Not a mention in all the comments about the scariest part of this article. If the economy jumps 4% in 2011 without creating any jobs, a huge group of American's will be totally screwed!no, stop, really?
a failed model that has been bailed out with no changes is going to fail?
Maybe that is why the Founders put the "Bankruptcies Clause" in the US Constitution so these entities including GM could go bankrupt and ergo not be bailed outNobody forces banks to make loans. After CRA was instituted, the mortgage market sailed along for 30+ years, through Republican and Democratic presidents and Congresses, without so much as an "ouch." Sub-prime mortgages were priced to be profit generators for the big fat-cat bankers (mostly REPUBLICANs), despite the huge risk involved and knowing that these people couldn't afford the home. The banks gambled, and we lost. But nobody held a gun to their heads to make money hand over fist. Their greed got the better of them.
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