Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AN ISRAELI SECURITY COMPANY called ICTS International, owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel, serviced all of the 9/11 airports. For some strange reason, video surveillance tapes of the passengers who boarded the 9/11 flights have not been used as evidence by the 9/11 Commission headed by the Zionist Jew, Philip Zelikow.

The hijackers were said to be 19 Arabs. Yet none of the passenger lists revealed Arab names. Somehow or other these unlisted Arab “hijackers” boarded the planes at Logan, Newark, and Dulles airports. Then within only 48 hours of the 9/11 event the FBI provided a list & even photos of the Arab “hijackers.” But of the 19 “hijackers” it is now a known fact that at least 9 of them were never on those planes but remain alive to this day.

On May 9 2008, Professor David Ray Griffin, author of 9-11 Contradictions, brought out a significant point about Mohamed Atta who was the alleged ringleader of the Arab “hijackers.” Griffen reported that Atta’s luggage never made it on board on American Airlines’ Boston Flight 11 even though there was almost an hour for the luggage to be loaded.

Atta’s luggage was used as “evidence” to prove that Arab “hijackers” took over the 9/11 planes. Found (rather “placed”) in Atta’s luggage was a copy of the Koran; an Islamic paradise wedding suit; a letter written by Atta that he planned to kill himself so that he could go to paradise as an Islamic martyr; and instructional videos for flying Boeing airliners Here & Here.

Now here’s the rub. Atta’s alleged Mitsubishi rental car was “found” in Boston Logan Airport’s parking lot containing *yet another* copy of the Koran and *yet even more* instructional videos on flying Boeing airliners Here & Here. And not only this, but Atta’s passport was “found” unsinged from the World Trade Center’s inferno a few blocks away from the catastrophe - even though Atta’s name is not listed on American Airline’s passenger list.

Met hinks that a Zionist plot was behind it all.

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