NATO! Don't play with Gadhafi .Gadhafi is not Sadam or Kharzai. Hi is Colonel and know The Art Of War. The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence under no circumstances can it be neglected. I truly belive that if military and political ieaders in recent times had studied this work of genius, Vietnam could not have happened as it happened.Boy, you've been studied Goebels "propaganda machine", didn't you?....
Few simple lies that you wrote to please your "bosses" in Paris,London and Washington:
" As the war between government and rebel forces ..."
TRUTH: As the war between Lybian Army and rebels, and bandits, and Mujahedeen, and France, and Britain and USA, and NATO....
"Western powers were Thursday throwing their energies into negotiating a solution..."
TRUTH: The only energy western powers throwing into is killing, regular army of souvereign country, civilians (oops!...well, collateral damage!), military suporting gang of traitors with very suspicious background, all in order to STEAL oil from - Lybian people!
"... NATO, acting under a UN mandate to protect civilians..." (!)
God, what an ugly manipulation with the facts! Read that mandate, MORON! What NATO is doing has NOTHING TO DO WITH "PROTECTING CIVILIANS"! Legitimate soldiers are NOT civilians! Besides, when those bandits attack areas with government control and kill civilians, WHAT IS NATO DOING ?!? Oh soryy...those are loyal citizens not "civilians"!...."No fly zone"???.... Not if you are Mujahedeen and fly MIG 25! Pfuii!!!
"Asked about the letter, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was dismissive.
"I don't think there is any mystery about what is expected from Mr. Kadhafi at this time," she told reporters.."
Expected by WHO , Madam??? By you and Gang of Thieves? Would you expect your government to surrender if other countries EXPECT THAT?!?...
"Speaking alongside visiting Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, she added: "There needs to be a decision made about his departure from power and as (the) foreign minister said his departure from Libya..."
Oh, listen those cowardly Italians! You guys, leave world politics alone and keep, singing your serenades! You still can't forgive Colonel Ghadafi for kicking your as..s out of Lybian soil!
andf I can go on, and on, and on....PROPAGANDA PUR (and naive, and stupid!)
Sehr gut gemacht, Herr Lamloum! Sig Heil!
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