The Iraqi War, and even more its linkage with Palestine, became the litmus test of
Jewish power. Organised Jewry pushed for war and at the same time denied its
involvement. Thus in New York City, the City Council rejected an anti-war
resolution, and only 12 of its 51 members were for it. This is not strange for
heavily Jewish New York. Indeed, a Democrat, Rep. Robert Jackson, said it in a most
straightforward way: "New York City is the home away from home for most Jews; and
many members of the Jewish community think [the war is] in the best interests of the
state of Israel." According to Jackson, several of his council colleagues have been
intimidated into silence by the pro-Israel crowd: “People are not talking about
Jackson was certainly right, but a Jewish newspaper[iv] (surprisingly or not, all
newspapers in the New York area are Jewish) condemned him for … racism: “[He claimed
that] not only do the Jews run New York City, but they've cowed their opponents into
silence. Jackson could as well call New York Hymietown.”
This response is remarkable for its typically Jewish logic. First, the opponent’s
rational argument is perverted and distorted, then it is aligned with opprobrium;
and at the last stage, the opponent is destroyed forever. That is one of the secrets
of Jewish might: the Jews enter a dialogue berserk-like, with great vehemence, quite
foreign to the Socratic style. While sane people are satisfied with quoting their
opponent and fighting his arguments, madmen (for berserk is a temporarily-mad
individual) go for the jugular.
Israel Shamir
Russian-Israeli journalist
in his article “Midas Ears”..
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