Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No one is allowed to criticize Zionists (House of Rothschild) not even Jews! If you are not a Jew and you criticize the Zionists (House of Rothschild) than you are branded an anti-semite while Jews are labeled self-haters. The Jewish people, Arabs, Gentiles hell the whole lot of us are being duped! We are all played against one another for the benefit of "The House of Rothschild" and their underlings! I do not hate any race, but have become pretty disappointed in humanity and our willingness to relinquish control of our lives to the few who consider themselves superior and illuminated! There is hope if we wake up and refuse to be puppets anymore!wanna get to the bottom of who's a major player behind the curtain of corruption on Wall Street? Look no further than McKinnsey. Take a look at this shadowy organization - you'll be surprised at their track record and how much harm they've brought to American business & its employees.shocker! Can someone tell me how "Wall Street" basically broke a ton of laws in screwing the general public, but not a SINGLE person involved has gone to trial, let alone be convicted....how can no one from the banking industry be in jail right now? Answer - the rich get righer, the poor get poorer, and the Republicans keep it that way.

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