Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why do we have such a huge military infrastructure when there are no enemies around & no war to fight. (We have to put ElQuida in the past tense(the past sure was tense) & the exercises in Afghanistan is CIA made-up war). Fuq the army top brass. (fuq the brass' a ss.) Cut the huge war machine in half & bring all our boise home. The boys in Boise. Save us a buncha monies. Put that money to use in reducing The Debt.For all the uneducated that believe everything the US does is predicated by our insatiable need for ME oil, newsflash.......The US buys more than 90%, yes 90% of our oil from CANADA. Sorry, say that again, did you say Canada?, yes Canada, not libya, egypt, tunisia, iran, Afghanistan (they dont have oil) Iraq (no such thing as food for oil) or anywhere else in the ME. 6 % from saudi Arabia leaving about 3-4% from other ME countries.
Do the math people, it isnt, wasnt and won't be about oil in the ME. It is finally about arab countries waking up from a dream that they were perpetually victimized by everything US and Israel.The USA should stay out of this mess and let the people of Libya settle this. Prez Obama is being pushed to intervene by the Zionists who control the world banking system and the US government.

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