Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thank you Israel

Thank you for taking billions of dollars in aid every year from our taxes, so that Jews in Israel can have things like free health care while we in the USA do not.

Thank you for erecting an apartheid wall and imposing Nazi style check points and curfews on Palestinians so that the whole Arab world can hate the United States for our supposed support of you.

Thank you for giving us Neocons in our government that always push relentlessly for policies that benefit Israel at the expense of the USA.

Thank you for giving us AIPAC, the most powerful lobby in Washington, who also push relentlessly for policies that benefit Israel at the expense of the USA.

Thank you for having enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire planet, but never signing any nuclear treaty of any kind.

Thank you for spreading a so-called "religion" that claims Jews as "god's chosen people" above all other people on the planet, and considers the rest of us "goyim" as cattle.

Thank you for destroying the truth in the media you either own or control with threats from pro-Israel lobby groups.

Thank you for being the #1 nation that spies on American citizens.

Thank you for Rabbis that traffic in human organ sales.

Thank you for giving us Larry Silverstein, who PROFITED over 2 BILLION DOLLARS from insurance payouts on the World Trade Center complex that he assumed lessorship of only weeks prior to 9/11.....as the lowest bidder. He also doubled the 'terrorist insurance' prior to the lease.

Thank you for giving us Israeli citizens like Michael Chertoff and Dov Zakheim in the highest levels of our government. Sure makes me sleep better at night.

Thank you for giving us ZIONISM, the invisible evil that finds refuge in our government, our media, our monetary system, and the very fabric of our country, that considers as essentially important only what is best for Israel and Jewish people above all other allegiances.

Thanks for the hundreds of photos and videos available on the internet of your IDF opening fire and killing women and children in the occupied territories.

Thank you for bulldozing Palestinian homes, forcing the residents out at gunpoint, and stealing their land for Israeli settlements, all with the supposed backing of the USA, as that really helps our image in the world.

Thank you for giving us the Neocons that infested the Bush white house and formed the Project For The New American Century, who called for "A CATASTROPHIC AND CATALYZING EVENT LIKE A NEW PEARL HARBOR" TO HAPPEN ON AMERICAN SOIL so Americans would support middle east war.

Thanks for giving us Neocon poison spouts like Norman Podhoretz, who pollute our media with their cries for war with Iran, so we can become COMPLETELY bankrupt as a nation in our supposed support of Israel.

Thanks a lot. Really.

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