Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let's face it folks. We are not the beacon of human rights in the world. For our so-called leaders to point the finger at China they must ignore the debacle in the Middle East. It's not so easy anymore. Our country has been sullied with policies of torture, rendition, and the mistreatment of thousands of Arabs. Rather than worrying about the actions of the Chinese we should better spend our time focused on our own problems.Let's see,

China can arrest and hold without due process, imprison without charges brought forth, torture and execute in secret.

The US can arrest and hold without due process, imprison without charges brought forth, torture and execute in secret. OH YES, This is our patriot act that was written BEFORE 9-11.

I'm an American living in China for 5 years, and I feel much freer than in the US. The police don't lurk and wait for you to make a mistake. You can do just about ANYTHING if you don't hurt others, or if others don't complain about you. The one big no-no is publicly criticizing the government, but the people here know the score. This country has roughly 5 times the people of the US, but a very small fraction of the violent crime. I'm sure there are bad neighborhoods, but I have never felt afraid for my safety to go anywhere, at any time. Sure the government has it's faults, but they don't start wars all over the planet trying to push their agendas on other nations.

If it wasn't so sad it would be funny to note how China is becoming what the US used to be, and the US is turning into the evil place the our gov't used to say China was.

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