Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am not taking any side here, but the truths hurt! In the wild animal kingdom, the big ones always eat the smaller ones. Throughout the human histories, the bigger nations have always try to take lands from the smaller ones. The USA was once belong to many Native American Indian Tribes. Who knows who lived before them. Do you think China is that big of a country by land mass just by being nice to other minority or smaller groups. China robbed and stole every pieces of land they could from them. If Thai and Cambodia cannot agree to peace, let them go to war. It's both of their loss, period!Firs things first. This reporter needs to check his facts before writing something. The "Yellow shirts" are NOT ultra-nationalists. You nit wit! It's the "Red shirts"!! The yellow shirts are "royalists".
Anyways, fact of the matter is, this temple is Cambodian by right and by historical facts. If anyone knows anything about history of Southeast Asia, back me up on this. The Khmer empire was once very influential and powerful. Parts of it in Thailand, and in Laos. The Cham empire was once in what is now Champasak, Laos. Known as the Lan Sang empire. They built many great monuments and temples. There are plenty still in Laos, and some in Thailand. Preah Vihear is no exception. This temple belongs to the Cambodian people. But it's really not about the temple folks, it's about bullying your neighbors to which you perceived to be weaker than you, and you think you can use some muscle and force them to back down. It's the THAI way. Cheat, Lie and steal. Then accuse the other guy of all those things.

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