Tuesday, February 8, 2011

looks like the bailout of the big three finally comes to an end and what about all the fines toyota paid?? where did it go?? people got to see that the goverment was behind all the hype... people will always try to find a way to blame others for their own in competenceThank you for posting the truth instead of some whiny opinion as for john who says (jap toyota junk) do some research many imports are built in the US honda has a plant here and so does toyota. It cracks me up when narrow minded pea brained people rant about things they have no clue about. Hey john you own a tv or cellphone or computer are those things jap junk?So when does the government get to pay back what was wrongfully taken from Toyota. That will never happen. I am sure Toyota is happy to have this behind them. Funny how all the issues with the other cars never gained as much fines as the one Toyota had. I believe there was a big union push that Toyota get fined. 48 million is a drop in the bucket but does help the politics to fly around 1st class and live it up....I smelled rat in every case at the time. One thing is for sure that Americans are not poor lairs!When the US starts to make good automobiles I will buy US autos. These American automakers make sure your car is no good after you pay for it. I have a 93 Japanize auto that can outrun any US automobile made the same year, if you can find one running. I am not a traitor just careful how I spend my money. I want good quality for my hard earned money. What is hurting our economy is the greed US industry owners do to our own people. They outsource jobs and make crappy items.

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