NATO wants this thing to drag on and on. they want a stalemate they will accomplish 2 things by it.
1 keep the price of oil high for their buddies in the oil biz...
2 the longer it goes on , the excuse to put troops on the ground becomes more valid... at least in their corrupt, sleaxy minds.
or 3. they want to partition libya.And I suppose the 'rebel forces' don't go anywhere near their bum boys and comfort girls (or aren't they considered civilians) Then again, all rebels are considered civilians and all government forces thugs! What does that make NATO and UN forces, Mercenaries? Killers for hire! The whole UN NATO thing is a gigantic farce and the start of a land steal. Who controls the UN? The Security Council. Who is on the Security Council? Give you a hint, who were the major players initiating air strikes against the lawful government of Libya!
La ti da! Democracy (?) in action! Right!
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