Thursday, March 3, 2011

This German NAZI POPE has succumbed to the Jewish pressure of intimidation in order to avoid being assassinated by them. He is changing the course of history for his own selfish reason. He is a traitor to the Catholic Church. SHAME ON YOU A CAWORD.The stupid pope needs to read his bible and teach it, instead of writing more lies to shove down the throats of his naive worshippers. When I was a kid, it was a sin to eat meat on Fridays and use birth control. But along came a different pope, who decides those things are OK now. The Jews did kill Jesus.It's hard to take seriously people who worship superheroes by wearing half a bra on their heads and lead a club of child molesters.Jesus was Hebrew not Jewish...and he also did nothing but prepare his disciples for his coming death...prophesy.........and he also came to destroy Religion........Messiah..........Prince of Peace!

Bible isn't about any Religion...never said he was any religion..neither did God...In fact, the bible does say Jesus came to destroy Judaism........didn't work........

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