Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wow. Just last month, the U.S. was dilly-dallying and beating around the bush about their ally Mubarak's regime change, but this time, they're immediately "intensifying" efforts to force their enemy Gadhafi to step down. Way to go, Americans!

It this charade really about human rights, or U.S. interests?Both Hillary and Qadhafi belong to the same jail cell... the Great Leader is available now that his Ukrainian Nurse deserted him.When government will cut food stamps for 40million americans you will be all out shouting down with the government and protesting.< american cops will shot you all down like files.> without any mercy.Hillary Clinton will give the orders for you all to be killedOil companies and the oil speculators need sanctions. If the speculators were eliminated the price of oil would drop dramatically.So US wants to grab Libyan oil? Sorry, folks, the oil from Libya belongs to EU. And they have all the leverage they need. Do Hillary or Dr. Rice want to look relevant? The Clintons have their own interests in Dubai UAE - is that not enough for them already?usa and eu they nare both thieves libyan oil belongs to libyan people. kadafi happens to be libyan he was born inthat country it is his country no one has right to steal his land zionist hillary clinton and new world order. bilderbergs.

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