer that you recite, you stand -- and it's the only prayer for which you stand -- and you repeat three times a short prayer. The Kol Nidre. In that prayer, you enter into an agreement with God Almighty that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next twelve months -- any oath, vow or pledge that you may take during the next twelve months shall be null and void.

The oath shall not be an oath; the vow shall not be a vow; the pledge shall not be a pledge. They shall have no force and effect, and so forth and so on.

And further than that, the Talmud teaches: "Don't forget -- whenever you take an oath, vow, and pledge -- remember the Kol Nidre prayer that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and that exempts you from fulfilling that."

That explains a lot, doesn't it, readers?

Israeli officials worked hard to play down expectations that the peace talks would yield much. They emphasize that negotiations after the session will be bilateral, with the United States only the interpreter of progress, and not an actual player.

Still not convinced ISRAEL CALLS THE SHOTS, readers?

I mean, gimme a fucking break!

You know, as an American, I RESENT the HELL out of ISRAEL and its INSULTS!!!!!!!!

I SAY CUT OFF THE MONEY and let that shitty, detestable stink state FIGHT ITS OWN WARS!!!!

You want to insult America, stink NaZionists, then BYE-BYE!!!!

NOT ONE MORE DIME, and NOT ONE FINGER LIFTED in your defense, shitters!

And if Bush has to or does, I HOPE YOU FUCKS are DESTROYED for STARTING ANOTHER WAR!

By the way, judging by the reporter's writing style, it sure is obvious that the NEW YORK TIMES SERVES ISRAEL, not America!!!!

Otherwise, why would the Times PRINT SUCH INSULTS of America by ISRAEL, readers?
Posted by Rocker at 9:55 AM
Labels: Bush, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia
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