Why the criminals of the Zionist israill are so scared of an Islamic governments? Don’ t they falsely claim that they have a Jewish government in Israill? If Theocracy is good for them it is also good for other countries, but the fact of the matter is that israill is not a Jewish state nor is it a democracy because a true Jewish state would not kill man , woman and children so it can grab their homes and their lands, and it is not a democracy because the majority of it’s people can not vote, hold office or get higher education. Israill is a racist, criminal and atheist government that is doomed and cursed by God all mighty. We shall witness a huge uprising by the true and god fearing Jewish people of the world against theses criminal gangsters who are in power only because of the American tax payer’s money.how many more US tax dollars is Israel the Welfare state going to cost US now? the only way for America to broker any peace deal it will have to impose some form of sanctions on Isreal for their blantant disregard for international condemnation of there building in the disputed West Bank . Isreal imposing sanctions on Iran is just another way for Isreal to cause more friction in an already shakey Middle East WAKE UP AMERICA DO THE RIGHT THING
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