Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I wish the spirit of liberation was as strong in the U.S., as it is in Libya. International Corporate Governance is moving steadily to control your lives and complacency is the general response. How much does 'nothing to lose' mean to you? Do you realize that the members of 'Tea Party Express' are old people augmenting their retirement with money from Corporate Power? These are the same 2200 Tea Party members who stood in front of the Wisconsin capital, while 70,000 people protested Walker's desire to abolish their bargaining rights. The people of Wisconsin have reached their point of 'nothing to lose'. How about you?It will be interesting to see what Hillary says when the streets of America are filled with rock-throwiing protesters angry over budget cuts.People asking why the United States hasn't done more than just condemning the killing of innocent civilians it's because when you get to bottom of it all the U.S. has killed a lot more people than the dictator nations that it arms, pays and in short controls. How many innocent civilians have died in Iraq and Afghanistan it is estimated in the hundreds of thousands (documented deaths in Iraq alone range from 97k to 108k). The last country in the world to talk and denounce mass murder is the United States which in the end only cares about Oil, and economic power.

You the voter, feed the tyrant. But as long as you have gas in your tank you turn a blind eye.

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