Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Study these guys and be scared. The Dönmeh. Dönmeh refers to a group of crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire and present-day Turkey who openly affiliated with Islam and secretly practiced a form of Judaism called Sabbateanism (thanks wiki). If they can infiltrate Turkey at the turn of the century and initiate the Armenian Holocaust, don't think for a second that they are not active in Oman, Tunisia, Bahrain, Eqypt, and Libya, because they could be.The world is about to blow up yet the stock market is up? Probably those wall street crooks and Banksters called the fed and UN are hoping they'll all kill each other in oil producing countries and they can just get thier oil for free afterwards.Since the protestors are Shiia Muslins from Iran return them to Iran where if they try the same they will be shot. They went to Oman for a better life but instead have a pack with their antidemocratic, anti constitutional, unprogressive, unreform parent country Iran to spread chacos, revolutions, Iranian influence, over throw national governments replace with their own and than annexation to Iran! In the west and Washington D.C. - Obama - paying attention and getting it?Oman is neither Shia nor Sunni, but are Ibadhi. If we use the Protestant/Catholic comparison, Ibadhi would be equivalent to Orthodox. Of the few Shia in Oman, almost all are locals. The workers in Oman are from Sunni nations.
By any account, the protests are home grown, discontent over corruption and unemployment. Pretty standard stuff.

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