Saturday, February 5, 2011

TeaBaggers started with threats and outrage because AMERICA VOTED in a black president. They are fast becomming a terrorist group themselves. Ok Americans who aren't white and worship the way we want you to, we got you in our sights!With all the Muslim bashing, how do yall feel about Catholics? Its been proven that the heart and soul of the catholic church aka: The Vatican has been ordering the cover up and protection of pedophiles all over the world for decades. We're not talking about a few random churches or priest we are talking about the very foundation for Catholicism on earth thats has been ordering this. Thousands of kids raped and they protected and protect and huge number of child rapist behind the belief that the churchs law is more sacred than the law of the land. They actually have the audacity to hide child rapist behind their god. I mean if we are calling out entire religions then lets put it all out there.

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