Poor Palestinians, they already had very little. Talking about bad luck, having people from Europe who came from Europe kick you off your land because they claim to come from this land 2000 years ago.salaam,
They all turned a blind eye in the 22 days of bombardment upon Gaza 2009 while fussing about Libya behaviors ,,,THOU shalt not supply weapons into conflict zones?
Bonafide blithering idiots,,, does more than annoy Wisdom Kingdom !
feeamanellaahThrowing gasoline on an already raging fire.
The nation of Israel would be better off under a MODERATE majority Palestinian/Arab government and population.
Imagine if European Jews had returned to Israel after the holocaust and lived as humble guests in Israel instead of pounding thier chests and proclaiming that they are the "chosen people" driving millions of Palestinians/Palestinian Christians out of Israel with sustained militancy.
They would likely live under a moderate Palestinian government now with significant Jewish representation in that government, and all Israeli's....as well as Israeli Jews....would be able to travel and trade freely throughout the Middle-east as brothers/friends.
Israel as a majority Palestinian/Arab state would not be so intensly be hated by neighboring Arab states.
Palestinians should be offered eventual full Israeli citizenship as a reward for sustained peace. Then they would care about the state of Israel and not wish to attack it. (how can we expect Palestinians to care about something they can never be a part of?....which consistently mistreats them?
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