Sunday, April 10, 2011

The USA with it's MK ULTRA, Tuskegee experiments, Guantanamo prisons, Cointelpro, and secret spying and harassment of innocent American citizens, water-boarding, blacklisting large groups of people such as blacks and 'gays, resemble Nazi Germany. We in the USA should keep quiet or admit to the shame of our own sins.Having read these comments I feel a lot better. I thought that the people of this country were sleeping. Now that we are all inagreement, what do we do to get the politicians to understand that we are Mad and want them to do the job that we have hired them to do. They seem to forget that they work for us.I have to agree with the Chinese here.

I mean, it's pretty ridiculous that the US has opened a huge Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC to essentially demonize the Germans and make itself look like the good guys, when the USA itself committed genocide against 10-15 Million Native Americans and enslaved some 30 Million people over the course of 300 years.

What if the Germans opened a huge Native American Genocide and American Slavery Museum in the middle of Berlin? How would we like it if they portrayed us this way?

The US needs to clean up its own house before telling others what to do.

We have over 2 million people locked up in prison. By far the highest incarceration rate on earth and we call ourselves "Land of the Free." It is no wonder people around the world are increasingly getting annoyed with America.

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