Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ever since Bush/Cheney APPROVED torture, our reputation was compromised; it's not Obama's job to investigate former Government Officals, it's the job of Congress and the DOJ.Bush was just some guy that the neocons put in the White House. He was easily manipulated by the neocons and the military industrial complex to do their bidding. President Cheney was firmly in charge from day one. Sure, they'd let George out to say things. He'd go out and give some folksy press conference and go talk to crowds of people that they vetted. But these guys had a firm hold on everything Dubya saw or saidBUSH started this @#$% so don't even try and deny it. He didn't need tobe manipulated, he inventerd the idea of hitting Iraq to settle his daddy's score. He is also a war monger iwht Cheney and he's a flat out TRAITOR, PERIOD.This is a sick example that power corrupts. The CIA isn't protecting us. Since 9/11 (and inside job b.t.w.)
there have been ZERO attacks...why? Because there aren't ANY terrorists to be protected from. If so
there would have been attacks. Its been close to 10 yrs.
What we need protection from is our own government and the CIA....those are the real terrorists!
But keep believing the crap put out by our own government, while they MURDER people and you answer to a higher power, as will they, about your turning a blind eye to what is right out in the open.

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