Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look at all the junk replies. Doesn't anyone have anything constructive and sensible to say? Our Representative Keith Ellison asks our support for common people just like us seeking their freedom. I don't know that all US government people are truthful (are all of ANY group truthful?) but I know that they and the Libyans and the Egyptians and all other peoples of the world, including YOU, are people. You can't generalize any more (or less) than that; and you can't devalue their lives without devaluing your own. May all the people of the world find peace and dignity.Lets see.how many false flag exercises will the US government have to warrant going to war with this jerk,as in 911.How many buildings will they bring down to justify another war.It's their war let them figure out the solution for peace or destruction !!!They are doing a great job!!!!Our problem is The USA wants police the whole world...We need to pull our troops out of the mid-east........& watch the muppets do their thing !!!!!Your government lies to you everyday. They sit on their fat $sses and dictate to you their laws, that you neither ask for or need and you pay them exorbornate salaries, give them chauffers, cars better than yours, educate their children at your expense, better health care than you receive, and then you sit on your fat, or obese @sses, and complain about some dictator a gizzlion miles away who means nothing to you about abusing the citizens of his country. Wake up America, you are next!

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