Sunday, April 10, 2011

If you are a warmongering fascist that hates freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness then feel free to click thumbs down at anytime while reading this comment.


US soldiers could die in high numbers any day, anywhere in the world and it would barely make it to the news. When Bush was president - and rightfully so for the war contractors- the media was coerced into not reporting causalities "because it would hurt the war effort." We have lost over 8000 US soldiers over the past decade - in the middle eastern wars - and American public can't be bothered with such news - America is so sick of the lies being spewed by corporate bought and paid for politicians that they don't even pay attention anymore except for a few blips here and there - that our soldiers are still dying as well as the foreign citizens they are supposed to be protecting.

Take for instance yourself Jennifer you sure know what's going on in Charlie Sheen's life and dancing with the stars. I don't. I am paying attention instead to facts like this...

At least 919,967 people have
been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq
since the U.S. and coalition attacks, based on lowest credible estimates.

Sources and methodology are explained in the sidebar. Some questions about lower or higher casualty counts cited elsewhere are addressed in these footnotes. This page is updated about once monthly. Most recent update: Aug. 10, 2010.

Middle East War Facts from www unknownnews net/casualties.html

# Casualties in Afghanistan:
8,587 Afghan troops killed
25,761 Afghan troops seriously injured
8,813 Afghan civilians killed
15,863 Afghan civilians seriously injured
1,140 U.S. troops killed
3,420 U.S. troops seriously injured
772 Other coalition troops killed
2,316 Other coalition troops seriously injured
298 Contractors killed
2,428 Contractors seriously injured
19 Journalists killed
unknown Journalists seriously injured

19,629 Total killed in Afghanistan

48,644 Total injured in Afghanistan

# Casualties in Iraq:
30,000 Iraqi troops killed
90,000 Iraqi troops seriously injured
864,531 Iraqi civilians killed
1,556,156 Iraqi civilians seriously injured
4,414 U.S. troops killed
31,882 U.S. troops seriously injured
318 Other coalition troops killed
2.296 Other coalition troops seriously injured
933 Contractors killed 933
10,569 Contractors seriously injured
142 Journalists killed
unknown Journalists seriously injured

900,338 Total killed in Iraq

1,690,903 Total injured in Iraq

How you like them apples warmongers?

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