itsall for oil and its shame for those brown peoplewho are still not united against western
terrorismUSA has real-time satellites covering every inch on this planet, to the extent they can zoom-in on these subs from the time they cast-off.
In a nutshell, the Feds are "insiders" to the drug trade the same way they are/were insiders to 9/11 and other "terrorism" agendas.
W/o dope trade and "terrorism," the law enforcement industrial complex would come to a halt.
Everything our government says/does is a lie.The War on Drugs???
With all the CASH floating around it is a big problem. Government Agencies want their 'black bag' money. Banks lust after the PROFIT$ to be made just handling the cash. The only looser is the user.....
Maybe we should cut a corner or two and take all the users addicted to hard drugs, their suppliers and apply the China solution. The China Solution? Take them out into the street and put a bullet in the back of their head.....
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