Saturday, February 5, 2011

What's the problem? International court already ruled the temple belongs to Cambodia. Thailand is going to war over a small patch of land?most original thais were thieves who invaded cambodia and converted the people to their nationality and still trying to steal more land from cambodia anyway they could.Why is it that every time a skirmish breaks out between two nations Uncle Sam feels like he has to stick his nose in it? Who made America the world police? Let them solve their own problems and stop trying to tell the world what to do Uncle Sam...we've got enough problems of our own right now.Very brave Cambodia. Any chance you will hold trials and convict Hun Sen's Khmer Rouge for the genocide of 2 million Cambodians? It has been 35 yrs., need more time?

Take a walk in the KIlling Fields, smell the flowers and give it some thought.

But do not walk where you arrest these two,... that was Thailand !!!"On June 15, 1962, the court ruled 9 to 3 that the temple belonged to Cambodia",.... and what did they do next.

"Civil war began in Cambodia in 1970. The temple's location high atop a cliff served to make it readily defensible militarily. Soldiers loyal to the Lon Nol government in Phnom Penh continued to hold it long after the plain below fell to communist forces."

"Even though the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh in April 1975, the FANK soldiers at Preah Vihear continued to hold out after the collapse of the Khmer Republic government. The Khmer Rouge made several unsuccessful attempts to capture the temple, then finally succeeded on May 22, 1975 by shelling the cliff, scaling it and routing the defenders, Thai officials reported at the time.[8] It was said to be the last place in Cambodia to fall to the Khmer Rouge."

"Full-scale war began again in Cambodia in December 1978 when the Vietnamese army invaded to overthrow the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge troops retreated to border areas. In January, the Vietnamese reportedly attacked Khmer Rouge troops holed up in the temple."

"The temple opened briefly to the public in 1992, only to be re-occupied the following year by Khmer Rouge fighters. At the foot of the cliffs were minefields placed there by the Khmer Rouge during their rule in Cambodia."

"In December 1998 the temple was the scene of negotiations by which several hundred Khmer Rouge soldiers, said to be the guerrilla movement's last significant force, agreed to surrender to the Phnom Penh government."

For 20 years they used it for a military base, bombed it, landmined it, and killed over 2 million of their teachers, historians, lawyers, students, women, children and everyone they considered "elite".

Hun Sen was a commander in the Khmer Rouge and helped bring Pol Pot to power. The current Prime Minister of Cambodia is this very same person. A genocidal maniac, traitor, puppet and terrorist sponsor all rolled up in one fine leader.

The Khmer Rouge were never brought to trial and the majority of these proud Khmer's are either the ones that marched their countries children into the Killing Fields or their children repeating their parents shameful lies.

Who do you think flooded over the Thai border ahead of the Vietnamese advance and end up being settled in other countries as "the victims".

Think again.

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