Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vietnam and China battling over Spratley Island ?
Looking at the Maps, it seems the Owner of those Island should be the Philippine and not Vietnam or China.
Those Islands practically on Philippine backyards. Must be some kind off a modern day Land Grab....I'll bet there will be War over those Island in the near future.Of course, it is belong to the Philippine. But the Vietnamese had claimed it to be her. And China had claimed the island to be his. So, whoever stronger will get the island. And of course 2 (TWO) China Warships went there an open fired and killed all 64 Vietcongs fishermen there. Vietcong are still proud of themselves got killed too, cuz they think they will revenge China some day. Oh, make my day !!! I don't think small Rats can beat Big Cats.Cambodia Civil War was spilled over by Vietnam War. If you watch Cambodia 1965 part 1-2, and Cambodia 1965 part a ...., you will see what Cambodia looked like, it will be more advanced than Thailand today. You can see some people comments in those videos around the world would appreciate of Cambodia at that time. As a matter of fact: I hate Communist Vietcong. If Vietcong will take all over Cambodia & Laos, they will take over Thailand too some day. The Vietnamese Loosers in USA said they hope one day their country Vietnam will become a SUPER POWER NATION IN SE ASIA. Oh, that would make my stomach hurt a lot. They make me laugh too much. China already had business inside Hanoi. You watch this video: China-Vietnam Battle of Spratly island. China killed 64 communist Vietcongs for nothing just to hate the Vietcongs' ugly mouth talking too much $hit.

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