Tuesday, March 1, 2011

These rebels will be crushed and the U.S. has no one willing to fight in another person's country. Enough Vietnams, Afghanistans, and Iraqs. It is time to consider military actions against terrorist states who attack every neighbor and kill little girls sitting in the classrooms who aspire to be doctors.the west would like a war so that libya would be made to pay for expensive european and american goods and services to exchange for oil! libyans should be wary of gift bearing europeans....remember they will enslave you worse than anything gaddafi may have done! njust look at iraq and afghanistan!!!Big corporations are at it again i mean who are they trying to fool this gas which they are selling now was bought months ago at a different price which means it would take more then three or four months before the gas arives from the middle east to be processed or even our west texas crude is still has nothing to do with this either something is rotten in denmark.What does any of this have to do with the money that big oil is making. The crude that is pumped in Libya never sees the US, it's what they call a sweet crude, the kind that is used for diesel, like in the cars in Europe. The price of oil is the way it is because we refuse to regulate the oil companies and allow futures brokers on wall street to artificially jack up the price of crude. The gas that you are putting in your car today was not brought at today's prices, try 10 years or so was when this oil was purchased. When as the last time an oil company lost revenue?? Exxon didn't lose in Alaska and BP sure didn't lose in the gulf..........

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