Let us blame on Bush and Cheney on this one. They ruined the country in the name of democracy. Do most people care about democracy or their daily life? Only th eriches think of democracy is important because they hav enothgin to do. Poor need to worrry about their daily bread and butter. They want just normal life. Politicains are the ones want so called freedom and democracy. I am an American and I can vote but do I realy have a say about our government? absolutely nothing. they are dominaated by two parties-democrats and republicans. they all have their own agenda not to serve the people.
They just want to get reelected and screwed the public.$5 will give me $20 that Exxon/Mobil is paying off someone in the middle east to cause all this instabilitythe headline should have read. "Oil Companies Poised To Make Record Profits This Summer"ALEX you are being charged for the Oil executives BONUS. America has enough oil but even rich folks need money. Think of it like this OIL companies make each year BILLIONS of DOLLARS.once again here we go with the unions are being done wrong? they wont quit until there are no jobs left! its time to break the stranglehold of unions on this country!they are job killers and a huge tax burden on the working class whom haveto support this crap! enough is enough if they dont like it then quit and find another job the cries of the greedy fall on deaf ears we have heard enough! perhaps america isnt working for them anymore! mexico anyone thats were all the textile union jobs went !
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