Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I find that the @#$% around santa monica is getting deeper......... this smells like an inside job. The jews probably did it 1) for attention and 2) so they can hollar about the so-called holocaust, and sue (and steal) for millions of dollars.we believe anti-semitism is not necessarily the reason here.... and WHY? If a non-jew SAYS something against a Jew.. he becomes a bigot but if a fellow Jew plants a bomb and DETONATES it in a synagogue - he's NOT??Hirsh simply likes shopping at home improvement stores. This has nothing to do with Gov agents orchestrating acts of violence to further erode our civil liberties in the name of the War on Terror and then blaming it on imaginary organizations or patsies that they themselves created. When I think of the CIA, first thing that comes to mind is professional wrestling. ;)Shame on Santa Claus for dyeing his beard.....and for being an anti-Semitelets make it news worthy, shall we? hmmm.......a homeless man was arrested for plotting a bomb in a synagogue....he had been seen in Michigan with a renowned Islamic Imam. and he had worked at the house of Imam Abdur Rauf, who is behind the ground zero mosque.....his real name is infact, Hadi Hafiz, who is originally from German decent............now its news...we have a muslim connection, Nazi connection, ground zero mosque connection. And to spice it up, he has Allah tatoo on his right arm............If you cant sell news paper with that, I dont know what can.....

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